
Mar 4, 2018
its almost to the end ...she is starting to take back control ..she is a full partner in a company ..no more Jeremy or Liam no if she can just cut that traitorous dirt bag Andrew out of her life ...she will be free

Free of what though? The illusion that she was blackmailed or forced into degrading deeds before? Perhaps so but then now what once she is in full control and we go to chapter 2?

If we didn’t have blackmail or forced as catalyst for sex with other males, we only have slut mode ( oh he touch my nipple I am so wet instantly, oh how is he such a good kisser ) left for chapter 2. Vanilla sex seems almost Impossible at this point especially not for us pervts going into chapter 2

Edit - Anna will most than likely find herself in more blackmail / forced situations or just fuck anyone with a pulse like the hobo when chapter 2 comes.


Mar 4, 2018
Andrew deserves a painful death for his betrayal ...if Anna can not see that she is a fool ...........he lies about his gambling ,he lies in the biker bar and bolts like a coward when confronted ....he put Rebecca in danger ...Carl should kill him for that alone .......he double crossed SERGEI, nothing he can say or do can make up for what he has done ..
From Day 1 Andrew has been scripted by DS as completely useless . His sole purpose is his identity as her bf for Anna to cheat. he never had a chance of redemption . Then his role went from useless to now plain annoying and now DS is undecided on his final fate.

I feel there is a lack of planning in script... yes yes I know it’s always easier to complain then actual creating a game


Feb 10, 2018
It would pretty hilarious if Andrew woke up from his coma just to realize that he had a sex change surgery and Sergey and Carl paid for the surgery to the doctor secretly as a punishment for involving in Rebecca's kidnapping.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
It would pretty hilarious if Andrew woke up from his coma just to realize that he had a sex change surgery and Sergey and Carl paid for the surgery to the doctor secretly as a punishment for involving in Rebecca's kidnapping.
as i said earlier.... give the the traitorous little bastard an unwanted sex change and pimp him out for quarters ........you don't mess with someones family like he did


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
now that she is a full partner in the company .........she can quit the bar job if she wants but she probably wont .she may buy the bar or have sergei off the owner like Jeremy ....she can pursue the modeling /porn side if she wants ....... i see it like this
she takes over the bar Emily becomes the new waitress /stripper since she liked it so much .....and you know Rebecca is going to love the modeling/porn ......Anna can join in either when she gets bored ...see she truly can have it all money, fame, power , depraved sex , All on her own terms for a change
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Mar 26, 2020
Andrew deserves a painful death for his betrayal ...if Anna can not see that she is a fool ...........he lies about his gambling ,he lies in the biker bar and bolts like a coward when confronted ....he put Rebecca in danger ...Carl should kill him for that alone .......he double crossed SERGEI, nothing he can say or do can make up for what he has done ..
I'm going to be playing the devil's advocate here, not because I like Andrew (on the contrary), but because how amusing I find the one-sided approach you have. First, there is no evidence in the game that Andrew has any gambling addiction other than the word of that piece of shit, Ash (and we know how great a friend he is) Second, this whole situation with his betrayal and kidnapping is not as clear and obvious as it seems at first - we don't know exactly why Andrew did it but there is more than one moment when he says he had no choice and that he did it to save Anne. So it's possible that Fitzgerald wanted her ass (figuratively and literally) to get revenge for the drug deal he got fucked . We know he recognized her at the spa so there's a good chance that her life was in danger. So there's also a chance that Andrew somehow persuaded Fitzgerald to take Rebecca instead of Anna. Of course you can say that there were literally a hundred better solutions to this situation and you will be right - for that you have to thank Deep for making Andrew as stupid as possible ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
I'm going to be playing the devil's advocate here, not because I like Andrew (on the contrary), but because how amusing I find the one-sided approach you have. First, there is no evidence in the game that Andrew has any gambling addiction other than the word of that piece of shit, Ash (and we know how great a friend he is) Second, this whole situation with his betrayal and kidnapping is not as clear and obvious as it seems at first - we don't know exactly why Andrew did it but there is more than one moment when he says he had no choice and that he did it to save Anne. So it's possible that Fitzgerald wanted her ass (figuratively and literally) to get revenge for the drug deal he got fucked . We know he recognized her at the spa so there's a good chance that her life was in danger. So there's also a chance that Andrew somehow persuaded Fitzgerald to take Rebecca instead of Anna. Of course you can say that there were literally a hundred better solutions to this situation and you will be right - for that you have to thank Deep for making Andrew as stupid as possible ;)
Yes ash could be lying about the gambling , and i believed that he might be, until the bar when he flat out LIED to Anna that he knew nothing of Rebecca's whereabouts even when confronted with evidence .... the instant he refused to come clean it all falls into place ....deep in debt makes people do dumb things


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
Second, this whole situation with his betrayal and kidnapping is not as clear and obvious as it seems at first - we don't know exactly why Andrew did it but there is more than one moment when he says he had no choice and that he did it to save Anne. So it's possible that Fitzgerald wanted her ass (figuratively and literally) to get revenge for the drug deal he got fucked . We know he recognized her at the spa so there's a good chance that her life was in danger. So there's also a chance that Andrew somehow persuaded Fitzgerald to take Rebecca instead of Anna. Of course you can say that there were literally a hundred better solutions to this situation and you will be right - for that you have to thank Deep for making Andrew as stupid as possible ;)
why wouldn't Andrew go to Sergei or Micheal or Carl if Fitzgerald had threatened Anna ???? why give up Rebecca ?? NO the gutless little worm had an angle and he didn't expect Anna to catch him at it


Mar 26, 2020
Yes ash could be lying about the gambling , and i believed that he might be, until the bar when he flat out LIED to Anna that he knew nothing of Rebecca's whereabouts even when confronted with evidence .... the instant he refused to come clean it all falls into place ....deep in debt makes people do dumb things
Ok let's forget for a moment that Andrew probably has a higher body temperature than IQ. What could he tell her in such a situation?
"I wanted to take my revenge on Sergey and others for treating me like a retarded cousin, but the situation completely overwhelmed me cause you know I'm so smart and everything.My super intellect never foresaw one situation - Fitzgerald wants blood, your blood ,because you made him look like an idiot who bought a suitcase of some garbage just because he saw a pussy.Who could have foreseen this !!! But thanks to my tremendous cleverness I managed to convince him that Rebecca was worth more and to leave you alone - I know !! brilliant right? There is no chance now that you will start looking for her and both of you will fall into his hands. ''
That idiot really thought he was protecting Anna :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jan 7, 2020
Just one little fly in the ointment penis cranium Andrew has had a bad habit of disappearing and although nothing is straight forward we DO know he is a lying little sh 1 t and can't be trusted as his I.Q. is nowhere near as high as his body temp but still thinks he should be "The Man".
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Jun 24, 2017
[QUOTE = "Darkman_13, message: 4299837, membre: 696545"]

Le destin d'Andrew


J'ai donc besoin de votre aide pour décider quoi faire avec Andrew dans la prochaine mise à jour. Pensez-vous qu'il est préférable de le garder, de le faire rester à l'hôpital pendant un certain temps ou de se débarrasser de lui?

Choisis sagement :)

Laissez-le tel quel
17 voix

Faites-le rester à l'hôpital
203 voix

Se débarrasser de lui
151 voix

Andrew's fate


So I need your help to decide what to do with Andrew in the next update. Do you think it's best to keep him be, make him stay in the hospital for a while, or get rid of him?

Choose wisely :)

Leave him as it is
17 votes

Make him stay at the hospital
203 votes

Get rid of him
151 votes
will leave him, but Anna would tell him to punish him for seeing her cheating on him and he would accept so as not to lose her


Jun 24, 2017
[QUOTE = "Darkman_13, message: 4299815, membre: 696545"]
View attachment 842045

Mise à jour hebdomadaire

Bonjour, chers mécènes!

Mise à jour rapide sur la progression de la prochaine version.
Je travaille déjà sur la prochaine mise à jour après avoir terminé le Hard Exam 2. C'était ce dont j'avais besoin pour me détourner du jeu principal et cela m'a beaucoup aidé.
J'ai fini de réorganiser les scènes et de modifier les rendus de certaines scènes pour la mise à jour précédente comme je l'ai écrit plus tôt. Maintenant ça a un peu plus de sens, j'espère:)
Pour la prochaine mise à jour, j'aurai besoin de votre aide pour décider du sort d'Anna ou plutôt du sort d'Andrew après ce qui s'est passé avec lui à l'hôtel. Je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous veulent qu'il parte, mais en même temps, il doit être dans le jeu pour tricher. Je vais voter pour décider de ce qui va lui arriver.
Aussi, je me demande si je devrais faire un chapitre deux et faire une suite de l'histoire dans renpy. Qu'est-ce que tu penses?
Merci pour votre incroyable soutien. je t'aime:)

le quittera, mais Anna lui dirait de le punir de l'avoir vue le tromper et il accepterait pour ne pas la perdre


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Btw is it just me or does she now wears her more “stylish-sluttish” hair more than her original hair?
Don’t get me wrong I like these hair but I like her original her with the side braid just much more. (I really love braids personally)

but if the hair have to change I at least would like to see her new longer variant of hair which she is wearing in that wallpaper with the red dress. These fit her amazingly well and regarding her original braid hair length they make more sense.

it kinda always bothered me that she opens her hair before and they got short in length with levels in her hair she didn’t had before.

As for Andrew: I would love to see a scene where she rides Andrews room neighbour (who is ofc hopefully old) like crazy during Andrew just lying there in coma


Dec 17, 2017
I love how outdated Genre is.


Boyyy let's not forget Vaginal Sex, NTR, Incest, Double Penetration, Lesbian, Toys, Big Ass, Big Tits, Creampie, Exhibitionism, Groping, Interracial, Romance, Teasing, Footjob, Cosplay and I'm sure I'm still forgetting some. This game is legendary.
4.00 star(s) 135 Votes