
New Member
Apr 14, 2018
Got a problem, it say that it wont run unless i got a new Windows version like version 10 or better. Mine its version 8 so anyone else has had the same problem?.


Mar 7, 2019
Hi AntCDev, to fix create creation error: please replace line 1092 in to

Path = pathlib.Path( pathlib.Path() / "NPCData" / f"{Name}{ID}" ).resolve()

The os absolute path method bring back 'str', not 'Path'. The 'resolve' function converts to absolute while keeping as 'Path'.
Thank's man. Now i can save my character.


Dec 29, 2021
Man there's a lot of setup for this. Also no tooltips? I just have to guess on some things?
"Lewd Body Parts: V (Vagina) A (Anus?) B (Balls?) P (Penis) M (Mouth?)"

Also getting it to run would have been a fruitless endeavor if not for Usokitsuki on Page 1. Very very bad start is when you can't even get it to run right away.

Could be interesting if it didn't take so much ridiculous setup, and even after ALL of that, I still can't get it to run properly. Can't save characters, can't do anything but walk around empty areas, can't do nothing. This legit needs a lot of work (also tooltips. I shouldn't have to google what the fuck all the "Dere" types are. That's not just common knowledge people know).
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Active Member
May 5, 2018
I guess I got happy, because I made eight Also, I'm guessing save/load doesn't do anything yet. Continue works fine for me, so at least I can play the same save. Oh, and since random npcs is borked, I'm gonna try not using any.


Dec 28, 2018
So, I want to like this, it seems interesting, especially since you can make your own characters. I have a few problems. First, having each person actually set up the game to run is a bit.... interesting. I don't get how an executable couldn't have been included, unless it's because the game requires a file path to run? But then, why not just have the executable set to auto-detect the file path it's in? I'm no good with code, but I don't think it should be that difficult. Second, the actual character creator could use some description of what each thing actually does. Do traits actually affect any gameplay, or are they simply there to look nice? Third and final, what actions do what, and how do you actually get to do more with a character? If I want to raise a character's affection, I need both affection and reliability. Well, I know how to raise affection, but how do I increase reliability?

I think the game needs a bit more explanation than what we've got right now, but I am looking forward to what this game can do in the future.


Oct 19, 2017
As a Free Cities veteran the wall of settings for personality is actually really exciting, but the near total lack of structure means I am not even sure if there is real content to find, forget how to find it. After a much longer than average install process and about half hour of poking around I have barely gotten to the level of "Character X accepts/resists [insert action here] by character Y" with 3 status bars for pleasure, energy, and anger/stress responding to those actions, and only about a dozen relatively generic actions available for each character. I have tried and failed to make a character, and loading premade characters into the game has yet to let me actually find them. I consider myself fairly well equipped for this, and am making zero headway.

Being a first release the lack lack of content is basically a non-issue, but the rest badly needs to be made more user friendly. I don't even know what I am doing wrong to make most things not work.

There is currently next to zero story telling to the game, but presumably that will improve with later releases. There are things like a "Temple" and mention of "Paladins" in area names that imply things, but I have not found any actual lore/character dialogue/missions that elaborate on any of it.

TL:DR technically ambitious bare bones foundation which could support an incredibly detailed and complex mechanical system, but desperately needs story to make it interesting, and could really do with being packaged in a way that people who don't make their own games can easily run it.


Oct 19, 2017
I really really like the idea of this, I feel like there are a large number of ways this could be improved because the concept itself is really great.

  1. For one, the actual character creation could stand to be improved. While I wasn't actually able to save a character (It just kept saying "something went wrong") a quick glance at the files suggests that it's just a json file and an image file. So maybe something native that allows us to upload a set of images for that character could stand to be helpful. (aswell as fixing the whole, actually saving thing.
  2. Secondly, while I wasn't personally bothered by having to do the whole python assembly thing, it definitely presents a barrier to people who really aren't gonna do all of that. Free Cities had the same issue to me.
  3. Could just be for me, but I'd like it if there was a way to maybe make flavortext type relations to another character, like if I wanted to make a set of sisters it would be nice if the game could recognize those two characters as sisters.
  4. after I went to sleep everything broke.... kind of annoying.
Free Cities solved that by having skilled members of the community who would periodically post a compiled .html file that you could just run. I've only occasionally had to compile the git library myself. If this becomes as popular as FS was at its peak that will probably happen again.
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Oct 19, 2017
Man there's a lot of setup for this. Also no tooltips? I just have to guess on some things?
"Lewd Body Parts: V (Vagina) A (Anus?) B (Balls?) P (Penis) M (Mouth?)"

Also getting it to run would have been a fruitless endeavor if not for Usokitsuki on Page 1. Very very bad start is when you can't even get it to run right away.

Could be interesting if it didn't take so much ridiculous setup, and even after ALL of that, I still can't get it to run properly. Can't save characters, can't do anything but walk around empty areas, can't do nothing. This legit needs a lot of work (also tooltips. I shouldn't have to google what the fuck all the "Dere" types are. That's not just common knowledge people know).
I am an anime fan, and even I had to look up to make sure I wasn't getting them confused.
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New Member
Sep 20, 2022
How you can save your character?
1)open (i opened it with WordPad)
2) find Path = os.path.abspath( pathlib.Path() / "NPCData" / f"{Name}{ID}" )
3) change it on Path = pathlib.Path( pathlib.Path() / "NPCData" / f"{Name}{ID}" ).resolve()
Sorry for my bad English and i hope i guessed your question right.
thank you very much yes your english is good


New Member
Feb 3, 2019
Is it really that hard to even create a damn .exe file for the game? Or whatever the hell python uses?

I'm not downloading python and doing a bunch of CMD bullshit just to play a game that I am not even sure if there's any male on male shit or if it's just lesbian shit. I'd give you more slack because you are probably a newer game dev but this shit is kind of the first thing you do before posting a game online. You cannot expect the player to program the game for you.

Here's a tutorial if you somehow haven't learned this shit yet.


Dec 29, 2021
I am an anime fan, and even I had to look up to make sure I wasn't getting them confused.
I wouldn't say I'm really an "anime fan", I used to be but I barely watch anime nowadays that it's whatever to me. Not for or against it, I just don't consume it that much.

I only knew Tsundere since that's literally everywhere to the point where it's nearly mainstream "internet" knowledge, as well as Yandere purely because I watched someone play an early build of Yandere Simulator. Outside of those two (which I believe are the most common outside of anime), I legit had no clue on the others.

Such a weird option to put for your character creator, but I guess the dev really likes anime. *shrug*


Oct 18, 2019
Is it really that hard to even create a damn .exe file for the game? Or whatever the hell python uses?
I doesn't use exes. That's why I am criticizing the choice of language.
You always need some sort of python environment installed to run a program written in it. Any 'exe' files someone posts are just copies of the python environment that you need to manually download for this.
The dev not putting that in the base release is actually a good thing, since that way you won't have yet another duplicate sitting around on your disk.


May 16, 2018
I'll probably abandon this project until there's a more friendly way to run it where Satan isn't accidentally summoned. And of course after a bunch of bug fixes. It's just not the best start for this kind of game.


Apr 12, 2021
I tried to use it to make one but I kept getting errors
If it's giving you any errors when using the --standalone flag make sure all the file paths are relative. Hardcoded filepaths either for import or file creation are something PyInstaller and Nuitka don't like. Check and make sure you're also importing every necessary module for that individual Python script instead of leaving it up to to import it, because when it gets compiled it'll sometimes strip the context and the final program will look for module that it thinks don't exist. PyInstaller looks from your current active Python directory to bundle, so if you've installed a particularly labyrinthine PIP module that likes to make directories outside of that or you've got PIPs across multiple Python versions like 3.5, 3.7, and 3.11 it'll freak.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
Think I found a bug in the game. Your character moves around on their own. So, you can be interacting with an NPC, and suddenly you can't. Not because they moved, but because you moved. Somebody forgot to not include AI for the player character. Now, maybe this mistake is only when playing as a premade character? I haven't tested it the other way yet.
Edit: Problem seems to exist either way. Seemed less when not playing premade character though.
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