Oh, too bad. This still seems really interesting so I'll just hold onto the Python install until the dev makes a less overly-complicated installation process.
Edit: ...nevermind I got it installed and I'm in the character maker now.
Edit2: And it's not letting me save characters I make. Says all this crap about a character missing an attribute 'stat' when there's just no stats to fill in. Hell even loading in the pre-existing characters they can't actually be saved because they too are missing this invisible attribute 'stat' thing.
Edit3: Okay, thanks to Desteron's previous comment I've found out it why it won't save. And that's because the code for saving characters isn't properly set up, so that's also something you also have to manually fix. Even then you can't properly remove existing characters with the game itself, it just crashes, so you still have to go into character folders (aka npcdata) and delete them yourself. Leanne also might be the only NPC properly set up here. I'm seeing others with just a data.json file and a portrait, but Leanne001 has 4 more files, plus a _pycache_ folder with functions inside that.
Yeah man, this... isn't ready for the public.