- Dec 2, 2017
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On his patreon Sourjelly shares a thought about making a public demo of his new project Dungeon Sanctuary. I hope in a month or two we will see his new game)
Ah I'll have to try that next time I do a run of the game. I found it's really easy to beat the dogs if you strip completely and just allow her to get grabbed. If you mash out fast enough you should take way less damage and you have time to shoot them in the back as you get up. That's if you can't just drag them away from the other enemies since they have way farther detection range than basically any other enemy if I remember correctly. I do agree the trees are really annoying but the only level they show up in has a ridiculous amount of molotovs so as long as you use them strategically together with shooting down the lamps they are pretty easy to kill without using their weakness.Actually, even that one has ways to manage; the friendly giant lasts a lot longer if you make a beeline to the right and tie up the ranged guy, and his attacks are incredibly dodgeable so it's not that difficult either. Bonus, you'll be fighting right next to the ammo dump so you'll have plenty of access to all the bullets you'll need. By the time your friend goes down, you'll have either almost finished off the first form, or possibly even a good way through chunking down the second.
I will say I'm a little annoyed by the... I almost want to call them dogs, that run around on all fours. They have just a bit too much health to stop them once they've charged you, and they have a bad habit of pairing them with enemies that means you can't really take the time to jump over them, at least if you don't want to take other hits. But that's personal annoyance more than a design critique. Fast but dangerous to tie you up so slower things can reach you is kind of a classic for a reason.
Maybe highlighting the flower on the tree enemies; I only found out accidentally that you can kill them in one hit by knocking it off while they're still. It didn't seem obvious to me that it was any sort of weak point, as none of the enemies besides the second regular boss have a "hit them here to damage them" mechanic, so it didn't occur to me that a jump attack would hurt them while just shooting or hitting them on the ground did nothing.
Mm, it's what I ended up doing, it's just annoying to have to mash. And yeah, I used the molotovs a lot to get past the trees. My point is just that the game usually does a pretty good job of teaching you how a thing works both visually and with gameplay; that zombie with big arms is better at grabbing you and is tougher than the regular zombies, that one with an obvious defensive stance and bullet-ricochet noises is blocking your attacks and you should hit its exposed shins instead, the bosses that you can only hit in certain spots are either giant eyes that video games for decades have been training us to hit, or get a radio message explicitly calling out that you should shoot it in the face (though you're left to figure out how to make the face even appear on your own). It'd be nice if there was something in the game that told you knocking that flower off when they're trying to hide instantly kills them; I only found out in one of the secret levels when I went to shoot an enemy off the wall and hit the tree in the way instead.Ah I'll have to try that next time I do a run of the game. I found it's really easy to beat the dogs if you strip completely and just allow her to get grabbed. If you mash out fast enough you should take way less damage and you have time to shoot them in the back as you get up. That's if you can't just drag them away from the other enemies since they have way farther detection range than basically any other enemy if I remember correctly. I do agree the trees are really annoying but the only level they show up in has a ridiculous amount of molotovs so as long as you use them strategically together with shooting down the lamps they are pretty easy to kill without using their weakness.
Agreed the only other enemy the game doesn't teach you well enough about is that one shielded boss that you need to use their own traps to break. Luckily it if you fight that boss 2-3 times you should just get lucky enough to break the shield and if you pay attention as to why you should be able to beat it within the next few tries so it really isn't that bad.Mm, it's what I ended up doing, it's just annoying to have to mash. And yeah, I used the molotovs a lot to get past the trees. My point is just that the game usually does a pretty good job of teaching you how a thing works both visually and with gameplay; that zombie with big arms is better at grabbing you and is tougher than the regular zombies, that one with an obvious defensive stance and bullet-ricochet noises is blocking your attacks and you should hit its exposed shins instead, the bosses that you can only hit in certain spots are either giant eyes that video games for decades have been training us to hit, or get a radio message explicitly calling out that you should shoot it in the face (though you're left to figure out how to make the face even appear on your own). It'd be nice if there was something in the game that told you knocking that flower off when they're trying to hide instantly kills them; I only found out in one of the secret levels when I went to shoot an enemy off the wall and hit the tree in the way instead.
On the topic of modding however, despite what you say about this being an annoyingly hard game I would actually like something similar to hard mode from Resident Evil where the enemies stay the same but you have less ammo and supplies to get through the game with. I would find that a really fun challenge to puzzle my way through, figuring out where best to spend resources and the like. Might be fun to run through the game on normal to see where all the supplies are located around or what enemies might drop what when you kill them and plotting the most efficient route through the game on the hardest difficulty.SNIP
There's save file on the op post and some info around the thread, but how I did it was deleting the a_data file and copying the sections from The Save File like [Levels] and [1785] into the sections on your own save file.saves files?
These can be jumped over and are also supposed to have an instakill weakspot on their bums.I almost want to call them dogs
In that case I need to add a third thing to the list of "things the game doesn't make very clear." I always thought it dying when I shot in the butt to be because they were one shot from dying regardless.These can be jumped over and are also supposed to have an instakill weakspot on their bums.
I remember their death animation being the only hint. I got lucky and noticed it since I only had to shoot once as they were running away from me. Definitely something that could have been improved.In that case I need to add a third thing to the list of "things the game doesn't make very clear." I always thought it dying when I shot in the butt to be because they were one shot from dying regardless.
I will give it a runSNIP
I'd add two more instances where the game seemed unfair. Stage 4 Giant Girl escort mission was beyond frustrating for me at times. If you were not careful enough the game would throw literal hordes of zombies at you, defending yourself would become problematic, AND you'd need to protect the girl, so in a nutshell - you're f*cked (sry for the pun).The thing about anthophobia is that aside from 1 specific boss fight the entire game is made pretty easy so long as you learn how to deal with each of the enemies. Only unfair thing I can really remember even when playing on the hardest difficulty was the double boss fight since that fight seems to be pretty dependent on how long your friend survives since he's the only reason you can reasonably survive any amount of time. Getting double teamed by those two because he dies too fast is beyond frustrating.
and I don't think my original goal of 'balancing' a 'hard' game is all that thought through.The game is easy otherwise, but if you don't know what you're doing - the game will be hard on any difficulty.