Nea seems to me to be a very well-crafted character, in fact, she is possibly the most elaborated on an emotional level. The bad thing is that I'm not interested in a romance with her, so in my case her content is over. A shame, because her story was good, and I think the friendship could have worked well too.
On the other hand, I don't see NTR in this game, in fact there is nothing even remotely like NTR.
No, no there is not. Also agree on the Nea friendship working out, it would make a nice alternative for people who don't want to be with a trans character any further than that.
I don't care about trans people in a romantic sense and that's the only thing that really bothers me here.
We weren't given the choice.
Either we get into a romantic relationship with Nea, which I really don't like, or it happens like it came to the end of 0.6.
Why not a friendly relationship, that's probably something we'll never know.
This I have to agree on, being forced into one way with her or no way with her was a big mistake. We could serve as a friendly protector from the bullies and nothing more, no need to force any further and we still get Nea.
I can understand if people are not into Nea, we all have our own preferences. But I don't get why someone would hate her. It was really weird to me seeing people celebrating her death. Let's take away the whole gender thing. People were basically celebrating someone killing themselves after enduring years of being bullied. That is just bizarre to me.
Yeah, that was too far, as it would be for any character.
Thiking Luxee would make that 180° to NTR with Nea would require to really not have any faith in their skill. Even ignoring Nea's route, the whole writting tend to mostly be pretty realistic, and a lovestruck young trans girl suddenly going from absolute and deep love to "fuck you actually I'm stealing all your girls" would make absolutement nosense whatesoever on top of being deeply unrealistic...
But then again, I doubt transphobic people would care about that since recognizing it would strip them of an argument. Which is both sad and pathetic, in my opinion.
At least I'm glad to see some people come out of the shadow with respectful opinions even while not liking Nea.
I'm not saying everyone should love her. We all have different tastes. But there's a world between "I don't like her" and "He shouldn't fucking exist, I fucking love killing his gay ass".
Good on you, people. You're good eggs.
They hate her because of transphobia. Sadly a lot of people can't accept a world not comprised of 1s and 0s, male and female only. And I'm not even gonna mention those who grew up in deeply religious backgrounds. That's a whole otehr can of worms.
I sadly don't have the link anymore, but someone around these parts linked (in another thread) a very interesting video of a trans woman talking about why dating, or even having sex with a trans woman doesn't mean the guy is gay. And as she was saying, sadly a very big number of guys can't wrap their heads around it. Or won't. Some don't even want to try, after all.
That's human nature for you. It's easier to show hate and agression towards shit you don't understand rather than take a few minutes to think about it.
I don't know the timing of the update that brought the bad end, but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that was Luxee's answer to transphobic and hateful comments about a character that, obviously, Luxee loved very much (pretty obvious seeing the care and deppth of her writing).
Considering how many other developers there are that actually would pull that, I would not discount a lack of faith in Luxee. PL was one of my first games on this site, so I have had the time around Luxee's work to build that faith. I know he won't pull it, but some people won't give any developer a chance if there is disliked content potentially getting involved.
That would honestly make it even more incomprehensible.
Fuck her in the ass or she jump?
That's not how you deal with transphobia and that's not how you get people to really deal with it.
Since the earlier course of the story with the dislike by her father and the bullying at school was the far better way.
Actually, yeah. What this approach is saying is 'it's my way or no way' and while I can respect a developer's decision, I won't say I can agree with this specific one. There is a middle ground option, it just needs developing to exist.
No, what I meant was that, I wouldn't be surprised, seeing the amount, and mostly intensity of the transphobic backlash, Luxee had put an extreme end to Nea's route as a sort of "Ho yeah, you hate different people that much ? You happy now ? After all, you're saying she doesn't deserve to exist, right ?" type of reaction.
Not saying it's the right reaction to have... but as a hotblooded person who tend to get very pissed very fast when I see those comments, I can understand the mental track needed to get to that.
But I could also be wrong. I'm just theorizing, since it seems to me that Luxee deeply love Nea's character.
I could see it and I am on the side of it not being the right reaction here. Reacting this way is a good way to lose players, and not just the ones that the move was targeting. A calm reaction where a middle ground option was offered would have been better.
I think that now that Nea and the mc are in a relationship and her father seems like he won't stop being an asshole. She should just move in with the mc.
I mean, that is the logical conclusion. Nea is under threat of being bullied and is potentially under threat in more places than just the school, so for protection, moving in with the MC makes sense. This could be applicable regardless of being in a relationship as well, meaning it would work both for the current romantic path and for a potential middle ground friendship path.
I honestly don't see how the NTR could fit into Nea's story, unless another character who is interested in her romantically shows up. To think that Nea is going to steal the LIs from the MC seems absolutely silly to me.
Here a famous soccer player was dating (a year or so) a famous trans woman, and he is perfectly heterosexual (he later married several times and has had several children).
I don't know, I personally don't like any of the options he's brought up: Her jumping is sad and certainly has to have a negative impact on the story. But I'm also not interested in romance (and, obviously, the sex scenes that go along with it). As the sex scenes with Nea aren't going to be to my liking, I prefer the first option out of sheer practical decision: As I say, she is a fictional character, and as sad as what happens, I prefer to avoid romance and sex scenes.
It literally can't, not logically, but some people see a second dick as a chance for it, trans character or not.
I won't lie, I am also kind of unsatisfied with the 'take it or leave it' style approach with no compromise for those of us willing to play a non-romantic Nea path.
And that's why I'm honestly concerned.
Nea is a polarizing character, without question, but when you look at the admittedly short description of the game and the tags, I really wonder if everything that was/is "promised" to us here is true.
Whether it is the right way to make Nea the main character, who has to be romanticized, is in my opinion neither fair to the game nor to the users and also not to the fictional character of Nea and the people she represents in the game.
At some point in 0.7 we will see where this leads and then I will consider whether I want to continue along this path or whether it will end there for me.
Would be a shame because I really liked the game but where it looks like where it is going is not for me.
This is most definitely giving Nea the short end of the stick here. Not only is there another dick in the game, but the character it is attached to is basically required. Not a good approach, it would be the same as making Yui required, which means people not wanting to be romantic with a character like her would be in the boat that people who don't want to be romantic with Nea are in now.
The way it is now, those of us that don't want to get romantic with Nea have to watch Nea end up dead or we have to get romantic. Being forced to avoid a character entirely just so we don't have to romance said character is completely unfair.
If this is the way it is going to be, I am going to have to consider this game dead to me. We'll see where it leads next update.
Of course I know that.
But that doesn't change the fact that Nea has mutated into the main character here and I don't think that does the game justice.
Why the slow building relationships with the sisters, with the "black beauty" or very slowly with Mom, when it feels like everything is being thrown overboard for Nea and the remaining characters are downgraded to side actors?
It just feels wrong, at least to me.
It doesn't, it forces players into content they may want to avoid, which in a game like this is bad. Especially when there are so many other characters getting thrown under the bus specifically for the one character that might just be the one people want to skip.
This definitely feels wrong, like Luxee is intentionally making players go through Nea romantically. That's literally the same thing as making players go through Yui romantically, but there's one difference, Yui doesn't have this much focus, barely any in fact. Not even the player character's own family has as much focus as Nea and it is hurting the game severely.
I think the main "problem" with the game is that the updates are very small so you can only progress the story with a few characters. There has been a huge focus on Nea but I am sure all the other characters will get the same love in future updates.
Maybe, but the evidence is, honestly, not looking too good in favor of that. As it stands, the evidence supports the potential that Luxee is putting this amount of focus on Nea intentionally at the expense of every other character in the game. We'll see in future updates.
The forced choice between love interest or corpse is jarring to a lot of the players, many of whom don't want to romance Nea, yet didn't want to see her die. Yes, there are transphobes here. There's also some of Nea's fan's who fetishize their transexuality a bit too much, and it seems like it's become an obsession to them that goes a little too far to the point of not accepting any criticism related to the game or the character.
I don't wish Nea any harm in the game. I just don't want to interact with them as anything more than platonic friends. I also have no desire to see her sucking a cock, which was posted just as much to troll and try to start an argument as it was to celebrate the character. You don't really see random blowjob pictures posted from cis-female characters in these threads, especially unspoilered. Or at least I don't. I'm curious what made this different in the original poster's mind, other than the afore-mentioned trolling.
I agree, especially on the two sides of the issue. Both sides have radical elements that won't hear anything that doesn't support their side. That said, there are more understanding members of the player base here as well who are willing to accept middle ground opinions.
The forced choice was jarring to me as well. I don't want to bring harm to Nea and, as it is now, that's exactly what it feels like when I decline romance. It makes me feel like I'm the one who caused Nea's death, which is a freaking awful feeling that DOES make me consider not playing at all sometimes. I think I might be starting to associate Nea's death with playing the game in general and, by extension, the bad feeling that comes with that death.
I'll add my shouts into the void.
I liked Nea as a person but did not want to romance her. By the time the fatal option came up I was also feeling like it would be kind of wrong to romance Nea. It was clear that she had latched on to the MC as her savior and the only one to understand her. She put so much on this one person that it became an unhealthy infatuation. Starting a romantic relationship with someone that is so fragile feels wrong to me. To top it off, I wouldn't know how much Nea loved MC vs loved the first person who stood up for her and treated her like a human being. It all honestly felt wrong to me on a psychological level. I wanted Nea to be MC's friend. To feel that MC and his apartment were a safe place for her to learn about herself and to feel okay. I did not want her to mix safety with a need to give out sex.
I really hope Luxee goes back and gives MC an option to calm Nea down and convince her that it's okay to just be friends.
I'm not even sure I could romance Nea as a cis female, it just feels like I'm manipulating Nea through some sort of rescuer/rescued dynamic. Like I'm taking advantage of the result of rescuing Nea from the bullying and all that. I mean, if anything goes wrong in a romantic relationship with Nea, who knows what could result, maybe even Nea dying anyway. Nea is just that fragile at the moment, like one push could be another bad end.
I don't want to be that one final push.