That is too bad. Apartment 96 was quite an interesting diversion from the usual around here, and I found it quite spicy despite the slowness of the scenes, or perhaps because of it. I also quite liked it's unique graphical style.
It seems like >50% of the games I really like around here become abandoned after around 2 years of development. Some I've donated to. It is easy to say that some games just don't get enough donations, but half of the games that get abandoned are making thousands a month, so I don't think it is entirely due to the funding.
It is probably 2 things. Some devs start it as a labor of love, but get discouraged after lack of support for all their hard work, and just drop it, since it isn't worth it to them financially to push themselves to continue. Plus, these are often team efforts, so a hundred or so a month doesn't really encourage every team member to stick with it, and they drift away to other things. This is, I am sure, the case with Apartment 96, and lots of the small time, but quite good games that get abandoned these days.
Other devs are purely in this for the money, and have no loyalty to their many fans, or become that way once the cash starts rolling in, and they realize that financially, the best option is to drag it out as long as possible, pretending to work on it, and they can get paid for 5 minutes a month creating a Patreon post about how they are hard at work, but their computer died, lost their job, etc, etc. Of these devs, those that are especially conscientious might even release a 5 minute update every 12 months or so. This is the cliff of false development for these games. Milfy City is the penultimate example, but many more are joining this group in spirit, like Ecchi Sensei, WVM, and (haha suckers) Radiant.
It seems that devs that release regular updates ever 1-3 months, complete their games in a reasonable time frame, and then move on and make another game, are becoming rarer and rarer around here.