Vhaerun — yesterday 16:23 Uhr
Hey y'all.
I've explained my situation to Ybw and TDF, but wanted to give you guys an update.
Without going into a huge amount of detail, the business I am working at is getting sold. I'm high-tailing it out of this town and probably into another state (I'm in the US, btw). While some people can do something like this easily, my interconnectedness to this business and this city means this is a long process. I'm not sure how long to be exact. For me, the sooner the better. I'm done with this place.
We're going to keep the patreon payments suspended indefinitely. When things get back to normal, we'll be sending out messages, announcements, and such several weeks beforehand to let people know when they will be restarted.
I want to personally thank each of you for your patience. I never thought I'd be leaving my home like this.