Ren'Py Apocalust [psychodelusional] Discussion Thread

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
Man the sooner you stop pledging after missed promises and the more people to do the same, the faster we will get an update as the author will be more incentivized to deliver.
It doesnt work that way. I mean look at MILFY City....
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New Member
Oct 29, 2018
So you gave the guy 60$ just for shits and giggles and empty promises . No porn game regardless of how good renders are should cost as much as a AAA game that offers storytelling mechanics and hours upon hours of gameplay.
I will agree with you on this, especially if you buy a game like this on Steam or another platform and also to stop before you spend to much money as a patron, when you don't get the benefits, that your pledge grants you or you just want to support the dev with a certain amount.
Will say this first, the money someone is willing to spend on a dev and empty promises depends on each individual.

In hindsight, i should have stopped earlier, that i can admit.

As far as my own take on being a patron is. It’s more like an investment without any monetary gains or seen as an appreciation of the work someone does.
Depending on developer and pledge, you are also able to influence parts of the game or get benefits, which aren’t public, if they are not shared ;).
If someone thinks, that these benefits are worth it, then you can spend a lot more than just one AAA game in a month for a developer.
But this is then again in the region of spending your money as you want, that’s what everyone needs to decide for themselves.

The only issue that i see, that thanks to devs like him, fewer projects will get support, which actually could need it.

Also, please keep in mind, that is my take as someone, who is knowingly spending money on devs, so it’s a risk either way, it just depends on how long and with how much you are willing to support them.
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New Member
Oct 29, 2018
Man the sooner you stop pledging after missed promises and the more people to do the same, the faster we will get an update as the author will be more incentivized to deliver.
In this case i saw a drop of patrons, but these were already in the 1$-Tier, so he didn't loose much. Here, the ones with a higher Tier have to stop supporting him, before something really would change, at least that's my take. Since they will be, probably "loyal" fans, it will take more time for them to stop supporting.
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Sep 25, 2017
Tis with a heavy heart I must unwatch this thread.

Really enjoyed Dark Neighborhood and how different it was. Was excited about this game's potential but it seems - like many devs - he bit off more than he could chew with his follow up. Way more.

Hope to see it on the Latest Updates tab someday. Til then, stay frosty you sick fucks. <3


Jan 29, 2018
This thread still has people with hope... Im first time commenting here but I have seen long history of this thread. Dudes need to get that post nut clarity, cancel patreon support and Im dead ass sure if dev actually has anything to release, he would release it within a month. He is milking you like cows you fools. Check how much average nowadays game costs. Compare it to money any of you spent on 'supporting' withing last 6 months, 12 months, 2 years. And the initial release didnt even come out yet, not the full game, not a full product. Talking in circle in this thread. Just like 'A wife and a mother' thread. Wake up guys.


Oct 21, 2019
The thing that i don't get is ...
This whole post is about how there is nothing produced by this dude. But there still some strange people that get in from time to time and leave a comment how they believe and have hope that this "game" will come out :)
It's like they don't read anything in here ...

And that "trailer" thing! Whats with that! Why on earth someone needs a new trailer about something that supposed to be out already! You have some renders done in a day ... you have some shitty trailer ... and you need another shitty trailer now ??? not the product itself ... just more trailers :)
How about some more renders done in a day ? Is that cool ? :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Aite Im going to be completely honest with you guys, I really was not expecting this dude to do this again lmao

El lechoso 05

New Member
Mar 6, 2020
In my opinion I feel that it has taken too long to launch it and in all that time it has many people supporting it, but I think it is too much to be just the or beginning of the game / novel. it's just my humble opinion xd :whistle:


Active Member
Jul 27, 2017
This should become a discord shitposting like thread cuz the game is just a scam, the cash this dev is making should be enough to hire an artist once a month to make some wallpapers to the stupid patreon jackasses paying for it, and for some food and living expenses nothing more...


Jul 7, 2017
This should become a discord shitposting like thread cuz the game is just a scam, the cash this dev is making should be enough to hire an artist once a month to make some wallpapers to the stupid patreon jackasses paying for it, and for some food and living expenses nothing more...
Implying it's not already a shit-posting thread
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