Thoughts on this game so far:
1. Nicely dark, creepy "modern gothic" conception, with dim lighting, psycho-destabilization and menacing automata. Who is fully human?
2. The notional MC (Aiden) is not really the MC - a guy undergoing a heavily pervy early-onset midlife crisis - the focus, diffuse as it is, is the array of females, fantasies, temptations and nightmares. On the edge of a nervous breakdown.
3. Mainly excellent artwork. Artistic quality high. (A few exceptions, such as the Preview pic 7 posts up from here. Unless that is meant to be a broken doll, skin a bit oversmoothed and back dislocated! :O But physical consistency is the hardest measure in computer games, VNs and comics.)
4. Generally appealing/scary/beguiling characters (the female ones - whereas the notional MC is a bit dry, doubtless intended that way.) Despite the androidish maid who knows too much and is too human/demonic for comfort, Olivia is clearly the most unsettling and compelling character. The slightly misaligned, distant, semi-automaton eyes, the wild child aura, the siren.
5. Best episode so far (for me) is the dream/nightmare sequence in the train. Very "Paul Delvaux with added steam[punk]".
6. On the downside is the lack of transparency. The hidden game files, the inability to save & load as you wish, it is as if the player too (like Aiden) is being taken for a slightly spooky dark ride. And why a specific starter/driver, "stdrtex.exe", that is nowhere explained, justified or mentioned? Very off-putting, for the game as a whole. Do I want to continue if kept so secretly in the dark? is not just a question for Aiden, I fear.