Just finished the demo playing as a male MC, and here are some of the problems and suggestions.
1. Days till next fight gets bugged, shows wrong number (E.g. It's Sunday but shows '2 days to next fight.')
2. Infiltration(mini game/game mode) doesn't progress, at one point on the line it had an arrow pointing at two nodes as if I was at two nodes at the same time. Doesn't matter how many fights I win, I am always fighting enemies from node 1. During the first 2 weeks (before 2nd enemy) I remember I escaped but got rewards and I remember progressing. At some point I was 'defeated' and afterwards I was shown a screen saying 'ESCAPED' and the bug resulted from that scenario.
3. Game just crashes upon entering any zone; one time I reloaded the game 5 time and upon entering nova lounge it crashed my game every single time (may be has to do with de-sync with days being tracked by the game?)
4. Too often entering a new zone or several steps after entering a zone there is stutter lagg.
5. Gift bug, Elona was asking me for kebab and I had one in inventory from a previous day and on the next event she requires a kebab the game does not prompt her to accept it and ignores me having in my inventory (I tried selling it and trigger another event on another day. When new gift event triggered I had no kebab in inventory. I purchased a new kebab, and spoke to Elona and she didn't recognize that I had a kebab. The bug was continuous/permanent.
6. Chat bubble shows up near characters, but pressing 'spacebar' doesn't trigger 'chat.' It's almost as if the chat bubble display range and chat activation range are different or get messed up when MC collides with an object.
1. Clear label/display in the menu of the current day of the week
2. Create another bar for 'Level' to be displayed in menu. At the end of the day there is one, but not in the menu?
3. Slightly decrease 'hold to confirm actions' (e.g. selling/buying/opening doors/loading game) it feels a bit too long.
4. Currently there is only 'one' speed when moving from location A to B. If you do implement two different speeds, can the current 'spring' be increased by 25% - 33%. It feels a bit slow atm. (After finishing the game I enable 'dash always ON' and I noticed you walk/sprint about 50-100% faster in the street zone with the GYM/Convenience Store. In no other zone did MC move/spring faster. Looks like spring exists in the game but it's on a zone to zone basis?)
Game is amazing, looking forward to future updates.