4.10 star(s) 20 Votes

Sylver Games

Evil. Never. Dies!!!!! \m/
Game Developer
Jun 29, 2020
Hi guys,

I was speaking with a fan through a DM in Discord today and he warned me about an issue with the hidden corruption points of the game.

It seems that at some decisions, if a player doesn't have enough corruption points accumulated, the game doesn't execute the option the player chooses (as it's logical). In its place the game shows the scene that match his accumulated points without warning him about the need to obtain more points in order to follow the initially selected option.

I want to inform you that I'm going to correct that 'mistake' lowering the demand for corruption points needed for certain decisions/scenes, not just because it fits better the flow of the game, but because it's better for future updates.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

P.S.: that change doesn't affect your saves. You don't need to worry


Jul 29, 2019
The more I think about it the less sense the Jacob scene makes, at least in the 'clean route'.

If you reject him the night before, tell him you don't want to meet, and dress casually because she has no interest in impressing him why would she just randomly fuck him like that?, she even mentions at one point that she doesn't find him attractive. If it's for revenge against Frank then that's a terrible reason for fucking someone (especially her first time) and makes Ari seem childish and petty. If the scene is absolutely needed then it'd be nice if she could at least regret it afterwards and tell him it was a mistake.

If she's desperate to lose her virginity than I'm sure she would have had plenty of opportunities for that with her sex obsessed boyfriend.

As for Jacob being a better guy than Frank then... yeah, sure he is, that's not much of a competition, but he's still an asshole. After the party she's drunk and crying after having a fight with her boyfriend and Jacobs first instinct is to do the r/niceguy routine ("he's such an asshole, I'd never treat you like that") and hit on a drunk and emotionally fragile girl who also happens to be his brothers girlfriend.

There's a couple of other area's where the players choices are basically ignored. When the creepy middle aged neighbour pervs on her sunbathing, if you choose to go back inside she later regrets not teasing him and agrees to clean his house so she'll get another opportunity. If you tell off the boss at the clothes store for being a creep she should continue to do so instead of just accepting it the next time he won't shut up about her 'sexy body'. It would also be nice to be able to tell the incredibly manipulative cousin to back of a bit as well.

I understand this is a porn game, and as such needs sex and sexy situations, but a game having options and not respecting what the player chooses and which story threads to pursue just leads to frustration and would probably be better off with no choices at all (would be much easier to make as well).

Despite all that I do really like this game, and has even inspired me to maybe attempt my own at some point, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. I'm going to shut up now.
I'll try to put all this into perspective.

Sylvie started out, telling her "memoirs" as it were. She was very clear about that, in the first line of her overview:
"...a visual novel based in part on the real life experiences of its creator, and her acquaintances."

Almost immediately, some players started complaining that they didn't like the way the story was going. They wanted "choices" added, so they could (in effect) 'write HER life story, themselves'. She tried to do that. She added a bunch of fictional alternatives. Now, people are complaining that the fictional parts that were demanded, don't add up to the factual story that was being told in the first place. Those complaints make absolutely no sense.

You've even gone on to say that the story would be better WITHOUT the choices, just as it was, initially.

It's as if people want a story tailored to their own personal needs, without having to learn coding, graphic arts, and literary procedures, themselves (or commissioning someone to do it for them). I don't understand what people think they're 'entitled' to. The author offered it here, herself, FOR FREE!

I applaud your desire to try to create your own project. Be forewarned, though: If you publish it, be ready for a LOT of critical, even mean-spirited comments, and very, VERY little 'thanks'. Good luck to you (in all sincerity). Developers are to be respected and admired, in my opinion.

I find "Arizona" to be a fascinating story, without all the added fiction. Having supported from v0.01, I can guess which new parts are true, and which are added fictional "choices". For me, it's now a "game" to deduce the real story, and ignore the nonsense.

And, it's still fun! Thank you, Sylvie!
(her Patreon link is in the OP on page 1)


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
I'll try to put all this into perspective.

Sylvie started out, telling her "memoirs" as it were. She was very clear about that, in the first line of her overview:
"...a visual novel based in part on the real life experiences of its creator, and her acquaintances."

Almost immediately, some players started complaining that they didn't like the way the story was going. They wanted "choices" added, so they could (in effect) 'write HER life story, themselves'. She tried to do that. She added a bunch of fictional alternatives. Now, people are complaining that the fictional parts that were demanded, don't add up to the factual story that was being told in the first place. Those complaints make absolutely no sense.

You've even gone on to say that the story would be better WITHOUT the choices, just as it was, initially.

It's as if people want a story tailored to their own personal needs, without having to learn coding, graphic arts, and literary procedures, themselves (or commissioning someone to do it for them). I don't understand what people think they're 'entitled' to. The author offered it here, herself, FOR FREE!

I applaud your desire to try to create your own project. Be forewarned, though: If you publish it, be ready for a LOT of critical, even mean-spirited comments, and very, VERY little 'thanks'. Good luck to you (in all sincerity). Developers are to be respected and admired, in my opinion.

I find "Arizona" to be a fascinating story, without all the added fiction. Having supported from v0.01, I can guess which new parts are true, and which are added fictional "choices". For me, it's now a "game" to deduce the real story, and ignore the nonsense.

And, it's still fun! Thank you, Sylvie!
(her Patreon link is in the OP on page 1)
You cannot please everyone, no matter what a Dev tries, there will always be someone unhappy with it. I'm not a fan of Dev's changing their work to suit the masses (unless of course it's a change in favour of something I want) but there are times when it's actually better in the long run.

I think part of the "problem" is Devs going into a game without a clear picture of what they want (other than to make $$) and then giving into the desires of the masses. I think Sylvie has been pretty good at sticking to her story and most changes have been improvements to the game experience, like removing the choice on uniform at the start which was impossible anyway. As much as I like the options on various routes etc, I think Sylvie needs to stick to her story and not cater to every whim of people complaining or asking for stuff.

Sometimes change is needed though because the Dev starts with a really bad idea and needs to rework it, like second girls happiness, where all the LI's where totally hated and irredeemable from the start, so he's had to rework it. Some changes like Frank aren't truly needed but do make it better. There are a lot of people here, myself included, that hate Frank and wanted the option to get rid of him. I don't think I demanded it, but I did tell Sylvie it would be nice to have. Honestly I think back at the time if Sylvie had said No and she's sticking to only the cannon story of what happened I probably would have walked away or at least stopped supporting the game. Now I probably wouldn't. I'm still not truly happy with how it worked out, but not complaining and not demanding or asking for change. Even so I'm trying to play following her story even if it means seeing stuff I don't like or enjoy.

TLDR' Dev's need to get a clear picture of what they want and stick to it, and not listen to every demand for something but also not dismiss every criticism or suggestion. Sylvie is doing a great job of it.


Skin as brittle and thin as dry rice paper
Jan 12, 2020
You cannot please everyone, no matter what a Dev tries, there will always be someone unhappy with it. I'm not a fan of Dev's changing their work to suit the masses (unless of course it's a change in favour of something I want) but there are times when it's actually better in the long run.

I think part of the "problem" is Devs going into a game without a clear picture of what they want (other than to make $$) and then giving into the desires of the masses. I think Sylvie has been pretty good at sticking to her story and most changes have been improvements to the game experience, like removing the choice on uniform at the start which was impossible anyway. As much as I like the options on various routes etc, I think Sylvie needs to stick to her story and not cater to every whim of people complaining or asking for stuff.

Sometimes change is needed though because the Dev starts with a really bad idea and needs to rework it, like second girls happiness, where all the LI's where totally hated and irredeemable from the start, so he's had to rework it. Some changes like Frank aren't truly needed but do make it better. There are a lot of people here, myself included, that hate Frank and wanted the option to get rid of him. I don't think I demanded it, but I did tell Sylvie it would be nice to have. Honestly I think back at the time if Sylvie had said No and she's sticking to only the cannon story of what happened I probably would have walked away or at least stopped supporting the game. Now I probably wouldn't. I'm still not truly happy with how it worked out, but not complaining and not demanding or asking for change. Even so I'm trying to play following her story even if it means seeing stuff I don't like or enjoy.

TLDR' Dev's need to get a clear picture of what they want and stick to it, and not listen to every demand for something but also not dismiss every criticism or suggestion. Sylvie is doing a great job of it.
Between you, me and the digital trees, scuttle bug is that this has already been said to the dev and things are being reconsidered so that the dev can tell the awesome story they want to tell in the first place. The thing is in this age of covid making money from home has become very important and I think the side tracking was in order to attrack more fans and patrons. Can you blame the dev? I don't.
The Problem is the prejudiced against Female protagonist games.

Sylver Games

Evil. Never. Dies!!!!! \m/
Game Developer
Jun 29, 2020
As you know, I opened a Subscribestar account two weeks ago, but seems that they have a lot of work and the account is not active yet (it's under review).

I have sent an email to the Subscribestar support team asking for answers but I have not obtained any response yet.

I will inform of the moment that it is approved for all those who have interest in supporting the game through Subscribestar.

Thank you!

Lola Adjani

May 28, 2018
You cannot please everyone
It's difficult to find a statement more true!

I think part of the "problem" is Devs going into a game without a clear picture of what they want (other than to make $$)
That was not the case here, I can assure you. "Arizona" is a story that was mapped out from start to finish, before the first graphic image existed. Sylvie told me at the start that she didn't expect to be paid. She started this project because she loves telling her story. She fully intended to continue through to the planned conclusion. Of course, unforeseen circumstances have added some urgency to her seeking out alternate sources of income. The global pandemic has everyone on edge, but the news from Spain, earlier today has EVERY Spanish citizen on 'pins and needles'. Spain is truly in crisis, and nobody knows what will happen next. The Spanish economy is in danger of total collapse, at any moment.

I think Sylvie has been pretty good at sticking to her story . . . (she) needs to stick to her story and not cater to every whim of people complaining or asking for stuff.
She reads every comment here, but also remembers to ask her supporters what THEY think. So far, so good.

Some changes like Frank aren't truly needed but do make it better. There are a lot of people here, myself included, that hate Frank and wanted the option to get rid of him. ( . . . .) I think back at the time if Sylvie had said No and she's sticking to only the cannon story of what happened I probably would have walked away
An unfortunate fact every author has to face. Personally, I miss good old fashioned "page turning", where you read the story that was written, without having to decide for yourself how it should be told.

Now I probably wouldn't (walk away).
BRAVO! (brava? I can't tell your gender from your writing style) :)

I'm still not truly happy with how it worked out, but not complaining and not demanding or asking for change. Even so I'm trying to play following her story even if it means seeing stuff I don't like or enjoy.
If you ever find a story that suits you 'perfectly', you'll be the FIRST! hahaha

TLDR' Dev's need to get a clear picture of what they want and stick to it, and not listen to every demand for something but also not dismiss every criticism or suggestion. Sylvie is doing a great job of it.
Sylvie has done some very good work on her own, but she now has a group of well respected devs offering solid advice. Why? Because she truly is a good, decent, kind, loving, compassionate (okay, okay, I'm heavily biased), compassionate person! :)
I just love her . . . ALL of her friends say the same.

Sorry about the long post, but you wrote a lot of interesting things. Thanks for playing and supporting!
(and, thank YOU, Sylvie! You're learning more with every update! Keep up the great work!)

Sylver Games

Evil. Never. Dies!!!!! \m/
Game Developer
Jun 29, 2020
I'm speechless with all the GREAT things I'm reading here about me and the game!!! Thank you so much for all your kind words!!!

On a side note: yep, Spain is turning into a hell on earth lately, not only because of the pandemic thing, but about the political and economic crisis. No job is safe right now and, yep, we need other incoming sources. :confused:
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
I'm speechless with all the GREAT things I'm reading here about me and the game!!! Thank you so much for all your kind words!!!

On a side note: yep, Spain is turning into a hell on earth lately, not only because of the pandemic thing, but about the political and economic crisis. No job is safe right now and, yep, we need other incoming sources. :confused:
Don't believe a word of it, it's all lies. Damn lies, I tell you.

I never said anything nice about you or the game and you can't prove otherwise, How dare you impugn my character with these baseless accusations.


Feb 11, 2019
If anyone is using Joker leaders Mod, my anti virus detected a trojan in file: D:\Games\Arizona-0.06-Joker Leader MOD.rar
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Lola Adjani

May 28, 2018
Haha, I was just coming to say the same thing. Yay!

Took them long enough.
The interesting thing is that in the email correspondence, SubsccribeStar not only wanted Sylvie to confirm that she was the CREATOR, but also that she actually has artistic TALENT.

She sent them a screenshot of her desktop as she was developing a scene for the next update.
A VERY short time later, SubscribeStar had 'switched on the lights' and 'flung open the doors'.

Huge respect now for SubscribeStar!

I think I'll scan all my preschool drawings and see if Patreon will give me an account. (Well, they probably won't let me include the one of the horse I drew, after visiting the farm).

(I don't remember doing most of those drawings, but apparently I saw a stallion with an erection. Patreon might consider that drawing "bestiality")
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
The interesting thing is that in the email correspondence, SubsccribeStar not only wanted Sylvie to confirm that she was the CREATOR, but also that she actually has artistic TALENT.

She sent them a screenshot of her desktop as she was developing a scene for the next update.
A VERY short time later, SubscribeStar had 'switched on the lights' and 'flung open the doors'.

Huge respect now for SubscribeStar!

I think I'll scan all my preschool drawings and see if Patreon will give me an account. (Well, they probably won't let me include the one of the horse I drew, after visiting the farm).

(I don't remember doing most of those drawings, but apparently I saw a stallion with an erection. Patreon might consider that drawing "bestiality")
They probably would. I've cancelled my patreon support for all dev's except 1, no not Sylvie, I've had enough of her rubbish and cancelled that too :ROFLMAO: . When they ask why I tell them because they are shit and jackbooted thugs censoring everything.

I swear if you showed a character even thinking about a family member in the shower like "Ok gee mom's in the shower, I hope she hurries up." And the bathroom door is not re-inforced with triple locks on the inside and 10 armed gaurds outside, they'd probably want to ban you for incest.
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Lola Adjani

May 28, 2018
They probably would. I've cancelled my patreon support for all dev's except 1, no not Sylvie, I've had enough of her rubbish and cancelled that too. When they ask why I tell them because they are shit and jackbooted thugs censoring everything.
Interesting way of putting it, but I get what you mean (and can't disagree).
(It's not really "her" rubbish. She just wants to tell her story without being maligned by the platform it's hosted on . . . no more worries, with SubscribeStar available. Still have to write a "discrimination proof" version for the existing patrons, though. Lots more work for no good reason).


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
I've had enough of her rubbish and cancelled that too :ROFLMAO:
Interesting way of putting it, but I get what you mean (and can't disagree).
(It's not really "her" rubbish. She just wants to tell her story without being maligned by the platform it's hosted on . . . no more worries, with SubscribeStar available. Still have to write a "discrimination proof" version for the existing patrons, though. Lots more work for no good reason).
I'm sure you know that comment was a joke, at least I'd hope you & Sylvie would it was. In case thought, that comment was a joke. Did a ninja edit to make it more obvious.

Lola Adjani

May 28, 2018
I'm sure you know that comment was a joke, at least I'd hope you & Sylvie would it was. In case thought, that comment was a joke. Did a ninja edit to make it more obvious.
I just figured you were drunk . . . or, maybe it was because I was so drunk, when I read it.
Doesn't really matter, I guess . . . I'm sober now.
For a little while, anyway!
4.10 star(s) 20 Votes