Monosomething, I forgot to mention earlier that NPCs carry more than one opinion at a time but only display one opinion when you inspect them at the Buddha statue. As for LLDH info in-game, it's definitely possible as I made debug triggers just to check the status of a particular mood versus what mood is being displayed at the statue; I was doing this to make my own overhaul of the "Easy Victim" module that's less restrictive towards making NPCs become aggressive but not purely random or suffocatingly frequent.
The pseudocode for the triggers would be something like: If the player talks to an NPC and selects "nevermind" twice in a row, print a message for LLDH data in the format:
{Full Name of NPC target}: Lo:{Love} Li:{Like} Di:{Dislike} Ha:{Hate}
. Not hard to imagine but it'd be my first time tracking consecutive interactions like that. I needed to get to it eventually though. No promises on when I'd get to it but seems like something worth doing.
Appreciate your effort, though i have to add something - id actually like to see the LLDH counter (partial), not the LLDH sum/count. Qtedit displays both (partial is higher, sum is lower), and im fine looking up the LLDH sum in Qtedit - reason being that i want to see the addition to LLDH due to interactions, on the fly. In a way, it would be something like that built-in mod in Artificial Girl 3 (posted on this site), showing a bunch of characters, their stats, locations and showing how it grows and resets over time, although limited to only the character im interacting with (no need to have the whole screen cluttered with 15 or whatever characters stats), and only to the LLDH counter (couldnt care less about other stuff ive mentioned in the comparison, like location).
Overall it comes down to one thing: i think the wiki is lying (or is unaware of) about LLDH gains through only chat interactions, sex, insults and fights (the two latter generate hate, one locally against one target, the other against the whole class; i will get to that at the end of this post). There must be more sources of LLDH that arent mentioned. For example - it looks like sex increases love significantly (up to 3 count per, so about +90 in partial LLDH counter), but wiki doesnt mention that. In the same tab, if love is increased by sex, whats the point of head patting, hugs, kisses and groping? According to the wiki - it swings moods, but swinging someones moods is rarely an issue with as little as chatting about love/sex. Sources of love are extremely scarce - seems like the only source of love points is "talking about love" (but has a drawback of also giving you like points, which you most likely dont want to increase anymore, due to them evening out the score with love points), "talking about sex" (gives same amount of love points, but has a low chance to succeed), and sex itself. In comparison, every talk about hobbies, food, interests and about love gives a TON of like points, and all can be done 3 times (before penalty) within a single time period (amounting to 180 partial like points = total of 6 like count) vs love gain options, where you get a measly 45 partial love points (excluding sex - that comes WAAAY later). Confusing? Yep, im confused too, and disappointed.
So, about Insult and Fight: i have used the same class i posted in my previous posts about the dyke, losing interest and regaining it on the next day, that fixed itself. I think i found the source of the problem, although the example of the dyke was still an outlier/bug. The inexplainable loss in favor seems to be a reaction to MY opinion of them, rather than theirs of me - something i have no influence over, but acting like a debuff both ways. Strangely, if my character hates someone, the other side will react as if they hated me. As mentioned, that specific bug wasnt present on the dyke, as she responded normally, in spite of my (supposed) loss of favor towards her.
What i did was select a random guy in class (top left corner) for beat up. Since i was far ahead in strength vs him, i was able to destroy him over 100 times (it took a in-game week or something), to then realize that on a certain morning he suddenly got magically stronger (his strength did not increase) than me and started beating me up upon every attempt (that confused the hell out of me, since i was the top of the strength list, while he was 8th, so i ended the test soon after... rage quit tiiiime!).
We both shared mutual hate for each other, but thats beyond the point - whats interesting, and tied to the dykes bug, was that the three chicks in the middle part of the class suddenly gained the "Dont Know" status vs me (or worse, as seen on the pic) (i have obviously improved the relations with the middle chick for the purpose of the test compared to my other post + the other people i couldnt give a shit about). All three of them had a minimum of between 14-15 points in love and like in opinion of me, but in spite that, it appears a kind of group behavior appeared here - even my "closest allies" (the teacher + the bottom part of the class + the middle and right hand side guy) also had me generate hate against them (not enough to turn me against them/them against me, however i have hated each of these NPCs by about an average of 5-8 hate points, including the dyke before i broke up with her).
Why would such a mechanic exist? If some sadist (like me, haha) picks up this game and starts beating people up, they will get punished by the game, by having their character hate everyone in class, resulting in the class turning against them. Seems to me, like giving the PC an opinion was a design flaw. Why would the PC have an opinion in the first place? Every choice youre presented with you pick with complete disregard of your opinion of someone (that you dont even know or will ever know without Qtedit). Hell, youre able to accept sometimes important confessions or lover requests, whilst not having enough LLDH count to actually be able to do that, and yet, as far as hate is concerned, it seems to punish the PC. Anyways, the bug with the dyke must have been somewhat related to this, as (like ive mentioned in the previous post) her opinion of me was "high enough" for the relationship to work. Strange and interesting, this.