Do you have any tips for building decks? For example on the maximum number of cards to have per deck, what kind of decks creates for the three available decks, staples, combos, cards "false good ideas" this kind of thing. (why not directly a decklist that works well)
Thank you very much.
bassically me deck is
Healing stuff
like greater healing, regrow limbs etc
attack cards
"buttstroke" (only to halve the damge on guys that hit hard like the dragon)
"sweep" (they attack twice for the price of 1)
"heart of flames" (for when i'm facing the dragon) it also combos well with "the sun" which puts everyone on fire but the flame turn fire damage to health so it just heals you Lol
"the tower" +3armor +1 empower
"Giant" (gives 2 empower mean you gain an extra strength each round and they stack) easy to get over 100 attack using these Lol
"Hoard weapons" to boost me empowered
"unshakeable" insta 14 block and 1 armor
"insatiable lust" mus have honestly allows you to draw 2 extra cards per turn (more card = more options)
"sharpening" just to give me the erta strenght of the bat
anything that has a cost of 0 like "kiara's gambet" just deals damage and gives you a free card draw so why not Lol
and any cards i find fun like "dragonborn" (i like to wipe people out with just fire sometimes Lol)
but basically my build is to make a bit of a defense with the armor then buff the crap out of my strength and using the healing cards to keep me at max health as my strength goes up making each shot over a 100 making dragon killing a cake walk
you'll notice most of the the buff cards i have are "Exhaust" and thats by design so i get all my buffs remove the cards and what I'm left with is attack and some healing cards on every draw.