I was blindly adding all the cheats in the game, and then i got to fuckmeupfam, and well... I got fuckedUsing cheat engine, I found some cheats, not sure if there's more.
SLUMDOG = 1,000,000 Gold
TOTHEBRIM = Unlocks all the achievements
VSZOMBIES = Plants saplings in the garden
THEBLACKMAGES = Obsolete cheat, was used for the garden to grant loads of mana in earlier versions
PANACEA = 100 of each potion
LEWDMAGE = When talking to Ivy, she is naked
APOTHECARY = 100 each of certain ingredients
FUCKMEUPFAM = Deletes your entire savegame information
WISEMAN = Instant level 100/ Max attribute points
DEBUG = Debug menu (Type in DEBUGOFF to turn it off)
DUORESET = Resets Ivy/Scarlet Questline