How come others have "Keep things the way they are" and I have "Keep options open". Where did I go wrong for that?
it depends on day 12 evening.
You have 2 options:
"You're wrong, I'm not letting you go."
"You're right. This is crazy"
You obviously chose 1st variant, because of that you have variable SecretRelationship = 1
If you`d chose 2nd option, you would have variable PhysicalRelationship = 1 (like friends with benefits)
There is logical "if" later depends on this choice
if SecretRelationship == 1:
menu ExclusiveChoice:
"Be exclusive":
jump SecretExclusive
"Keep options open":
jump SecretOpen
elif PhysicalRelationship == 1:
menu ExclusiveChoice2:
"Say you want an exclusive relationship.":
jump PhysicalExclusive
"Keep things as they are.":
jump PhysicalOpen