
Nov 10, 2017
So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!

1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)

4. What was your favorite part of the update?

5. Least favorite?

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?

7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?

9. Any additional comments?

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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Jan 9, 2018
So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
good, but we want more!
2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
nice scene with Chris and 3some
3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait?
played 2 routes, saved only harem route
4. What was your favorite part of the update?
chris sex scene
5. Least favorite?
paul with redhead
6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
no, never! ntr must die!
8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
Jess, very interesting personality, imo. Plus, my type of girl in appearance meaning
9. Any additional comments?
10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
wrf ? i from russia, didnt uderstand point of the question. is it some kinda easter egg ?


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
Um? I Thought they just bathed and feed you. Multiple times a day and night?
Kings had girls to breed and girls to bath, King Zhao in the Warring States Period was a Psyco who just bathed with girls younger than 12 and had them blowing him


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2017
So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
The paths (I play all of them) progressed nicely - but I'm never satisfied Burt... I always want more! :)

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
They are getting better but still could be more involved or longer - just a few more renders per scene would make a huge difference.

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)
As I mentioned above, I play all paths after each update.

4. What was your favorite part of the update?
We're closer to getting off the damned boat!! LOL!

5. Least favorite?
We're still not off the boat... :(

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
I don't really play a game like this looking for reality or natural-ness!!

7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
I play them all as I said... I'm just a big perv & like looking at porn - full stop!!

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
Hmmm... it's a tie with Sonya & Christine (the innocent forbidden fruit!) but to pick one, I'll go with Chris... she's soooo cute!!

9. Any additional comments?
Yep - hurry up & let me turn Christine into a total slut that wants to fuck everything that moves!! (no beasties though... yecch!)

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If he has arms like Schwarzenegger, then at least 300kg... if he has arms like me, 5kg!!

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
I like the game and i need more!
2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
The only sex scene i see is MC + Christine and i love it. Now i am still play the v0.1.5 to see who happen next.
3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait?
For now i played only one routes, the Christine route. But surelly i replay it for try the harem route.
4. What was your favorite part of the update?
Christine sex scene
5. Least favorite?
I do not like to see paul with redhead or other man i prefer to avoid them.
6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
Yeah i like how is writing.
8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
For apparence Jess, she is my type of girl in appearance meaning. For personality or character i prefer Christine. I like sweet and romantic girls.
9. Any additional comments?
Really? Can you give us the possibility to kill Mr Silver or the other Men in this game?


Dec 8, 2016
I played one of the early version of this game and i found it pretty dispersive and hard to keep track of the paths available without multiple saving
I'm gonna give it another try, maybe i was wrong before


Dec 14, 2017
hey guys,
i followed the walkthrough, and in romantic route (or corporate route) i couldn't find the line 164. now, i actually don't care that much, but walkthrough says if you have enough date points it will unlock a scene, and line 164 have +1 date points, i couldn't select it so i have less date point. so i am not sure if i've seen the unlocked scene. anybody can help?
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Jul 29, 2018
Walkthrough for the Romantic Route not working. Robert go on the date with Cristine. Corporate Route is fine.


Jun 30, 2018
Hey, so just finished with the latest update and y'all notice that the normal path (I'm on the lust route) has 3 divisions in it based on a certain choice. So I decided to state out the ends of those sub-paths so you could choose the one you like ( as the walkthrough is not yet out).

Path 1: Choosing to go after Alyssa -
Now I think this choice is available only if you distract Silver and help Alyssa, and needless to say it is followed by a very hot sex scene with her. After this, you can go check on your girls and listen in on their conversation with Silver. Following this you get to watch Robert go after Julia in front of Paul.This will be recorded by Sonya but you won't get to interact with her.
Result : Alyssa Sex + Conversation + (Robert, Julia, Paul) Threesome

Personally I'm planning to go forward with this choice because I felt it was the best. The sex scene with Alyssa was done really well. I'm also suspecting that the fact whether you've listened into the conversation of girls with Silver is important in the future. You're also playing it safe with Sonya. More of this explained in Path 2.
Negatives would be if you're a Julia fan. I also have a bad feeling of not finding Sonya around (ahem Eugenio).

Path 2: Staying in the pool -
This choice results in a short scene of Julia and Paul making out. After this the MC makes his move on Julia. I feel this sex scene isn't as good as the one with Alyssa though. Sonya catches all this in tape and asks you to fuck her in front of Paul, while Julia eats her out. You can also sneak on Eugenio having sex with Alyssa. Not that you CAN'T listen to the conversation with Silver mentioned in Path 1.
Result: (MC, Julia, Sonya) Threesome + (Eugenio, Alyssa) Sex ; [NO CONVERSATION]

This route is for you if you're a fan of Julia and Sonya. But that's all about the pros of this route.
Negatives would be you'd miss the Alyssa scene. I also feel that although you do get a scene with Sonya, she'd kinda regret it as she's scene you going for Julia. So if you want something more serious with Sonya perhaps don't go for this route. The main drawback is that you don't get to listen in on the conversation with Silver.

Path 3: Checking up on the girls -
This route is basically Path 1 without the Alyssa sex scene. It would be the safest course of action or a route you'd prefer if you don't like Alyssa (who are you and what's wrong with you? xD). You get to listen to the conversation with Silver and watch the (Julia, Robert, Paul) scene, so you play safe with Sonya as well.
Result: Conversation + (Robert, Julia, Paul) Threesome

There are no positives and negatives I can think of for this route that hasn't been mentioned in Path 1.



Jun 30, 2018
Now, for the survey.
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
Yeah, definitely satisfied with the update. It did not feel short or dragged out. It was engaging and I never felt bored. I was actually surprised to learn there were only 350 odd images in the game. With the length of the update, I expected more. Pleasantly surprised that you've managed to make the update seem longer with just the said number or images.
Satisfied due to the variety of paths in this one. There was something for everyone. Christine, Julia, Sonya and Alyssa fans.

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
Omg, why did you wait so late in the game to introduce Alyssa? Just kidding of course, it was rhetorical. Seriously though, amazing work on the Alyssa sex scene. I totally loved it. The scene with Christine was good too, for me it came second to Alyssa ;)

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait?
Definitely play multiple times. I had 3 saves to continue from at the beginning of the update. Patreon + Lust, Corporate + Lust and Silver NTR. Now, that there are further divisions, I current have 6 saves at the end of this update, 3 each for Patreon Lust and Corporate Lust. Still have to continue the Silver NTR though.

4. What was your favorite part of the update?

5. Least favorite?
The scene with Julia was kinda underwhelming, but I guess it was only because I played it was the Alyssa sex scene.

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?

7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
To be honest I'm a pure vanilla fan, but as you can see from the previous questions that I have played the Silver NTR route. This is my very first time trying out NTR, but I did it because I'm not that much of a Christine fan. I wanted to check if there's a possible of pure Jessica route, as I didn't want to cheat on Christine. I have no complaints about the NTR side of the game, but to be honest if the NTR route involved Jessica and other men I wouldn't have played it.

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
Hands down Jessica. I'm a sucker for those types that act tough and are independent and put up a facade that everything is perfect when they actually are the softest beings on the inside. Totally love her character and well of course she's hot af. Same reason I love Melissa from AL.

9. Any additional comments?
I would really love it if we could have a pure Jessica or Sonya or a Jess+Sonya route stemming from the NTR routes. That way you could please the NTR lovers as well as vanilla fans who don't love Christine such as me.
Also, I'd also love it if we saw more of Silver's wife. I'm also a sucker for neglected milf types and she's actually gorgeous.

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
The real question is "Would woodchuck chuck wood if woodpecker would peck wood chucked by chuckwood?" xD


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!

1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?

i liked it, i hated the arbitrary thing haha who wouldn't.

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?

hmm, didn't like it wasn't mc, christine, jessica together..... hint hint hint....

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)

no i did just one run through mainly cuz i avoid the ntr stuff..

4. What was your favorite part of the update?

mc's daydream!

5. Least favorite?

mc just standing there when the two idiots were talking about christine and jessica. personally i woulda used my icepick on them both and slipped them overboard. oops

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?


7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.

no, i dislike ntr

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?

only one? are you nuts?!? christine and jessica

9. Any additional comments?

either let mc secretly kill both robert and silver or else have robert and silver end up dying together in a position that makes them look like lovers haha, yes i hate both of them.

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
as many pecks of pickled peppers that peter piper can pick!
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Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
Are you sure it's not the sharks themselves that are gonna suffer the most? XD
you can be a predator without being creepy.. safer to be a predator cuz it keeps the other predators away from you.. predators only prefer prey...

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?

I personally loved this update, to me it was the first update in a while that really went forward in the story. Don't get me wrong, I've been a big fan of the VN and story from the beginning, but this time it wasn't all about Christine and MC, it even feels like this update was more about Sonya than anyone else, which is good, and as much as I love the MC/Christine story, the side characters need love, too, haha :)

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?

They were the best so far, by far. From the scene where MC and Christine made love the first time, to the end of this update, the scenes were great, and I appreciate that such effort was made to make the motions of animations pretty smooth. I can't tell about ALL of the scenes, haven't played all routes.

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)

Most of the time that's exactly what I intend to do, just out of respect for the dev team for all the effort and work they put in, but...(see section 7.)

4. What was your favorite part of the update?

Favorite part? Hmmm. I must say story progression, that's the main thing I play VNs for, and this update really went forward with the story and I'm intrigued to find out how things develop from where this update ended, I have my theory or two how things POSSIBLY go from here, but this survey isn't about that, so I won't go further into detail :p
I also liked the humor too, it was dumb humor, but sometimes that's just the right kind, haha.
And then there were the sexy scenes of course, they were great indeed! :p

5. Least favorite?

I can't really say, I haven't played all routes, so I don't know what else there is apart from my routes exactly. But the content that I did play through? Nope, I've got nothing, no bad things to say, no idea what I could even remotely say that was my least favorite.

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?

Not really, the fake Southern accent the MC tried to pull off just wasn't natural at all, and actually sounded real stupid, but that's not to say that it was written poorly, I'm sure that was the intention, the bit of humor side in the update, haha, so that was well done as far as I'm concerned. But other than that? I think it was more or less natural, I'm sure improvements could be made, but that applies to everything in general, there's always room for improvements, as there is no such thing as perfection. :)

Although this section asked about dialog and interactions, I have to say that the scene where Christine and Robert had sex (only seen screenshots of the scene), to me that wasn't too natural, for the reason that she was a virgin then, and considering the size of Robert, you'd think Christine would have the facial expression of pain, rather than enjoyment, the size of the "tool" and her being a virgin, no way in hell she'd enjoy anything, she'd be in pain throughout the whole session. Hmm, yeah, maybe facial expressions could be worked on a bit for different scenes, well, mostly in rough and/or painful sex scenes.

7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.

NTR is something very difficult for me to swallow, 90% of the time I avoid it like plague, it really isn't for me at all, not unless I'm the one doing it, but that would then make me a hypocrite, so no, it's not my thing, I avoid it as much as possible, haha. Good thing is that there's plenty of content for anti-NTR players such as myself, but perhaps not enough for those that really do favor NTR :) But by no means am I a vanilla person either, haha :heartcoveredeyes:

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?

Christine and Sonya have always been my favorite girls equally, they share the first spot, Jess comes as second.
Christine is this lovely insecure and naive, but lovable girl that has a warm, loving and caring heart and a good head between the shoulders, she does have her morals and all in check and I like that, it also helps that she's got the looks too, very much so, haha (I'm a sucker for brunettes with brown/dark eyes with a dark ish complexion).

Sonya is the opposite of Christine but in a good way, but that's because she's older and more experienced, so that's kind of given. Plus Latinas are passionate and feisty, and quite vindictive, like Sonya, and damn are they hot too, haha.

Jess would otherwise be the third girl to share the #1 spot, if it wasn't for the fact that she's tried to get Christine to situations she really has no want, desire and need to be in, Jess is a bit too pushy and aggressive, comes off a bit slutty too, but not by TOO much.

This wasn't asked but I thought I'd share it anyway; Julia is my least favorite girl by far, all she cares about is getting fucked and spending rich guys money, so basically she's nothing but a common whore, an expensive one, but whore nonetheless, so that's a definite no for me. Mr. Silver's daughter, well, I don't know, she seem deceptive, impulsive, carefree and slutty, I'm yet to decide if that's a good or a bad thing, I need to figure out her character more before I can really say if it suits her, haha, or if that's just her mask, maybe there's more depth to her than that.

9. Any additional comments?

Additional comments? Hmm, well this is one of my all-time favorite VNs, absolutely. So I'd like to say to the entire dev team that keep up the damn good work, and please don't conclude the story any time soon, would be a bit silly if the yacht part of the story was the climax and then would come the "and then they lived happily ever after", haha, nah, I'm sure y'all can come up with more stuff, but keep it reasonable, realistic and plausible and make it sexy! But yeah, keep it up! :)

10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Ummm, I'm gonna go with "none", because he got smart and realized that we need MORE trees and forests rather than cut them down, without them we wouldn't have oxygen to breathe, and I'm not planning on dying just yet, I've got a hell of a lot more VNs to enjoy before my time is up! :p

EDIT: It just occurred to me; while the story and everything probably has been written quite far and all, and I don't know if this would be possible or easy to implement to the story anymore, but seeing as all sex has happened without protection and there's been lots of creampies already, well, somebody is bound to get pregnant, especially Christine since there's been no hint whatsoever that she'd even be on the pill and she didn't let MC pull out the first time they had sex. Yeah sure, it's not an automatic nor guaranteed pregnancy, but it certainly is a high possibility, haha.

Well, that was just a thought, and not many games/VNs even have impregnation at all, would be a nice touch if that was added, would certainly add its own drama :p


Apr 23, 2018
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?

Overall I liked it. I wasn't satisfied however as the story had enough plot points already without introducing some criminal conspiracy with a mascarade touch. We're transitioning into an adventure plot from its slice-of-life origin but:
- I don't care about plot, I'm here for the erotic content and situations,
- The new plot isn't currently used to introduce interesting erotic situations but only filler comedic scenes. It also seems to have less potential for erotic content than a standard slice-of-life (I could be proven wrong in the future).

2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?

Jess is the main reason I play this game so I didn't care too much but I found the writing of the threesome with Robert and Paul amusing.

3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)

I play non-Jess content once and will explore the alternatives otherwise.

4. What was your favorite part of the update?

I liked the progression of the story between Christine and Jess and the introduction of Alyssa.

5. Least favorite?

So much filler dialogue first to establish useless false identities then with the bouncer.

6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?

Varies wildly. Interactions between Jess and Christine sounded good, Silver and Roger are well-written and defined characters, if predictable.
The whole "party" was unnatural, it doesn't feel real if you don't render a crowd or at least another group. If there are technical limitations to actually render a party, with mingling, several tables & co, then maybe setting-up a party was a bad idea in the first place.
On the yacht, the convenient "oh hey let's keep the masks, well actually not the female chars" was of course pretty unnatural but I understand the author wrote himself in a corner and some awkward recovery was necessary so I don't mind. I was surprised that there was a sex scene with Alyssa and the MC, it felt a bit rushed and artificial.

7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.

On my first playthrough (without walkthrough) I actually played the karaoke scene by mistake in NTR (since I don't care about the brat, and encouraged her getting a boyfriend), this was 10 minutes of intensely boring content between chars I don't care about. Since then I avoid the Chris NTR path. However, I don't particularly empathize with the MC so the sex scene between Robert and Jess was very welcome.

8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?

Jessica, in case it wasn't obvious. Her model is gorgeous and she was introduced as an independent, confident character upfront about her sexuality, which is pretty good to have in a porn game. I don't like Chris, her model has soulless eyes and her character is a brat. I know some people are into the "make the MC teach a char about sexuality" and it's pretty convenient as a plot for these kind of games but it's not my cup of tea. Both characters have significantly evolved, largely for the better, but not to the point to change my impressions.
As for the rest, Sonya is an inconsistent character, because it's hard to take seriously cheating as a revenge motive in a game like this, because she's supposed to be clever but will swallow any lie the man-slut MC will feed her, and be incapable of anything without help. Julia is ok for a side char I guess, and Alyssa could be interesting as a powerful female char if the agency she has shown was not just a pretext to go from a plot point to another. It would be a shame if she was reduced to the "daddy issues" and "daring" character traits.

9. Any additional comments?

This game was decent from the start but has evolved to be very good, the quality of the writing in particular has jumped leaps and bounds without becoming overbearing and the professionalism of the releases is appreciated. Keep up the good work !


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
I wonder if our friends already know how the game ends in the 2 secondary routes-Silver NTR and Robert NTR.
Let's be honest.Silver won't get a divorce and start a life with Christine.
And the idea that Robert will stop to be a player and will marry Chris is even more ridiculous.

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
I wonder if our friends already know how the game ends in the 2 secondary routes-Silver NTR and Robert NTR.
Let's be honest.Silver won't get a divorce and start a life with Christine.
And the idea that Robert will stop to be a player and will marry Chris is even more ridiculous.
Most likely true, neither Mr. Silver nor Robert seem the type, I have my hunch that Mr. Silver is married to whoever only as a show, to maintain that respectable businessman image or something, and like you said, Robert is just a shady ass player. And for some reason I doubt Christine would have all too glamorous end on NTR route, she's not exactly displaying any good judge of character for messing with them in the first place, she seem reckless and stupid, and I haven't even played NTR route, I avoid that content like plague, haha.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Most likely true, neither Mr. Silver nor Robert seem the type, I have my hunch that Mr. Silver is married to whoever only as a show, to maintain that respectable businessman image or something, and like you said, Robert is just a shady ass player. And for some reason I doubt Christine would have all too glamorous end on NTR route, she's not exactly displaying any good judge of character for messing with them in the first place, she seem reckless and stupid, and I haven't even played NTR route, I avoid that content like plague, haha.
Actualy we already have 1 bad ending.If you reject her after the karaoke night.
3.90 star(s) 191 Votes