So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
I personally loved this update, to me it was the first update in a while that really went forward in the story. Don't get me wrong, I've been a big fan of the VN and story from the beginning, but this time it wasn't all about Christine and MC, it even feels like this update was more about Sonya than anyone else, which is good, and as much as I love the MC/Christine story, the side characters need love, too, haha
2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
They were the best so far, by far. From the scene where MC and Christine made love the first time, to the end of this update, the scenes were great, and I appreciate that such effort was made to make the motions of animations pretty smooth. I can't tell about ALL of the scenes, haven't played all routes.
3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)
Most of the time that's exactly what I intend to do, just out of respect for the dev team for all the effort and work they put in, but...(see section 7.)
4. What was your favorite part of the update?
Favorite part? Hmmm. I must say story progression, that's the main thing I play VNs for, and this update really went forward with the story and I'm intrigued to find out how things develop from where this update ended, I have my theory or two how things POSSIBLY go from here, but this survey isn't about that, so I won't go further into detail

I also liked the humor too, it was dumb humor, but sometimes that's just the right kind, haha.
And then there were the sexy scenes of course, they were great indeed!
5. Least favorite?
I can't really say, I haven't played all routes, so I don't know what else there is apart from my routes exactly. But the content that I did play through? Nope, I've got nothing, no bad things to say, no idea what I could even remotely say that was my least favorite.
6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
Not really, the fake Southern accent the MC tried to pull off just wasn't natural at all, and actually sounded real stupid, but that's not to say that it was written poorly, I'm sure that was the intention, the bit of humor side in the update, haha, so that was well done as far as I'm concerned. But other than that? I think it was more or less natural, I'm sure improvements could be made, but that applies to everything in general, there's always room for improvements, as there is no such thing as perfection.
Although this section asked about dialog and interactions, I have to say that the scene where Christine and Robert had sex (only seen screenshots of the scene), to me that wasn't too natural, for the reason that she was a virgin then, and considering the size of Robert, you'd think Christine would have the facial expression of pain, rather than enjoyment, the size of the "tool" and her being a virgin, no way in hell she'd enjoy anything, she'd be in pain throughout the whole session. Hmm, yeah, maybe facial expressions could be worked on a bit for different scenes, well, mostly in rough and/or painful sex scenes.
7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
NTR is something very difficult for me to swallow, 90% of the time I avoid it like plague, it really isn't for me at all, not unless I'm the one doing it, but that would then make me a hypocrite, so no, it's not my thing, I avoid it as much as possible, haha. Good thing is that there's plenty of content for anti-NTR players such as myself, but perhaps not enough for those that really do favor NTR

But by no means am I a vanilla person either, haha :heartcoveredeyes:
8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
Christine and Sonya have always been my favorite girls equally, they share the first spot, Jess comes as second.
Christine is this lovely insecure and naive, but lovable girl that has a warm, loving and caring heart and a good head between the shoulders, she does have her morals and all in check and I like that, it also helps that she's got the looks too, very much so, haha (I'm a sucker for brunettes with brown/dark eyes with a dark ish complexion).
Sonya is the opposite of Christine but in a good way, but that's because she's older and more experienced, so that's kind of given. Plus Latinas are passionate and feisty, and quite vindictive, like Sonya, and damn are they hot too, haha.
Jess would otherwise be the third girl to share the #1 spot, if it wasn't for the fact that she's tried to get Christine to situations she really has no want, desire and need to be in, Jess is a bit too pushy and aggressive, comes off a bit slutty too, but not by TOO much.
This wasn't asked but I thought I'd share it anyway; Julia is my least favorite girl by far, all she cares about is getting fucked and spending rich guys money, so basically she's nothing but a common whore, an expensive one, but whore nonetheless, so that's a definite no for me. Mr. Silver's daughter, well, I don't know, she seem deceptive, impulsive, carefree and slutty, I'm yet to decide if that's a good or a bad thing, I need to figure out her character more before I can really say if it suits her, haha, or if that's just her mask, maybe there's more depth to her than that.
9. Any additional comments?
Additional comments? Hmm, well this is one of my all-time favorite VNs, absolutely. So I'd like to say to the entire dev team that keep up the damn good work, and please don't conclude the story any time soon, would be a bit silly if the yacht part of the story was the climax and then would come the "and then they lived happily ever after", haha, nah, I'm sure y'all can come up with more stuff, but keep it reasonable, realistic and plausible and make it sexy! But yeah, keep it up!
10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Ummm, I'm gonna go with "none", because he got smart and realized that we need MORE trees and forests rather than cut them down, without them we wouldn't have oxygen to breathe, and I'm not planning on dying just yet, I've got a hell of a lot more VNs to enjoy before my time is up!
EDIT: It just occurred to me; while the story and everything probably has been written quite far and all, and I don't know if this would be possible or easy to implement to the story anymore, but seeing as all sex has happened without protection and there's been lots of creampies already, well, somebody is bound to get pregnant, especially Christine since there's been no hint whatsoever that she'd even be on the pill and she didn't let MC pull out the first time they had sex. Yeah sure, it's not an automatic nor guaranteed pregnancy, but it certainly is a high possibility, haha.
Well, that was just a thought, and not many games/VNs even have impregnation at all, would be a nice touch if that was added, would certainly add its own drama