Mod Ren'Py Completed Babysitter mod [final] [khumak]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Working on Sonya's update now. Also noticed I forgot an image that I added for Jess's scene from the night before so I'm putting that in as well:


Also noticed that there's a day 5 event for Josh that I have the renders finished for and never implemented. So I added the above image to the end of Jess's event and am working on already rendered creeper events for both Sonya and Josh now for the night of day 5. I have some renders done for day 6 but will have to redo most of those so that is going to take longer. So hopefully I'll have a day 5 update this weekend.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just finished the new events. Tested them and they work but I have a few more tweaks I plan on doing tomorrow so I will wait til then to release. This will cover 1 additional render for Jess's previous creeper event plus a new creeper event for Josh and a new creeper event for Sonya that includes Christine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
hey buddy i loved what you have done with this mod it has gotten a lot better to play mainly improving the scenes and i loved the scenes ntr you added i loved it .. starting your own game would be wonderful
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
hey buddy i loved what you have done with this mod it has gotten a lot better to play mainly improving the scenes and i loved the scenes ntr you added i loved it .. starting your own game would be wonderful
I'm actually working on ideas for my first game but it's still early stages. I definitely won't be ready to release anything for more than a year. I have several different ideas for plotlines that I like and I will probably pick one of the simpler ones for my first game. I also still need to just play around with whatever build tools there are for renpy, set up my interface, etc. I also think it makes sense to wait til I upgrade my computer since rendering is slow on my current one.

I may continue modding long enough to learn some more of the things I want to put in my game, like adding a gallery, an achievement system, adding some persistent variables that remember what you've done in previous playthroughs and unlock extra content in your next playthrough, etc.

I also want to try some more elaborate events like a strip poker game or something. I would probably do more of a simulation of a poker game rather than try to build a full fledged one but I would want it to feel like it was a real game so still use the RNG for outcomes and have fairly limited options for what the NPC characters decide to do.

I'm also still going through things I've noticed that were annoying or not fun about other games and thinking about ways to avoid that. For instance I like the idea of having a skill system, but I don't want any boring events. IMO if you go to the gym and lift weights by yourself and get a stat boost but that's all that happens then that's boring and a wasted opportunity. I want every action the player takes to have the potential to lead to something interesting whether it can potentially lead to a sex scene or some confrontation with a rival or something.

So using the gym as an example, instead of just showing a few shots of MC doing the bench press and then it's done maybe there's some muscle bound meathead in there that tries to bully you and you have to find some way to overcome the bully eventually or submit to whatever he has planned. Maybe there's a girl or 2 working out there as well that MC can eventually have his way with. Basically I want there to always be some sort of opportunity or confrontation involved in any action you're taking.

I also like the idea of having co-main characters where the game centers around both a male and a female character and you pick which one you want to play as with the other one becoming an NPC. That would be more work, but a good chunk of the renders could be reused for both paths since a lot of the events could be variations on the same content, just told from the perspective of the other character. I'm thinking something like the storyline in Living with Temptation (male MC, married with a kid, and a hot live in nanny) except both characters are tempted and can choose to either cheat, build relationship with their SO, block their SO from cheating (or encourage it), etc. That's probably too elaborate for my first game so I'll probably start with something simpler.

Another "problem" I want to try and solve is an issue I have with most linear VN style games and that's problem of how to measure progression, add consequences for player actions (including negative consequences for mistakes), while still allowing the player to fix mistakes rather than having to start over or have a walkthrough open. I generally don't like it when games require a walkthrough to really play properly.

My idea for solving that problem is to set the game up as kind of a series of sandbox games where most of the events are repeatable so the player can make mistakes, fail events, etc and come back and try again later when he's built up stats/relationships/whatever. Then have some trigger condition that leads to the next chapter where there are a different set of locations/events/etc that are also repeatable (some of them might be in multiple chapters or even all of them while others are only in 1 of them).


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Oh, something I forgot to mention. All of the renders in this update were done before the last tweaks I made to the way some of the characters look. So for instance the version of Sonya in these renders is still darker than my new version of Sonya and Jess is using her original skin for the 1 extra render I added for her, not the new skin. So future renders with Sonya in particular will look different. She looks more like she's black in these renders. The new version looks closer to hispanic. Jess looks about the same but it's a skin from a different character so the nipples/areola are different and the genital area might be shaved/trimmed differently.

Also, after fighting with tan lines for so long I decided that Christine is going to lose hers. I'm thinking the next set of renders I do with Christine she will keep her upper body tan lines since those actually look ok both with and without wet skin but she'll lose her lower body tan lines. Then she'll lose both for whatever I do after that. It's been a huge pain trying to get tan lines to play nice with genitals and also with wet skin textures.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Sorry about the delay, finally updated with the new creeper events. I will add some more score related tweaks to them later. Right now they're basically just free events that don't add to or penalize your score.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
If anyone knows what models are used for Silver's wife and/or daughter let me know. There's a fairly ambitious scene I've been wanting to do for awhile now (a strip poker game), but I would want every character to have something at stake in it besides money. I have a rough approximation of Robert's girlfriend that I could use as well as MC, Christine, and Jess, but if I was going to have Silver as an option I would also need his wife and/or daughter (preferably the daughter).

Basically the idea would be that some combination of them all get together for some sort of party at Silver's house (or it could just be a poker room at some undisclosed location) and they sit down for a game of poker (initially just for money). During the game they're drinking and after enough people are eliminated that it's a manageable group, someone floats the idea of strip poker. I would definitely set something up so that people who are not on the NTR path could shut that down unless they had eliminated Robert and/or Silver already (or allow them to cheat so they were guaranteed to win) but I would also want a no restrictions version where Robert and/or Silver could win.

Also keep in mind I'm not a programmer so while I have lots of ideas on how I would want the game and AI to work I haven't actually tried to program it so I have no idea if I can actually pull it off. If I can't find the models for Silver's wife and/or daughter then Silver won't be in the game so it would just be MC, Robert, Robert's GF, Christine, and Jess.

If I do end up doing this, it would basically be my endgame for Babysitter. The game would start off playing for money, include an option to escalate to strip poker, then include another option to escalate to paying with "favors" to get your clothes back by the end of the night. I would want it to be a real 7 card stud game but with a pretty simplistic AI and with some options for the player to choose their opponents skill and aggression level as well as whether cheating is allowed (for the player, for NPCs, or both).

As an alternative since I think Taboo is ending the NTR paths I could just have MC, Christine, and Jess all go on vacation to Vegas or something and end up in a high stakes poker game with probably 2 married couples (all of them would be young and good looking). MF, FF, FFM, MMF would all be on the table but there would be zero MM stuff regardless how badly any of the guys might lose (they would most likely either just be eliminated, become purely spectators, or agree to some sort of femdom stuff instead).

I'm not remotely close to being ready to do a scene like this so don't expect anything like this soon but this is definitely something that will be in whatever original game I make if I can pull it off so I figured a trial run in my babysitter mod would be a fun test to see if I can develop the skills to actually do it. This would mostly be coding and renders, dialog would be pretty minimal since it would just be too complicated to write dialog for the crazy number of random possible combinations of outcomes. There would be comments during sex scenes and stripping but pretty generic probably, basically comments on what type of action is happening rather than specifically who is involved.

Anyway let me know what you guys think. This is definitely something I'm going to try but I don't know yet whether it will ever find it's way into this mod. It might be ambitious enough that I can't do it at my current level of coding skill.


Jan 9, 2018
I really like the story ideas and if you want to implement actual poker rules in order to develop your programming skills, go for it.

It's going to be a trial for you but I think you made the right call by limiting the scope and have a "simplistic AI". Even a rudimentary AI is a fairly big project all on it's own.

And here's hoping there's some way to get an NTR-option somehow. I guess we'll see how Taboo ends the paths.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think what I may do initially is just mess around with a small poker event that only includes MC, Jess, and Christine just to see if I can get the game itself to work. The initial focus would be on playing for money anyway so I can just do a few quick renders that show those 3 around a card table and then figure out how to overlay images of the individual cards on top of that background and try to get the mechanics for the actual game working. I'm not worried about the more explicit renders, I already know I can do that.

The mechanics are what I'm not sure about. If I can get that to work, then I can dig in and figure out what characters will actually be involved and do renders for stripping/sex. If I can't get the mechanics to work then the whole event is a bust unless I don't bother making it a real game at all and just do a very simplified simulation that only includes a small subset of choices. I know I could do that, but I would really rather do a real game.


Jan 9, 2018
I think what I may do initially is just mess around with a small poker event that only includes MC, Jess, and Christine just to see if I can get the game itself to work. The initial focus would be on playing for money anyway so I can just do a few quick renders that show those 3 around a card table and then figure out how to overlay images of the individual cards on top of that background and try to get the mechanics for the actual game working. I'm not worried about the more explicit renders, I already know I can do that.

The mechanics are what I'm not sure about. If I can get that to work, then I can dig in and figure out what characters will actually be involved and do renders for stripping/sex. If I can't get the mechanics to work then the whole event is a bust unless I don't bother making it a real game at all and just do a very simplified simulation that only includes a small subset of choices. I know I could do that, but I would really rather do a real game.
Yeah, you can fall back on a simplified simulation if need be. A possible alternative is to see if someone's made a Renpy asset/library that handles part of the card logic for you. I'm talking about something like this: But it's so outdated I suspect it won't work with current versions of Renpy.
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Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
I like the small subset option, as a completion junkie, relying on rng to see everything sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I like the small subset option, as a completion junkie, relying on rng to see everything sounds like a fucking nightmare.
That's why I plan to include options for the player to choose difficulty/aggression settings and also to allow cheating (or not) depending on whether they like card games in general or not, whether they're actually a good poker player, whether they want the AI to beat them (for instance they're on the NTR path). Or they might tweak settings if they're intent on specific players winning or losing. Maybe you want Christine or Jess to dominate or something?

So for instance you could take the default setting where everyone has normal skills, no penalties, no bonuses, no cheating and play a fair game where you might win or lose. Or you could assign yourself to be an expert and everyone else beginners so you get bonuses for things like reading body language (tells), minor ability to cheat, etc.

Some of my ideas for skill/cheating/etc below:

- beginners look confident when they have a strong hand
- beginners look nervous if they have a weak hand unless the pot is small
- normal players look nervous if they have a weak hand or confident if they have a strong hand when the pot is large but look relaxed when the pot is smaller regardless of hand strength
- skilled players look relaxed and unreadable regardless of pot size or hand strength
- beginners can't read anyone's tells
- normal players can read beginner players tells
- skilled players can read beginner and normal player tells
- tight players assume the turn and river cards won't help them and play based on what's currently showing (so they tend to bet weak unless the turn and/or river DOES help them in which case they bet strong)
- normal players assume either the turn card or the river card will help them but not both (so assume a stronger hand than the tight player on the flop but if the turn doesn't help them then they back off)
- aggressive players assume both the turn and the river will help them (so they always bet as if they have at least a good hand until the turn and river card confirms or denies that fact to them)
- if cheating is allowed and there are 2 skilled players they can signal that they want to cheat and the other skilled player can swap one of their cards with them without being seen (would probably also have some toggle to say how often this is available and NPCs who already had good hands that require both cards would decline, some cheaters can actually pull this off IRL pretty regularly without being caught although probably not while on camera)
- if cheating is allowed, skilled players can slightly stack the deal when they're the dealer, they know the cards that will be showing on the flop (only the 3 up cards on the board, not players hands and not the turn or river cards) and can give any 1 card from the previous hand to 1 person (only 1 card and only 1 person, it can be themself or anyone else they want)
- for people who don't like cards and/or poker that last option could be expanded to just allow the player to give "the nuts" (best possible hand) to anyone he wants when he's the dealer
- I would probably also still need to add some sort of a failsafe option, especially for people on the vanilla path that want to guarantee that specific players can't beat them no matter what, maybe they just get a phone call and have to leave or something so it's not possible for them to continue or receive any sort of "favor"

So that would be enough settings that most players could tweak things so the game went the way they wanted. They could have anyone they want play tight, aggressive, normal, they could make anyone a beginner, normal, skilled player, they could allow themself or anyone else they want the option to cheat a bit. You'd have to be REALLY bad or REALLY good to still not be able to get the outcome you want that way regardless what came up with the RNG. You could rig it so the guys probably win. You could rig it so the girls probably win. You could rig it so specific people "probably" win or lose, etc.

I have several other options I'm thinking about as well like having trackers the player can see for how many times they've seen an NPC bluff, how many times a player has forced someone to go all in to call, etc. This is mostly to simulate what really good players can do that normal people can't. Things like reading body language, facial expressions, or projecting confidence when you're not at all confident, etc. Also more analytical things like remembering and analyzing betting patterns. There really is a huge difference between a pro and a mere mortal. Those types of trackers could be used as triggers for enabling the ability to read tells or something. So for instance at the beginning of the game maybe nobody can read anyone but after the skilled player has seen you show maybe 10 hands now he can read you. Maybe for the normal player he needs to see 20 hands before he can read you.
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Jun 9, 2017
I'm stuck on day 3.
I cannot leave the apartment even there is the text 'ok let's go'.
Possibly it's a buck of the original game (there is something left in my memory).

thx in advance


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I'm stuck on day 3.
I cannot leave the apartment even there is the text 'ok let's go'.
Possibly it's a buck of the original game (there is something left in my memory).

thx in advance
Most likely a restriction in the base game. When you can't leave it's usually because you haven't done something yet that the game is wating for. So try to eat, take a piss, take a shower, check your computer/email/blogs, check Christine's room, get dressed, and watch TV. There is probably an event tied to one of those things that you haven't done yet. In your case I think it's probably watching TV since that's something you don't normally have to do.
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Jun 9, 2017
And I found a buck at day 3 when Josh touches sleeping Jess:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'>:
  File "game/babysitter_mod.rpy", line 11571, in script
    scene MCCreeper01 with dissolve
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/babysitter_mod.rpy", line 11571, in script
    scene MCCreeper01 with dissolve
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 1375, in execute
    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 1578, in with_statement
    return, paired, clear=clear)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2240, in do_with
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2690, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 3174, in interact_core
    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2086, in draw_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 516, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 361, in render
    top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 500, in render
    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 306, in wrap_render
    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 336, in render
    surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 1267, in render
    return renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 580, in render
    return cache.get(self, render=True)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
    surf = image.load()
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 625, in load
    surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 576, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'.

Babysitter 0.1.9b.
Sat Oct 26 01:12:34 2019
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Reactions: khumak


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
And I found a buck at day 3 when Josh touches sleeping Jess:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'>:
  File "game/babysitter_mod.rpy", line 11571, in script
    scene MCCreeper01 with dissolve
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/babysitter_mod.rpy", line 11571, in script
    scene MCCreeper01 with dissolve
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 1375, in execute
    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 1578, in with_statement
    return, paired, clear=clear)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2240, in do_with
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2690, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 3174, in interact_core
    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 2086, in draw_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 516, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 361, in render
    top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "accelerator.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 500, in render
    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 306, in wrap_render
    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 336, in render
    surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 1267, in render
    return renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 151, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 244, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 580, in render
    return cache.get(self, render=True)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
    surf = image.load()
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\display\", line 625, in load
    surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
  File "D:\# GAMES in progress\Babysitter v.0.19.2\renpy\", line 576, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'backgrounds/Day2_LivingRoom_Horor19.png'.

Babysitter 0.1.9b.
Sat Oct 26 01:12:34 2019
I could have swore I fixed that typo already but you're right it's still there. Uploading a bugfix for that now. I don't test the NTR path as thoroughly as I do the vanilla path so I'm more likely to miss stuff like this on the NTR path.
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Aug 8, 2018
New update is out. Can we expect an update soon? Thanks in advance.

Edit: i just read that it should work with any version. I'm going to try it.
The problem now is that i can't find the download link.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
New update is out. Can we expect an update soon? Thanks in advance.

Edit: i just read that it should work with any version. I'm going to try it.
The problem now is that i can't find the download link.
I tried it last night and the current version of the mod works fine with the new version of the game, although I only tested 1 path (vanilla). I am guessing that the final pool game with MC and Jess is on the NTR path since I didn't see that in my playthrough. The download link should be in the OP but I'll double check. The new version of the game does have a couple of missing images after day 15 but ironically the previous version has those images so you can just copy those over and it works. That's not an issue with the mod, although I could include those if Taboo doesn't fix it himself. The vanilla game still has the same yacht bug involving fucking Jess which I have fixed in the mod.

I still need to double check the NTR path since it might conflict with a tweak my mod makes on the yacht for that path. I don't think it will but it's possible. I changed it so the NTR foursome bad ending in the base game continues on instead of ending but all I did is just redirect it to the normal NTR path.

So let me know if you see NTR issues since I haven't playtested that yet. I plan to do that soon anyway.

Edit: Sorry I had my spoilers messed up so the download link was hidden in there. Fixed. Also I see that the base game has a bugfix out so I suspect that was him fixing those missing images. I didn't test that yet.
Last edited:
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just tested the NTR path and the mod works fine for that. It actually looks like this latest update of the game was mostly about NTR. There is a lot more content added for the NTR path than there is for the vanilla one this time. The pool scene is definitely NTR path exclusive. I didn't test all of the different options for relationship choices like open vs exclusive and whether Jess loves Christine or not. The path I did ended up with:

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In any case this "feels" like the end of the game to me so I other than bug fixes or minor tweaks I would be surprised if Taboo does anything more with Babysitter. I may still do some additional modding for it but if the game is done then I probably won't focus as much on it as I had planned to. I may start messing around with trying to start my own game instead or find a different game to mod that is still actively in development. Will see. I haven't decided yet.
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