Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
@t4boo sorry if it was addressed before, but :
     "Be Cool About It":
        scene Picture265 with dissolve
        $ AngelRelationship = AngelRelationship + 2
        $ StrictDaddy = 0
        $ SugarDaddy = 1
        jump AngelicasRoom_Cool
label AngelicasRoom_Cool:
    $ AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy + StrictDaddy
    scene Picture264 with dissolve
What is the interest to add 2 to AngelRelationship, since its value will be forced to 1 few seconds later ?
Anne, this isn't the only thing that makes no sense in the code, this one might actually be fixed already. Kind of. I suggest you take a look at the script.rpy from the beginning and pay attention to the difference how Angel score points are being handled in the v1 part of the game and how it's been done in the v2 part, how much sense do 3 tracked variables that depend on each other make in both parts. And in both parts take a look at the conditions that trigger optional or alternative scenes, what triggers them and how these conditions can be reached at this point of the game . Try to make a sense of it, build an algorithm (even a partial one) that the game is following. Take your time, try to make a sense of it and tell me how wrong or right I was about it:

I will be extremely pleasantly surprised if all the problems have actually been solved in the Patreon version or at least the next update of this game and it will work as the script seems to expect from the beginning to the current end of it.
No disrespect to T4bbo, but this really needs some serious thinking about where and how these variables are going, how useful they are and what should be triggering these scenes. The game just started, it's not too late yet to redesign it, because it hasn't been working correctly from the start. It should be started from the beginning to see the scenes that you should see, assuming that the game is working correctly, so keeping compatibility with old saves at all costs is irrelevant anyway.

T4bbo, buddy, I've been trying to help you here, not to criticize you. I like the CG and the story. I wouldn't try to help you and waste hours of my time reading and analyzing the script if I didn't.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I suggest you take a look at the script.rpy from the beginning [...]
I was struggling with codes on my own, so I thought it could be a good idea to effectively take a look...

[...] how much sense do 3 tracked variables that depend on each other make in both parts.
It would have made sense if he didn't decided, mid process, to change their meaning.
The more the MC is strict, the less she'll like him, and vice versa. And in the same time the StrictDaddy and SugarDaddy independent counters can be used to weight her reaction, and eventually Lara's one.

But like I said, mid process he changed his mind, precisely where I pointed out a problem in my own comment. The worse being that this change is blurred, looking more or less like a "with dissolve" on a scene statement :
menu AdmonishAngelRoom:
    "Admonish Angelica":
        $ AngelRelationship = AngelRelationship - 2
        $ AngelicaPissed = 1
        jump AngelicasRoom_Strict

    "Be Cool About It":
        scene Picture265 with dissolve
        $ AngelRelationship = AngelRelationship + 2
        $ StrictDaddy = 0
        $ SugarDaddy = 1
        jump AngelicasRoom_Cool

label AngelicasRoom_Strict:
    $ AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy + StrictDaddy  

label AngelicasRoom_Cool:
    $ AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy + StrictDaddy  
The second choice follow the new meaning of the values. AngelRelationship is a counter, and StrictDaddy/SugarDaddy are flags expressed with 0 and 1 instead of False and True (he already used this for a lot of things previously in the code).
But the first choice follow just half of this meaning, seeing just AngelRelationship as a counter.
Then the worse happen, right after this he fall back to the previous meaning of those values and perform his StrictDaddy/SugarDaddy... Except that he suddenly decided to addition them instead doing a subtraction.
And after this, the code clearly show that he decided to follow the meaning shown by the second choice...

[side note]
It remind be of tremmi and his "Mother Seduction" game where the meaning of the sub and dom value was inverted with each update (once even inside the same update), leading to a game with no sense :(
Please devs, if you aren't sure to remember the meaning of your values, write it in comment when you create them :
default StrictDaddy = 0  # Number of time the MC have been strict with Angel
default SugarDaddy = 0  # Number of time the MC have been permissive with Angel
default AngelRelationship = 0 # Level of relationship between MC and Angel
                                         # Equivalent to SugarDaddy - StrictDaddy

Take your time, try to make a sense of it and tell me how wrong or right I was about it:
You were right.
And as you should have understood by what I said above, while finding a "better" way to express is intent (because I really thing that the SugarDaddy - StrictDaddy is a good idea to weight the reactions), he changed his mind again before the end of the update.

I will be extremely pleasantly surprised if all the problems have actually been solved in the Patreon version or at least the next update of this game and it will work as the script seems to expect from the beginning to the current end of it.
By seeing the blurred way his mind changing is expressed in the code, I doubt alas :(

No disrespect to T4bbo, but this really needs some serious thinking about where and how these variables are going, how useful they are and what should be triggering these scenes. The game just started, it's not too late yet to redesign it, because it hasn't been working correctly from the start.
I agree. There's no shame to struggle at first with the meaning of the variables and the way the relationship will be expressed and handled ; I mean, I works (time to time) on my own game since almost one year now, and have changed this meaning thousand time at least. Yet I'm supposed to now works as project manager more than just coders ; please, don't tell my boss :D
But it need more than just a rewriting of the code. It need to pass some days thinking about it and only about it. Weighting the pros and cons of each possibility, trying to figure how each studied approach can works, then deciding which one is the more appropriated for the intend of the game and sticking to it whatever happen.

This said, looking at the code lead to other things... But firstly, T4bbo, like Penfold I'm not saying this to be hard on you, but to help you, because I think that your game deserve it.

    try: SugarDaddy
    except NameError: SugarDaddy = 0
Would be way better if wrote :
default SugarDaddy = 0
The intend of the statement is to do what your try/expect couples do, plus some few things like ensuring that the value will be saved. For now you only have literal values, but if one day you try to do the same with object, not going with the default approach will blow in your face.

image Disclaimer = "disclaimer/Disclaimer.png"
image Prolog = "backgrounds/Prolog.jpg"
image Picture1 = "backgrounds/Picture1.jpg"
image Picture1 = "backgrounds/Picture1.jpg"
Put them all directly into the "game/images/" folder, and you'll be able to address them in the exact same way in your game, without the need all those declaration lines.

label start:
    stop music
    scene Disclaimer
    "I confirm.":
        jump Intro
You are playing with fire here.
being a statement that can be labeled, they can really be defined at init level. Therefore, it's not anymore a anonymous block of code like when people put all their statement at 0 indent, but creating a block totally independent of the label. It works, should perhaps works in the future, but can also backfire really hard one day.
So, indent your menu at the same level than the others statements :
label start:
    stop music
    scene Disclaimer
        "I confirm.":
            jump Intro
label Intro:
    scene Prolog
    screen input:


            style "nvl_window"
            text prompt xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
            input id "input" xalign 0.5 yalign 0.55

        use quick_menu
This is the opposite, screens must always be at 0 of indent. They are totally independent block and should also no be placed into a label. It totally break your code which, for Ren'py, looks now more or less like :
  • A label with only one statement (the scene )
  • A block of anonymous statements independent of all label that will be played correctly only because Renpy is kind enough to handle those kind of errors.

    scene Picture1 with dissolve
    $ Episode = 1
    $ WickHorny = 0
    $ WickLie = 0
Here it's better, but still for save compatibility purpose, it's better to define the variables with the help of the default statement instead of doing it inside the "start" label.

menu HouseLoiter:
    "Work on Photos" if WorkOnPhotos == 0:
        $ WorkOnPhotos = 1
        mik "I'll get some work on the photos done."
The statement have a property designed for this :
default HouseLoiter = set()

menu HouseLoiter:
    set HouseLoiter
    "Work on Photos":
        mik "I'll get some work on the photos done."
    "Go to Work" if len( HouseLoiter ) == 3:
        mik "Ok time is up... I should get going..."

Because of the change in the meaning of the variables...
    "Don't Fall For It":
        $ AngelRelationship = AngelRelationship - 2
        if StrictDaddy == 1:
The condition can be reach in one and only one condition : The player have been strict once, and just once, and he choose to admonish her.
In all the other case, StrictDaddy can have a lot of value, but it can't be strictly equal to 1.


Game Developer
Apr 23, 2017
@t4boo sorry if it was addressed before, but :
     "Be Cool About It":
        scene Picture265 with dissolve
        $ AngelRelationship = AngelRelationship + 2
        $ StrictDaddy = 0
        $ SugarDaddy = 1
        jump AngelicasRoom_Cool
label AngelicasRoom_Cool:
    $ AngelRelationship = SugarDaddy + StrictDaddy 
    scene Picture264 with dissolve
What is the interest to add 2 to AngelRelationship, since its value will be forced to 1 few seconds later ?

This is quite old bug, which was fixed shortly after release, but F95 doesn't update it here. In the meantime there is already new version by the way... I just don't have time to answer all the questions here on F95 regarding old bugs, I rather use that time to render, code and tune the script.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
Yeah, wife is out of the picture for me at least. Very high maintenance, insanely jealous, puts no effort into relationship, expects you indulge her every whim to treat you anything you'd expect from your partner. Plus comes with extra baggage in form of full grown brat.
No surprise her ex turned tail and ran, any self respecting man wouldn't put up with it. MC is successful, good sense of humor, handsome, young with enough experience: he has way better options.
Is it mentioned, Dr. Wick one of the future love interest options?

Watcher X

Active Member
Dec 26, 2017
Yeah, wife is out of the picture for me at least. Very high maintenance, insanely jealous, puts no effort into relationship, expects you indulge her every whim to treat you anything you'd expect from your partner. Plus comes with extra baggage in form of full grown brat.
No surprise her ex turned tail and ran, any self respecting man wouldn't put up with it. MC is successful, good sense of humor, handsome, young with enough experience: he has way better options.
Is it mentioned, Dr. Wick one of the future love interest options?
I agree, the wife is a prize bitch. I'm hoping I can just turn her into some sort of cumslut while my MC focuses on better girls.

You would have to assume the shrink will be a love interest at some point.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
This is quite old bug, which was fixed shortly after release,
Should it be the reason why I started my comment by, "sorry if it was addressed before" ?

but F95 doesn't update it here.
Which would have changed nothing since the fixed version was released to your patrons two weeks after my comment.

But since you decided to take it like this ...
I just don't have time to answer all the questions here on F95 regarding old bugs, I rather use that time to render, code and tune the script.

    try: SugarDaddy
    except NameError: SugarDaddy = 0
This is still not and/or add a variable.

image Disclaimer = "disclaimer/Disclaimer.png"
image Prolog = "backgrounds/Prolog.jpg"
This is still ...

This (that happen way more than once) :
label start:
    stop music
    scene Disclaimer
    "I confirm.":
        jump Intro
and that (that happen only once):
label Intro:
    scene Prolog
    screen input:

Are still breaking the AST integrity, working only with the courtesy of a lax interpolation of the said AST.

lines 2862&2887 (and many other)
        $ EricaDefend = 0
        $ EricaDefend = 1
This is not how boolean values are expressed, which lead to confusions in your how mind (see the 'fixed' bug)

Line 3095 (and some others)
    "Check the USB" if USBChecked == 0:
        $ USBChecked = 1
This is still not an indented menu and still not how you do an " " kind of menu.

And, by the way, there were an easy way to revert the effects of the error for people who've chosen to "Admonish Angelica" and so offer them the possibility to earn again the two negative points. As well than an easy guess to do it for those who decided to "be cool about it", not letting them loose all their progression coming from the previous updates.
Falling back to a basic "positive/negative" condition will do the trick for a time, but keeping it forever remove all the purpose of AngelRelationship. Therefore, you'll soon or later return to a check of the effective value, and all the players who encountered the "Admonish Angelica" bug will always be 5 points late on their relationship with her ; which is high enough for them to never benefit of their decision to be a sugar daddy.

I let you use your eyes, there's a hint regarding the solution really near.


Apr 28, 2019
Hi, folks! I hope you are enjoying the second update! If you haven't yet, please take some time to do the survey. It really helps a great deal in shaping how the game's vision will be.

Right now, we're in midst of polishing Episode 3 as well as fixing some of Babysitter. Please be patient with us as we are working so hard!

Your feedback is much appreciated! If you have questions, I am always available. If you have pictures of dogs, you can always send them to me.


(Squirtle Squad out!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
I agree, the wife is a prize bitch. I'm hoping I can just turn her into some sort of cumslut while my MC focuses on better girls.

You would have to assume the shrink will be a love interest at some point.
Prize bitch is a pretty good description. ;)
Women like always end up looking for a "better man", without putting any effort into relationship. Which comes down to equation of three things: material ( home, financial income), social ( friendship, trust, support) and sex. In this case, MC is "providing" all three, while wife offers nothing..on top of that, you have to deal with her daughter ( worst kind of Instagram/Twitch brat)
One thing I dislike is lack of options to simply tell her to fuck off, while she treats MC like an idiot entire time.
This could be a good setup for decent NTR wife story, done better than Ptolemy's Intimate Relations ( which kind of "watered down" the plot with too many branching paths, and his usual problem with stiff, dull protagonists), based on relationship points. NTR, their marriage naturally improves, exclusive wife path
Normal/Neutral...NTR, but eventually realizes what she threw away, MC has the option of take her back ( in a more submissive role, potential swinger path/triangle with Erica, open marriage, etc) or end marriage entirely
Negative...NTR, all out war, zero chance of reconciliation

Tbh, I'd rather see some other third option than Angelica ( Dr. Wick, Jessica, Jane, etc), the game already has one "bitch" as one of LI's.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
And there's one more mistake: in lines 6791-6854 instead of
if EricaRelationship > 3:
if EricaRelationship < 0:
should be
if EricaRelationship > 3:
elif EricaRelationship < 0:
It's difficult for me to explain it properly, English isn't my native language, but maybe anne O'nymous or Penfold Mole can do it better.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
It's difficult for me to explain it properly, English isn't my native language, [...]
The advantage with code is that you don't need to really use words, it generally speak for itself ; at least in this case it did.

T4bbo apparently wanted to have a three states condition (positive, negative and neutral) for the relationship with Erica. But like you said, the code like it is will not do this ; anyone having a positive relationship with Erica (probably the majority of the players) will see her give two different explanations of her day.
And like it's a really subtle error, it's more than probable than players just had the impression that the dialog is weird, without thinking that there could be a bug behind this.


Sep 2, 2017
Surprisingly, Awesome game! I liked it!
Especially Lara and her work on the TV channel!
And Angelica!
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