Dec 31, 2019
I played this game ages ago.
I remember there being a moral alignment variable that allowed you to ejaculate on cream after she was asleep.
However, after that, no matter how low I made the moral alignment stat, I couldn't find any other scenes.

@ FuzzyBunny23
Are you planning to expand upon this feature or add new scenes to it? (eg. sleep rape, or other related scenes)
I kind of felt like this feature was very lacking in the base game
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Feb 8, 2021
And, in the interest of helping to squash bugs, I found a few glitches typos in the Matrix: :cool:

backyard.rpy, line 204: "Your right, I didn't think that one through." <--should be "You're"
backyard.rpy, line 554: "Cream gasps beneath you, almost loosing her stance." <--should be "losing"
backyard.rpy, line 1402: "put her lips around it and slide down it's length." <--should be "its"

guests.rpy, line 899: "not really believing what you're suggestion." <--should be "suggesting"

living.rpy, line 945: "Two pairs of eyes silently track the toy as it buzzes it's way over to your feet." <--should be "its"
living.rpy, line 955: "Cream uncurls a bit, relaxing with you're cool reaction." <-- should be "your"
living.rpy, line 4195: "when her fingers bump into your prostrate" <-- should be "prostate"
living.rpy, line 4403: "You really don't see any downside to loosing here" <--should be "losing"
living.rpy, line 4421: "By the time the timer goes off you're almost loosing it." <--should be "losing"
living.rpy, line 4428: "By the time the timer goes off you're almost loosing it." <--should be "losing"
living.rpy, line 4961: "along it's length." <--should be "its"
living.rpy, line 4970: "along it's length." <--should be "its"

vanilla.rpy, line 272: "I'm not sure if you're mommy is going" <--should be "your"

Also found what looks like a couple of actual glitches in the logic:

In the park, if you scold her for doing her dangerous trick, the text says she gets upset with you, but then her happiness score increases by +1 afterwards. (label .Swing8 in park.rpy, line 415) Shouldn't it go down by one?

In Vanilla's Room, there's no check to see if you have enough energy to ask Cream to take off her dress, panties, or to sleep with you, so you can still perform those actions even when you're down to 0.


Sep 15, 2020
so how much is "different" or did we get extra in this and the original?
There are multiple resources in the thread that go over what is different. The best one is the Change Log.
Please refer to the change log on the front page.
The front page can be found when you click on the "1" on the page icon.
You will need to click on the change log and then make sure to read the change log.

I hope this provided you with the needed guidance to assist yourself.


May 24, 2020
Found what appears to be a small bug in Vanilla's room. When you use the laptop to earn extra rings, the message that pops up says "Luckily, there is plenty on this site and you find one that pays [RingsRan] rings." It looks like [RingsRan] isn't being replaced with whatever random-number value is being generated. (It does pay you the rings, though.)
No worries, that's an old function that hasn't been updated, and kudos for working at it, not going straight to the cheat :)
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May 24, 2020
Hey Fuzzy I wanna say I appreciate your effort in reviving the game and adding your own flair to the game. I remember playing the original almost over a decade ago and it's nice to know that you are keeping the game alive and well. I appreciate your attitude as well with the project and hope you aren't getting bombarded by people due to it. Don't want history to repeat again with what happened to Avalon happen for you as well lol.

Also, what are some new ideas you have in mind with implementing into the game? Like new events, image ideas, or routes you would like to see in the game?
I'm going to be a little more discrete tossing out my ideas because invariably a couple of people will start asking how to get there before it exists (ex: threesomes, can't visit what isn't written yet). Here's a few hints. Lingerie/camera, carnival/fun-house, beach/bigger


Feb 8, 2021
No worries, that's an old function that hasn't been updated, and kudos for working at it, not going straight to the cheat :)
I figured as much. :) After examining the code, I see how it works, and I've already implemented a fix in my local copy of the game. (It's pretty trivial, especially since RingsRan isn't actually used anywhere else.) The other two bugs should be trivial fixes as well.
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May 24, 2020
I figured as much. :) After examining the code, I see how it works, and I've already implemented a fix in my local copy of the game. (It's pretty trivial, especially since RingsRan isn't actually used anywhere else.) The other two bugs should be trivial fixes as well.
Yeah, there's plenty of those left, I'm sure. I think we've covered all of the major ones now at least.


May 24, 2020
And, in the interest of helping to squash bugs, I found a few glitches typos in the Matrix: :cool:
Thanks for putting some effort into this! I've taken care of all of those now except the no energy issue in Vanilla's room, that's in the queue for when we get there. For now... FREEBIE!


May 24, 2020
Status Update:
Still super busy IRL, but making some time to bang the bunny again, lol.

Living room > panties menu > Play a racing game > DONE!
pretty hefty rewrite, some was done previously but now handles more if/else on first times (bj/hj/cunn/vaginal/anal play) and has more varied action.

Will start Living room > panties menu > Watch a Grown Up Movie next.

Will still be a while before next release. At least want to finish panties menu items.
Oct 7, 2019
This update is looking like one of the best ones yet. The strength of this game lies in how much focus it gives the 'in between' parts, between spying/teasing and outright sex, and most of that is during the 'panties' stage. Sad that most games jump right into the sex. There's only so many ways you can write 'and then he stuck his dick in her', but with outercourse and play the sky is the limit.


Feb 8, 2021
Thanks for putting some effort into this! I've taken care of all of those now except the no energy issue in Vanilla's room, that's in the queue for when we get there. For now... FREEBIE!
I've just about got that issue (and some other buggy peculiarities I found in Vanilla's room) solved as well.

Actually, there's a similar logic error throughout the game, BTW -- summoning Cream is supposed to cost you 1 energy, but as near as I can tell, there's no check implemented anywhere, in any of the rooms or in screens.rpy, to determine whether you actually do have sufficient energy for it. This shouldn't be too hard to implement, though; I just need to decide whether it's better to implement it at the 'screens' level and have the button switch to the "you can't summon" rollover when your energy is at 0, or put a check in each of the individual rooms' .rpy files and have some kind of "you're too tired for that" message.

Are you checking your Discord messages? I sent you a PM over there to ask what would be the best way to submit fixes and modifications and such, but never heard back.
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Apr 14, 2019
Actually, there's a similar logic error throughout the game, BTW -- summoning Cream is supposed to cost you 1 energy, but as near as I can tell, there's no check implemented anywhere, in any of the rooms or in screens.rpy, to determine whether you actually do have sufficient energy for it. This shouldn't be too hard to implement, though; I just need to decide whether it's better to implement it at the 'screens' level and have the button switch to the "you can't summon" rollover when your energy is at 0, or put a check in each of the individual rooms' .rpy files and have some kind of "you're too tired for that" message.
As far as I remember it was like this in the original game, some events and and actions had checks and some didnt, I totally remember having negative energy at times. Idk if Fuzzy did any changes to the system, but considering that I just straight up copied code over from the original, old systems should still be the same. I like how this mod is becoming just a straight up better game with all of the mechanical and story changes.


Feb 8, 2021
As far as I remember it was like this in the original game, some events and and actions had checks and some didnt, I totally remember having negative energy at times. Idk if Fuzzy did any changes to the system, but considering that I just straight up copied code over from the original, old systems should still be the same. I like how this mod is becoming just a straight up better game with all of the mechanical and story changes.
I think you're right on both counts; it's always been like that, and FuzzyBunny hasn't fixed those bits yet. :) It was just something I noticed while putting in a fix for the issues I mentioned above; as I was going through vanilla.rpy, I started noticing "hey, this doesn't check, and this doesn't check... no problem, I'll just copy the check over from one of the other rooms which does check. Oh... geez, none of them check for this condition!"
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May 24, 2020
Are you checking your Discord messages? I sent you a PM over there to ask what would be the best way to submit fixes and modifications and such, but never heard back.
I haven't been checking in at discord, will need to get back into doing that before I get too far behind.


Feb 12, 2020
Hi, in the old game (Avalon version), you had various ways of getting -1 or -2 morals. when it got to -10, you were able to get the aphrodisiac icecream, or steal from the lingerie shop, or even mess up Rouge. I'll leave it up to you to find them. heh heh
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May 24, 2020
Hi, in the old game (Avalon version), you had various ways of getting -1 or -2 morals. when it got to -10, you were able to get the aphrodisiac icecream, or steal from the lingerie shop, or even mess up Rouge. I'll leave it up to you to find them. heh heh
Those items aren't updated yet, but still obtainable.


Dec 11, 2018
i hope they add in pregnancy becouse why add condoms and a choice to use them or not unless there's a risk of it so like if your cum inside 15 times or more you get a bounce seen of they both show up with belly's showing they are pregnant or just cream
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