deathspawn246 is correct -- Protofan's port is pretty much a straight 1-to-1 porting of the original Flash game to Ren'Py, with a few bug-fixes here and there, but without any new content (aside from a "Cheat Menu" which can be accessed via Vanilla's laptop in her bedroom; I don't think that was in the original game). I think the only significant changes he made was to upscale the artwork and choose some different background images, so that it would look better on "modern" high-def PC displays, since what was considered "high resolution" 10 years ago is pretty medium-to-low-rez today.
Which "it" do you mean -- this one, or Protofan's port? Because
this version of the game has a
lot of additional content, as well as lot of major rewrites to clean up the original's awful spelling and grammar issues.

Just look at the changelog on the first page of the thread.