I see there's a couple issues here.
1 - Someone comes into the thread and begins demanding a change to the game's flow and format regarding random events in ONE room and when told "no", has decided not to accept being told "no". As a result, it's turned into a single member repeatedly bullying the developer in an attempt to gain an advantage in the game.
My take on this - Normally, being told "no" and then actually having the reasoning behind it explained clearly should stop anyone from trying to push an issue. I mean, I understand FuzzyBunny23's explanation about the random events so if it was me, I would have stopped and thought "maybe I'll do my own mod for myself if i feel it's that bad." But other than that, i would have stopped pushing the issue. But that is not what happened here and it's not okay. It stops now. I do mean NOW.
2- Other members including FuzzyBunny23 understandably got frustrated and let their emotions get the better of them. Those posts (even though I understand why) were deleted because they were starting to get aggressive along with the troll's comments. So both sides had comments deleted.
My words - Hey I get it. You're feeling disrespected and replying on that level. Yeah. But you know, all the comments on that same level got deleted.. both sides. So the mods did their job correctly.
With that said, the TL;DR is
If you notice this behavior again in the future, please don't respond to it. Report it please. That way you won't have "comment was deleted.." notifications. Instead, you'd return to the thread and wonder what happened to the offending post cuz it's now gone.
To the individual who thinks they can keep trying to bully someone into changing random events, you're being warned right now. Because you didn't stop when asked, it's now violating Rule #1 because you're not being respectful. If you try this again, I will issue warnings and temp bans.