Treaddd ,
wiselord :
Technically, that scene is still in the code; the "Porn Shop" section hasn't been rewritten yet.
Looking at the code, though, there appears to be a logic error in the code that determines whether you can get to it or not. The first requirement,
if flags.completed('get_naked')
(Cream has to be willing to get naked) makes sense -- but then the second requirement is
if stats.val('moral') >= -10
, which is a logic error because mathematically, a Morality of -18 is
less than -10, not greater than. So the reason you couldn't trigger it, Treadd, is that your morality was
too negative to pass the buggy if/then check.
I'll add that to my list of bugs to fix in the pile of changes I've been working on.

(The scene itself will still be getting removed or heavily rewritten at some point, to be sure, but having found the bug, may as well patch it; it's a trivial change.)
(This same bug is present in Protofan's original port, BTW, so it's probably like that in the original Flash game as well.)