- Sep 14, 2020
- 516
- 491
1 question arises spontaneously and what is YOUR hobby ... why don't you go and practice it for the next 2 days? or do you not have hobbies?As for the hobby,
don't you think it is true that the more you engage with your hobby the more you feel happy,
well if your hobby is modding a game don't you think to select a game which gets update more frequently so you can work on your hobby more, if modding is your hobby then why waste your time go and select another game meanwhile' it your hobby after all isn't it?
Get fucking real with it..
I agree that either we will have update or we can expect silence for another couple of weeks...I think high. because if not - nobody trust axes words again. if not I think the next post will come in a couple of weeks. like last winter/ spring. or he produce a remake, too like RAinces.![]()
Axeman99 i see the textures in your version are better than that of Ra... so i was really curious if u have to re-render them from scratch or are there images from Ra u can re-use or enhance? Cuz wow that sounds like a schiit ton of work
P.s. would love to see ur own game in future!
this is a mod with new content but the story ends where rainces game ends.Will the update have content till where rainces has come or new content?
Maybe I got something wrong idk...
After reading your long post and its contents, I confirm once again, you need to get a life. I repeat, you need to get a life.Sorry dude if it take you hours to read a few posts, for me its a couple of minutes at best. But you know those of us with a life are also literate.
My point was, Axeman99 has asked nothing of anyone. Not one fucking thing! He's even turned down offers of help, and money. Because this is his hobby. If he chooses to share his game with us, great. I'm all for it. I'm looking forward to it. I probably want to play it just as much as everyone here. That's why I check in from time to time. Not for hours. Just a few minutes here and there. I check on this and a few other games I like.
If there is an update great, if not, I let it go and go and look for one that has. Even if there is nothing new of interest anywhere, I spend maybe half an hour on the site tops. It's not like this is the only supply of porn on the net you know.
But I never get pissed off at the creators for not updating, even if they said they would. Because I have no idea why they didn't post.
Axeman99 could have hundred of legitimate reasons for not posting, ranging from little stuff like he forgot to pack his laptop to take to work that day, all the way up to he was mugged and the laptop was stolen. Or it could be as simple as maybe he just didn't feel like it.
It doesn't matter why it didn't happen, because its a fucking hobby. If he chooses not to share his hobby with us, I'll be disappointed sure, but it's still his choice.
When was the last time you got told to hurry the fuck up we all wanna see what you created, followed by whatever you've done not being good enough for the people who've never actually had to produce something themselves.
Half of you are behaving like its Axeman99's personal nightly responsibility to get you off.
Sure this is a long post, but it's still only taken me a few minutes to write it. And for those many jerkoffs and assorted twits who still think they have a moral high ground, or a "witty" retort. You don't! You just proving how small your ego's are.
It's a mod of the original game with some original content. Started off as more of a reworking or reimagining.is this a gane istself or is just a mod?
Have a question there is no sex scene here right?It's a mod of the original game with some original content. Started off as more of a reworking or reimagining.
its kinda sad tho.Okay so Patreon report problem is that you have to pay to report the developer, and this forums problem is that if you report then all the comments you have put from the beginning gets deleted.
And here I thought if a customer reports the problem will be taken care of but instead they treat us like the problem.
So guys, I have given up hope on this game. You can do as you wish either whine on this page for free or pay and whine on Patreon page.