Last reply on this cause i feel were getting off topic here, this thread isnt about big brother but i can tell u what isnt a good story. Throwing spiders at your sister in the hope that one day she ends up fucking you. or have your aunt convince your mom to do a porn with her son so in the hope u would end up bonding over it.. by insisting or keep asking the same question over and over again in the hope lisa would agree to whatever the options were in the game (there were multiple instances of this but for the life of me cant remember what they were, dont rly care to look it up either but u'll know what i mean)
there are many more examples you could list here from big brothers story. something a tad believable or realistic wouldve been nice i guess. again nt saying everything was bad.
I have fond memories about 2 scenes in the game, the moment where lisa masturbates next to you and the moment when the older sister (forgot name) catches u, aunt and your mom watching that porno together, and they are all sitting there with their mouths open and your aunt still had your cock in her hand
now that shit was GOLD. rest was mostly meh also because a lot of scenes were repetitive and needed to keep the moral up, they lost their value over time, even tho some of those scenes were actually good. also if u rly were wondering about which stories i think are good ive listed 4 in my signatures.