Kai Andersen

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2018
I don't like tossing this card out their but isn't this some sort of sue able offense on his patreon page he states he is obliged to release an update every month and a half which makes him legally bound to do so I'm all for supporting he's efforts but why am I paying for something every month to never hear a reason why content is never released
thatguybobby, are you really a RAinces sponsor?o_O Then you are the only one on this forum. Please keep us informed of what RAinces promises there, he hasn't been coming to us for a long time.:)


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
After what happened to ICSTOR I don't know how this game is still on Patreon and how ppl continues to support the game knowing how easy is shot down the game.
keep going I like the game but it's very weird
O que aconteceu ao ICSTOR?

# What happened to ICSTOR (Patreon)?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2021
O que aconteceu ao ICSTOR?

# What happened to ICSTOR (Patreon)?
vamos so dizer que ele foi reportado por umas tretas. e teem de refazer a istoria do jogo e mudar algumas cenas. mas a verdadeira razao e que alguns idiotas estavam zangados por ele demorar tempo demais a lançar actualizaçoes.

Let's just say he was reported for some bs. and have to redo the story of the game and change some scenes. but the real reason is that some idiots were angry that it took too long to release updates
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
Of these, like others I wouldn't count the blow jobs. The word "sex" was originally intended to refer to vaginal sex between a man and a woman. The term has broadened recently, but that's still probably the most common definition most people use, and it's the reason phrases like "oral sex" and "anal sex" exist. It's understood they're a type of sex, but not "sex" sex. It's far easier to talk about there being no sex in a game, rather than to carefully specify each time "i mean vaginal sex between the main character and a woman". If we apply the broadest definition possible to sex, then we also have to include things like foot sex, the dry humping, anything involving Lucy and one of the sisters, etc.

I'd count the "game-over" scene personally. It did happen. It's not a dream or flashback or something like that. I just results in a game over. Although I would love to see the game have continued past that point without Bobby necessarily going to jail.

I also wouldn't count the one between Anna and her boss. Yes, sex is happening, but the MC is not directly involved. You could just as well count the two times Julia rapes one of the sisters, or the game over one with Lisa being kidnapped.

So yes, technically there is a ton of sex happening in the game if you use a really broad definition. But in the context of what most of the people mean here when they say sex, there's only three scenes by my count, including the one in the latest update.

For the record, I suspect that Rainces does take the much broader view on sex. Or rather, they see things like the footsex or grinding as equal to or better than vaginal sex. I've always seen all of that as the build up to "real" sex. But I think Rainces saw all of that stuff as the focus of the game, with a big question mark as to whether vaginal sex with a family member would occur. I think it was only fan pressure that has made them change their course on that somewhat, just as similar pressure caused Dark Silver to put actual incestual vaginal sex in Big Brother instead of just voyeurism and NTR involving family members.

I don't like tossing this card out their but isn't this some sort of sue able offense on his patreon page he states he is obliged to release an update every month and a half which makes him legally bound to do so I'm all for supporting he's efforts but why am I paying for something every month to never hear a reason why content is never released
I'm sure a class-action lawsuit could be attempted, and possibly even won. It would be limited to people that actually support Rainces on Patreon, and all of them would need to provide their identities to be attached to the class action lawsuit, so you'd have a permanent record of your name attached to this game. Something tells me a lot of people would not be interested in that. And it's possible some devs or porn developers in general rely on stuff like that.

Also, assuming the suit is won, individuals would only get back a small part of what they had paid to Rainces at best. Lawyer fees would eat up most of it, if not all, because we're not necessarily talking a ton of money here overall. It's probably low five-figures at best, even after all of this time. To you or me, yeah. that's a lot of money. For a lawyer to spend time on this case? No. They'd want money up front instead of a cut of the winnings. And you'd be trying to sue someone in another country, and then trying to compel money from them if you won. The laws may not be there to support it, or it may be that there is no money to take back anymore, and not any likelihood of Rainces making enough in the future.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
vamos so dizer que ele foi reportado por umas tretas. e teem de refazer a istoria do jogo e mudar algumas cenas. mas a verdadeira razao e que alguns idiotas estavam zangados por ele demorar tempo demais a lançar actualizaçoes.

Let's just say he was reported for some bs. and have to redo the story of the game and change some scenes. but the real reason is that some idiots were angry that it took too long to release updates

Também és tuga ou filho de emigrantes tugas..., certo? Se és Xalente, se não és tás perto (tens alguns erros graves)...

Acho muito bem que apertem estes mamas... Que me lembre os atrasos do ICSTOR não eram nem de perto nem de longe tão escandalosos como estes. Mas essa de refazer as cenas parte-me todo... Seculo XXI e ainda andam a censurar conteúdos....

# I'm all for putting these leaches on the spot... But if I recall it right ICSTOR wasn't lagging behind as much as RAInces. And pressuring to remake entire scenes...? Unbelievable... XXI century censorship out in the open
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Of these, like others I wouldn't count the blow jobs. The word "sex" was originally intended to refer to vaginal sex between a man and a woman. The term has broadened recently, but that's still probably the most common definition most people use, and it's the reason phrases like "oral sex" and "anal sex" exist. It's understood they're a type of sex, but not "sex" sex. It's far easier to talk about there being no sex in a game, rather than to carefully specify each time "i mean vaginal sex between the main character and a woman". If we apply the broadest definition possible to sex, then we also have to include things like foot sex, the dry humping, anything involving Lucy and one of the sisters, etc.

I'd count the "game-over" scene personally. It did happen. It's not a dream or flashback or something like that. I just results in a game over. Although I would love to see the game have continued past that point without Bobby necessarily going to jail.

I also wouldn't count the one between Anna and her boss. Yes, sex is happening, but the MC is not directly involved. You could just as well count the two times Julia rapes one of the sisters, or the game over one with Lisa being kidnapped.

So yes, technically there is a ton of sex happening in the game if you use a really broad definition. But in the context of what most of the people mean here when they say sex, there's only three scenes by my count, including the one in the latest update.

For the record, I suspect that Rainces does take the much broader view on sex. Or rather, they see things like the footsex or grinding as equal to or better than vaginal sex. I've always seen all of that as the build up to "real" sex. But I think Rainces saw all of that stuff as the focus of the game, with a big question mark as to whether vaginal sex with a family member would occur. I think it was only fan pressure that has made them change their course on that somewhat, just as similar pressure caused Dark Silver to put actual incestual vaginal sex in Big Brother instead of just voyeurism and NTR involving family members.
Well here is an interesting discussion, and which deserves to open a dedicated subject so as not to overflow this one.
The common vision of the word sex is irrelevant or me because it is far too restrictive, or even dogmatic, depending on whether people believe in a religion. Be careful, I don't attack anyone and I respect everyone's opinions. I'm just saying that we can't generalize this topic globally because everyone sees things from a different angle.

If you want to talk about the origin of the word sex, sexus in Latin, it appeared in the 12th century, and experts still disagree on its origin. I won't go into details, although they are fascinating.

however, I find your view and that of many others very reductive and self-centered. If I understand you correctly and from what you write, there is only sex if you, or character in the game (MC) is involved. In the same vein, you deny homosexual relations whether they are M / M or F / F. You also say that the meaning of the word sex has expanded recently.
Yet paintings and frescoes prove that fellatio, masturbation etc etc existed in the time of ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Archaeologists have even found paintings in caves dating back to Neolithic times. Waow Not that recent as you think about it.

Finally, I find your reasoning incoherent. Let's take an example. You are in a relationship with a partner. One day, you come home, you find your boyfriend or your girlfriend having sex. On the basis of your principle, you are not cuckolded since not being personally involved you do not count this as sexual intercours

What I also mean is that there are many ways to approach sexuality, and it has been a long time since sex was seen as just the one way to procreate. I admit that it is difficult to navigate among the different ways of approaching this still very taboo subject, even on a site like this one. the psychological, philosophical, medical, religious, legal vision. I too, when I was younger and inexperienced, believed that "Daddy in Mum" was the ultimate way to make love. Then I started going to particular clubs, and soon after I found myself on my first film set, and if my vision of sex is broadened, it especially evolved. All this explains to me why this subject remains taboo and pardoxal. As for the relationship between, developers, supporters, and Patreon? what to say? it's still other issues that destroy creativity As I like to repeat, open-mindedness is not a fracture of the skull
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
however, I find your view and that of many others very reductive and self-centered. If I understand you correctly and from what you write, there is only sex if you, or character in the game (MC) is involved. In the same vein, you deny homosexual relations whether they are M / M or F / F. You also say that the meaning of the word sex has expanded recently.
Yet paintings and frescoes prove that fellatio, masturbation etc etc existed in the time of ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Archaeologists have even found paintings in caves dating back to Neolithic times. Waow Not that recent as you think about it.

Finally, I find your reasoning incoherent. Let's take an example. You are in a relationship with a partner. One day, you come home, you find your boyfriend or your girlfriend having sex. On the basis of your principle, you are not cuckolded since not being personally involved you do not count this as sexual intercours
You completely misunderstood what I said, perhaps quite purposefully. I'm not saying that "sex" doesn't apply to those situations. What I am saying is that when someone says "Is there sex in this game yet?" most of the time what they actually mean is "Has the MC actually had vaginal sex yet?" They could care less if two NPCs have sex, or if the MC has received a handjob. If you tell them there is sex in the game, and that's all they get when they play it, they're liable to be pretty disappointed. Often, when the question is asked, there's a response like "The MC got a blowjob from X, but so far no actual sex." Sex is a vague term that can be taken to mean a lot of things, but contextually I think most people understand that in a game like this it has that very specific meaning, or they'll err on the side of spelling out exactly what sexual acts there are to give a more comprehensive answer. Most people asking the question with regards to BBS have played the game in the past, and already know there's been blowjobs, and sexual acts not involving the MC. They are most obviously not forgetting about those when they ask if there's sex in the game yet.

It's generally a straightforward process, other than when people choose to deliberately misunderstand it. It's akin to someone asking you when the United States was discovered, and instead of giving the answer of 1492 that they were obviously looking for, you instead give a long-winded and not terribly helpful answer about how it was not discovered, because there were already people living there, and segueing into a critique of western imperialism. Yes, you are technically correct, because you answered the wording of the question, but not the actual meaning behind it. And in fact you knew from the start the answer the person was actually looking for, but chose to pretend to not understand it to try to make a point or further your own views, and to even feign offense at the person's completely reasonable question.

It reminds me of the old joke about the man who walks up to another guy with a dog sitting next to him. The first guy asks the second "Does your dog bite?" The second guy goes "no". The first guy bends down to pet the dog, and immediately gets bitten. He indignantly tells the second guy "You said your dog didn't bite!" to which the second guy responds "Well, that's not my dog." The second guy is technically right, but he's also very wrong in that he knew the context behind the question but chose to ignore it to give the literal answer.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
You completely misunderstood what I said, perhaps quite purposefully. I'm not saying that "sex" doesn't apply to those situations. What I am saying is that when someone says "Is there sex in this game yet?" most of the time what they actually mean is "Has the MC actually had vaginal sex yet?" They could care less if two NPCs have sex, or if the MC has received a handjob. If you tell them there is sex in the game, and that's all they get when they play it, they're liable to be pretty disappointed. Often, when the question is asked, there's a response like "The MC got a blowjob from X, but so far no actual sex." Sex is a vague term that can be taken to mean a lot of things, but contextually I think most people understand that in a game like this it has that very specific meaning, or they'll err on the side of spelling out exactly what sexual acts there are to give a more comprehensive answer. Most people asking the question with regards to BBS have played the game in the past, and already know there's been blowjobs, and sexual acts not involving the MC. They are most obviously not forgetting about those when they ask if there's sex in the game yet.

It's generally a straightforward process, other than when people choose to deliberately misunderstand it. It's akin to someone asking you when the United States was discovered, and instead of giving the answer of 1492 that they were obviously looking for, you instead give a long-winded and not terribly helpful answer about how it was not discovered, because there were already people living there, and segueing into a critique of western imperialism. Yes, you are technically correct, because you answered the wording of the question, but not the actual meaning behind it. And in fact you knew from the start the answer the person was actually looking for, but chose to pretend to not understand it to try to make a point or further your own views, and to even feign offense at the person's completely reasonable question.

It reminds me of the old joke about the man who walks up to another guy with a dog sitting next to him. The first guy asks the second "Does your dog bite?" The second guy goes "no". The first guy bends down to pet the dog, and immediately gets bitten. He indignantly tells the second guy "You said your dog didn't bite!" to which the second guy responds "Well, that's not my dog." The second guy is technically right, but he's also very wrong in that he knew the context behind the question but chose to ignore it to give the literal answer.
I understood very well what you said, but indeed I was deliberately seeking to open the debate in a broader sense, and not just contextually. This was my only intention and I do not hide it. That's why I was answering in a roundabout way, because I always try to go beyond words, and understand the reasoning behind it.
I often have discussions with other people around me, but here in this specific context, I was surprised by the comments from players. I believe that it is normal to want to establish a connection between on the one hand, the world that we know, and on the other hand the one that we are trying to discover.

I understand that most people, at least here, take a shortcut by using the word sex to mean something very specific.
I'm trying to figure out what the differences people see between a porn video and the porn game are, beyond involving the player's decisions instead of passively watching a video . It is this hidden part that interests me.

You are making a mistake by making me certain malicious intentions. I don't use reverse psychology. Yes, I put my opinion forward, but only to open the debate, what you did and I thank you for it. Certainly not to impose it on others. And no, I am absolutely not pretending to be offended, I am just careful in warning people reading that I am not targeting anyone. for me, the opinion of others is as important as mine. People who know me say that I tend to be bellicose, but they know that I am just trying to jostle lightly to get a debate going in circles. So, sorry if I was awkward with words, but I hope you understand better what I'm looking for.

Edit: Your joke of the two men and the dog is quite funny but it shows that you see bad intentions in me.
Let me give you an example. I have a couple of friends who were becoming more and more intrigued by some of my activities. They were not aware of my involvement in the world of porn. In short, Once un upon a time ... I was the one who made them meet. The wife of this couple and I were very close but I was already in a relationship at the time.
Years later they were getting curious and I decided to talk to them about it. They were very surprised at the start, but they ended up agreeing to follow me to a swinger club, and slowly they joined this new life.
I could have seen this as an opportunity, because this woman and I have always had a great affinity, and if I was happy to see them open up and abandon certain taboos, it is mainly because I saw their couple flourish again.
I am a whole person. Sometimes a little rough but I'm always straightforward and honest.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I understood very well what you said, but indeed I was deliberately seeking to open the debate in a broader sense, and not just contextually. This was my only intention and I do not hide it. That's why I was answering in a roundabout way, because I always try to go beyond words, and understand the reasoning behind it.
I often have discussions with other people around me, but here in this specific context, I was surprised by the comments from players. I believe that it is normal to want to establish a connection between on the one hand, the world that we know, and on the other hand the one that we are trying to discover.

I understand that most people, at least here, take a shortcut by using the word sex to mean something very specific.
I'm trying to figure out what the differences people see between a porn video and the porn game are, beyond involving the player's decisions instead of passively watching a video . It is this hidden part that interests me.

You are making a mistake by making me certain malicious intentions. I don't use reverse psychology. Yes, I put my opinion forward, but only to open the debate, what you did and I thank you for it. Certainly not to impose it on others. And no, I am absolutely not pretending to be offended, I am just careful in warning people reading that I am not targeting anyone. for me, the opinion of others is as important as mine. People who know me say that I tend to be bellicose, but they know that I am just trying to jostle lightly to get a debate going in circles. So, sorry if I was awkward with words, but I hope you understand better what I'm looking for.

Edit: Your joke of the two men and the dog is quite funny but it shows that you see bad intentions in me.
Let me give you an example. I have a couple of friends who were becoming more and more intrigued by some of my activities. They were not aware of my involvement in the world of porn. In short, Once un upon a time ... I was the one who made them meet. The wife of this couple and I were very close but I was already in a relationship at the time.
Years later they were getting curious and I decided to talk to them about it. They were very surprised at the start, but they ended up agreeing to follow me to a swinger club, and slowly they joined this new life.
I could have seen this as an opportunity, because this woman and I have always had a great affinity, and if I was happy to see them open up and abandon certain taboos, it is mainly because I saw their couple flourish again.
I am a whole person. Sometimes a little rough but I'm always straightforward and honest.
If you're looking for the difference between porn videos and porn games, it's that in porn games (or just video games in general) people tend to see the MC as a surrogate for themselves. Some people do view porn games as pure porn where they are just an observer. But for others, and quite a good number of them at that, they see themselves linked in some way with the main character. There's usually at least some limited ability to influence their choices, or at least the illusion thereof which porn videos don't have. That's why we get into discussions about how some may find it distasteful to play a game if the MC is an awful person, stupid, or whatever. They've built up that rapport with the MC so that they do identify with them more. For me, it's so I can imagine myself being the one having sex with the LIs directly, and that's why for myself and so many others, the notion of "sex" in the game is only applicable if it involves the MC. Granted, not everyone is like this. I know others see these games as just more porn. They're less likely to care if they're the same gender as the MC, or if sex actually involves the MC, of if MC is a buffoon because they feel no link. That's why many people see Bobby as frustrating because of his actions and lack of common sense or any real plan, and often screwing things up.

And you admit to deliberately being provocative, but not to being malicious. Yet your original response to me was full of language designed to be accusing or to imply things. It wasn't so much an attempt to open a debate as to start an argument. In fact, you own up to understanding basically everything I had said earlier, despite referring to myself or my arguments as reductive, self-centered, and incoherent, while in your latest response not really disagreeing with any of it. I think most people would look at your post and see some maliciousness in there, whether you see it or intended it or not. As you admit, you were trying to be provocative, and it's very hard to do that without being condescending or insulting. You now say it was all about trying to open a debate, but that doesn't really seem to have been your intent initially. You could have simply asked the question that you claim to have been trying to find the answer to if that was your real intent.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
If you're looking for the difference between porn videos and porn games, it's that in porn games (or just video games in general) people tend to see the MC as a surrogate for themselves. Some people do view porn games as pure porn where they are just an observer. But for others, and quite a good number of them at that, they see themselves linked in some way with the main character. There's usually at least some limited ability to influence their choices, or at least the illusion thereof which porn videos don't have. That's why we get into discussions about how some may find it distasteful to play a game if the MC is an awful person, stupid, or whatever. They've built up that rapport with the MC so that they do identify with them more. For me, it's so I can imagine myself being the one having sex with the LIs directly, and that's why for myself and so many others, the notion of "sex" in the game is only applicable if it involves the MC. Granted, not everyone is like this. I know others see these games as just more porn. They're less likely to care if they're the same gender as the MC, or if sex actually involves the MC, of if MC is a buffoon because they feel no link. That's why many people see Bobby as frustrating because of his actions and lack of common sense or any real plan, and often screwing things up.

And you admit to deliberately being provocative, but not to being malicious. Yet your original response to me was full of language designed to be accusing or to imply things. It wasn't so much an attempt to open a debate as to start an argument. In fact, you own up to understanding basically everything I had said earlier, despite referring to myself or my arguments as reductive, self-centered, and incoherent, while in your latest response not really disagreeing with any of it. I think most people would look at your post and see some maliciousness in there, whether you see it or intended it or not. As you admit, you were trying to be provocative, and it's very hard to do that without being condescending or insulting. You now say it was all about trying to open a debate, but that doesn't really seem to have been your intent initially. You could have simply asked the question that you claim to have been trying to find the answer to if that was your real intent.
After proofreading, I realize my mistake. So first of all, let me apologize for being arrogant.
I have engaged in an exercise which cannot be applied here. It's a professional distortion in a way, and by talking to a friend (about it) she confirmed to me that I often do this without even realizing it.
Without going into detail, this is a very useful practice during an interview or a casting. To destabilize in order to get a person out of their comfort zone, to push them to show themselves. Here, I cannot read the reactions and expressions of my interlocutor, and therefore I cannot anticipate.

You are right that it's difficult to be provocative without being condescending or insulting. In my experience it's even almost impossible because it's necessary . This experience will serve as a lesson for me. When you tickle a bear, you can never be sure of the outcome after all.

Now and thanks to your explanations, I understand a little better the why and the how. Sorry again for my awkwardness with words too. English is not my native language, which you probably will not have missed

Please don't lecture me on the difference between interacting on a network and in real life. I just understood my stupidity. joke
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Is there a gallery for viewing scenes in this game?
No there is not, but you can use that if you want all the pics from the game.
It's safe and work well.
1 extract
2 copy / paste the unren.bat file into the main game directory
3 open the file and choose option 1 wait the end of process (some seconds)
you will see the "picture" folder added in the Game folder


May 29, 2021
Regarding the last discussion about "Sex", I'm more in the line of Corambis; in the Videogames world, Sex is what it is, specially if the player is invited to be/feel part of the story.... just imagine a game with tons of BJ, HJ, FJ, dry humping, jerk off scenes and the Dev says that it would be all in the game, so the player will never see a Cock penetrating a Vagina or Ass, doesn't matter if the MC is participating or not.... Do you really think that it would become an iconic and popular game just like that?

I'm not saying that no-one would play it, but it would be a very low number of players.... A possible kind of exception could be that the graphic offer (animations, models, render's quality) of that hypothetical game might be that good that many people could be interested at the beginning, but I'm sure all that people would demand SEX in order to enjoy the game and continue supporting it.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Regarding the last discussion about "Sex", I'm more in the line of Corambis; in the Videogames world, Sex is what it is, specially if the player is invited to be/feel part of the story.... just imagine a game with tons of BJ, HJ, FJ, dry humping, jerk off scenes and the Dev says that it would be all in the game, so the player will never see a Cock penetrating a Vagina or Ass, doesn't matter if the MC is participating or not.... Do you really think that it would become an iconic and popular game just like that?

I'm not saying that no-one would play it, but it would be a very low number of players.... A possible kind of exception could be that the graphic offer (animations, models, render's quality) of that hypothetical game might be that good that many people could be interested at the beginning, but I'm sure all that people would demand SEX in order to enjoy the game and continue supporting it.
I see what you mean.
Certain ingredients of the game are necessary for it to retain the interest of as many people as possible. There is a need for the player to feel close to the mc, and all ingredients combined, the finality remains that there will be penetration sooner or later. the rest of the fetishes are secondary, depending on individual preferences.

I am referring to the different tags here. Besides, I see a lot of reviews on some of them.
I find it a shame that people are spending so much energy to make certain content disappear. For example for the NTR tag ...
I read a lot of nonsense from people who rush to judge without really understanding this fetish or fantasy. If I don't like something, I go my way and go see what interests me. I'm not gonna say Hey you you're a fucking retarded cause you like it.

Anyway .. To come back to the topic, personally I find the preliminary thrill more interesting than the finality or the result.
Even in a video game. And it doesn't matter if I am the spectator or the protagonist.
I approach it differently and it gives me lots of ideas for new roleplay. Besides, I should say we and not I, because I rarely play alone, it is much more fun.
I know that many stay in a comfortable zone, but others like me like a challenge.
I agree that a game that has a large number of supporters more easily becomes an icon. Personally, I have a preference for games that think outside the box.
The strength of the story is really important to me. Something that gives chills, or that makes me laugh to death, interests me more than an abundance of very beautiful images interspersed with a treasure hunt.
There is a very nice job in TON for example, and the mc is very sexually active, but it all depends on the quality of the graphics and some nasty stuff.
Well, I know my opinion is not unanimous so I'll stop there, although I do enjoy discussing all of this.


May 29, 2021
I see what you mean.
Certain ingredients of the game are necessary for it to retain the interest of as many people as possible. There is a need for the player to feel close to the mc, and all ingredients combined, the finality remains that there will be penetration sooner or later. the rest of the fetishes are secondary, depending on individual preferences.

I am referring to the different tags here. Besides, I see a lot of reviews on some of them.
I find it a shame that people are spending so much energy to make certain content disappear. For example for the NTR tag ...
I read a lot of nonsense from people who rush to judge without really understanding this fetish or fantasy. If I don't like something, I go my way and go see what interests me. I'm not gonna say Hey you you're a fucking retarded cause you like it.
I think that the more options/tags you have to choose from, if they're well implemented, it's better for a game, but what I dislike sometimes is when the game forces the player to do something to start or unlock an opportunity with a character (and there is where a tag can bother some people) (obviously not to the point of insulting the Dev) In my case, I just skip that and go for what interests me.
So if Devs provide multiple options to reach a desired treasure, I think is better for most of the players (even though I know it means more work to do)

Anyway .. To come back to the topic, personally I find the preliminary thrill more interesting than the finality or the result.
Even in a video game. And it doesn't matter if I am the spectator or the protagonist.
I approach it differently and it gives me lots of ideas for new roleplay. Besides, I should say we and not I, because I rarely play alone, it is much more fun.
I know that many stay in a comfortable zone, but others like me like a challenge.
I agree that a game that has a large number of supporters more easily becomes an icon. Personally, I have a preference for games that think outside the box.

The strength of the story is really important to me. Something that gives chills, or that makes me laugh to death, interests me more than an abundance of very beautiful images interspersed with a treasure hunt.
There is a very nice job in TON for example, and the mc is very sexually active, but it all depends on the quality of the graphics and some nasty stuff.
Well, I know my opinion is not unanimous so I'll stop there, although I do enjoy discussing all of this.
I also prefer solid stories with challenges and not an easy/fast way to the "hole", there are some very popular games that I don't like even though they have amazing graphics with great models, etc, 'cause I don't match with its proposal, or they are so linear that you just advance like reading a slide presentation, but can't create/enjoy different situations.

However, since the discussion is about players in general, we all know that most people are more attracted by what they see, and the story takes a second place.



Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
I like the game, like many,the game has been done for almost 5 years since 2017, there has been no sex with setras, it takes a very long time and another update, the last update took a year, you are waiting for an update and you are constantly upset


Sep 8, 2018
I agree with you both... Rainces is a little lazy. In the last update he disappeared from the map, don't gave us any news and came back after 1 year and a half saying he had the game completely optimized... well, we saw that, basically entire update was what he had already done before disappearing, some little things was added afterwards... but, he came back and the game is moving.

lets see what happens so...
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