I think what keeps me obsessed with this game is what I thought it was going to be, and I keep stupidly hoping it will become that with the next update. I think there's some joke there about the definition of insanity or something. When I think back to stuff I thought was exciting in this game, it was often a case of it being exciting not just because of what was happening, but there I thought it was going to lead. But never did get to.
This is the core of the issue for a lot of us. While there's some that are apparently fine with the slow progress and possibly never having sex (and there's nothing wrong with wanting that), I for one just want things to progress and for the game to not be such a tease, or for Bobby to be such a loser, even in parts where he's being dominant. There's still an undercurrent of him overcompensating for being so worthless, and also a feeling that ultimately he's afraid of taking things to the next step. Or maybe an honest desire to not have sex, despite his words to the contrary.
Maybe a better phrasing would have been "waking handjob". There's been sleeping ones I think. Way too much sleeping stuff. We're well past the part where Bobby could have worked his way into one of those from someone. Honestly, we're way beyond that stage. We're locked in a death spiral of the game focusing on how Bobby is going to wear down every love interest, but never actually do anything about it. And for me at least, what fun is it to finally win the girl if in order to do so, you had to change her so completely that she's not even the same girl anymore? The way the demo goes, Bobby is working hard to kill the spirit of Liza, when that was what made her interesting. Not to sound perverted or anything, but I don't want to break her, then take her. I want to take her, and if she breaks a little mentally in the process, then that's more satisfying than just eventually screwing some soulless sex doll.