Pablo3000 is the DarkCharm path just supposed to lead to dead ends? (It certainly looks that way for the first girl and Gema) or are they path forks? Not saying it isn't appropriate nor making any requests, I'm maybe midway through and just curious for my save structure. E.g. Go on the Gena date, save, look at the dark charm scene, reload to the good path save and continue because the dark path is just a relationship end scene with no more interaction with that girl or keep a dark save as well and going down that road leads to some alternate effed up relationship with her later on too?
I'm honestly not sure if the dark route will get more returns from Gena and Kori and so on... it doesn't necessarily look like she's closed off, especially since she's leaving for some sports tour or w/e even in the charm route, so I think we're just getting a little break and then maybe will get to continue being her creepy stalker that won't fuck off

Because in the house intruder route, you still haven't gotten a shot at her big ol' booty

But, for characters like the house cleaner chick (forget her name, sorry) with the cancer mom and little sister, her dark charm route will for sure for sure be longer term. Your mom & sister, when they start entering the scene, will also probably be long-term stuff. The Asian chick (also forget her name, sorry) is also very much looking like it's going to be longer-term as well. So, I don't think most darker stuff is necessarily going to shut you off completely, you just might get breaks or hiatuses with their stories. The same happens in charm routes, too, btw; you get breaks from characters before their story continues again. I mean, I'm still eagerly awaiting scenes with the gas station lady

Anyways, if I were you, I'd decide which route seems more appealing to me (you like darker stuff, or more wholesome stuff?), then just focus on it for now... and when you finish the game, you can then focus on the other route

Flip-flopping back and forth might get a little confusing, and considering how the point system works (you have to do darker stuff to get the points so that you can get darker scenes later), I'm not sure you'll be able to continue peaking at the dark stuff and then returning to the normal charm route.
It's also interesting to note that even in the charm routes for various girls, you can still do more fucked up things if you have the dark points... for example, if you pursue Gena's charm route, during a scene in your bed, you can use dark charm points to painal her instead of charm points for more wholesome anal (haven't seen it yet lol... im a dark charm boi). Or for the Asian chick, if you do the right thing and take her away from those assholes in the club, and the rest of the date earlier went well and she gives you a hj, you can be a dom and insist she eats your cum even though she doesn't want to (can't remember if that required dark charm points, though). So, it's nice that the dev and the patch guy don't just have binary routes for every thing, that sometimes you can be a nice, respectful guy, and others you can be a complete asshole narcissist... or even a sex predator lol... and you're not usually locked into anything with other characters because of what you did with another. I think the exceptions are characters that are linked, like Gena and Kori who are best friends, but I can't remember for sure.