I remember seeing this 1st release & thinking another 0.01 that's gonna get abandoned (didn't play, just saw the synopsis)
Pleasant surprise to see it doing well. Congrats.
Was gonna rant about exclusive either/or events, but 3 out of 4 doesn't look that bad?

(Out of gena bootycall, stacy, xu & mallori events(full) you can only get 3). If you skip stacy or xu, you don't get mallorie either. Guessing this is "steady girlfriend vs many girls" choice.
Well having that extra gena_supportive variable doesn't seem to change that much, just a few lines on a voicemail.
Maybe that's just filler for ppl who wanna avoid 1 or more of the girls

Also you unavoidably meet mallorie due to the spa project anyway, so maybe there will be second chances?
Replayability is a myth dev, most just do one play-through only choosing as much as they can of what they like & avoiding what they don't. Branches do give a sense of 'choices matter' tho, especially those "rom vs dark" branches
Hoping we can stay on all the girls routes in one play-through without facing either/or choices. That'd suck on a harem tagged vn
The dark routes especially look unique (didn't really choose nc except for janice tho.)
Anyway, Good luck dev