Pornfather 3000

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 1, 2020
Nice banner! The previous one looked great ofc, but this one certainly feels more vibrant; I guess you saturated the colors a little? It's really nice Pablo :) Your game does such a perfect job pulling off slice-of-life without getting boring, just good vibes, and the banner gives off a warmer, cozier feeling which I think matches perfectly! (well, maybe not for the evil fuckboi route :ROFLMAO:)

Glad to see Gena, Kori, and our local phat gas station lady that I'm looking forward to (sorry I'm bad with names :p) made the gallery cut! :love:

The update is getting closer with every passing day; I can feel the heat rising brother... bout to fill up the house with them alley cat yowls boy :BootyTime:

Just FYI, in games with multiple routes per girl, pregnancy is usually reserved for the tail end of the game because it compounds the workload on the author by a lot, so be careful about getting too excited ;) It's very possible she got an abortion or that MC's swimmers simply just failed to cross the v-ocean... happens all the time, actually; it's something that may surprise many people who've never tried to conceive before (like me, since I just googled it :ROFLMAO:). I think maybe since pregnancy is so often used as a tool for drama by writers, whether movies, tv, books, games, and so on, and we're warned about unsafe sex or sex before marriage etc. by parents and teachers etc., people just sort of assume pregnancy is guaranteed without a condom (not that a ~1 in 5 chance is nothing). So, anyways, it'd be pretty easy for the dev to explain away.

I like your enthusiasm brother, I totally forgot about that. Now you got me a little titilated.. fuckin' her mom and sis would be the ultimate revenge on her cuckfoolery game she's played w/ the MC :sneaky:
Thanks Phil!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Replay VNs? It's more likely for vn's going the MagiKoi route where the game branches into completely different stories early on (basically making it a combo pack of games, so it's not really a replay, rather playing 3 different versions). But for games with a lot of common route text, it's rare.

Imagine reading a book 3 times to get 20 pages of different text each time. Most ppl won't have the patience. And if you use the ctrl key to skip read text, that's not really playing the game, just hunting for scenes by 100% completionists.

By myth, I meant the thought that "adding more branching choices will nake ppl replay the game". Doesn't work that way. Replayability value of most games comes from the gameplay itself. The more different each quest/mission is everytime, either due to randomised variables or clever ai. In case of VN's it can be done by pacing, transitions etc. But even then, due to the format being basically a book with pictures, it's rare for it to have replayability value for the same text.

What choices do add is variation: a feeling that choices matter. But even in big title rpgs, most people stick to the same choices, which feels right to them, like whether to 'kill the terrorist' or 'save the freedom fighter' (same person). Ofc roleplayers may do a walkthrough roleplaying a different personality, but again, rare & not mainstream.

So while routes & branches do have value, it doesn't add much to replayability, though it does increases the feeling of importance (since you chose one of 2 & that gives the decision weight).
However this can be done without making you choose between girls. The dark & rom routes are a good example (again, ppl are not likely to replay the game through all the identical text to see their non-prefered content (rom/dark))

As for why I added most, see your post. I know many people do replay, but it's not as great as you may think, since people who do are more likely to be vocal hardcore players compared to casual players who aren't as active. I never meant no one does it, just that it's in the minority. And more importantly, the myth wasn't about the numbers but about the concept I explained above.

Even I replay games sometimes. BaDiK & DLC comes to mind recently. BaDiK for the quality of storytelling(like said above it's rare, but sometimes vns can be engaging enough to be more than a picture book), DLC cause each route has kinks I like.

But not most of the time. Splitting routes is like a dank & dirty theatre to me. I won't go there for mediocre games, but for great games I sit through it.

Tl;Dr: by myth I didn't mean no one replays games, just that adding choices doesn't add that much to replayability. Just take a game like Mass Effect, remove all the gameplay, and have ppl play through the story with only cutscenes. Most ppl will be happy with the story they craftted/decided through their choices(main importance of choices) & not opt to sit through multiple same scenes just to get some variations here & there.

So replay if you want, nothing wrong with that. Just don't assume adding lot of exclusive content in a VN is automatically enough for people to replay it. Most of the times what it'll do is cut the content in half since players can only experience either-or at any given play-through, while not nearly incentive enough to read through the same scenes again & again. Unless you use skip, but that's just hunting for scenes & not really 'playing the game'

Hope this clarified what I meant. People do replay games, but it's in the minority, especially for text-based games with no actual gameplay & most people will not start replaying games just because of branching choices. The focus of such choices is to give control to the player to craft the story, not to make the players play the game multiple times to get all outcomes (though some hardcore completionists do, myself included- i had 100% completion for maps of all planets on Mass Effect 1:alien:). Just many ppl & devs see these ppl commenting & think more branches = replayability, which is wrong. Either you go the MagiKoi route & branch the game early to minimise common text(to go the exclusive route), or give important choices which are not exclusive (choosing abby dark path doesn't lock out mal_rom path)

Anyway, ended up typing too much. Have a Great Day:)(y)

PS: "Tl;Dr: by myth I didn't mean no one replays games, just that adding choices doesn't add that much to replayability. " Another point i didn't add is having more choices is not very likely to get players who do not replay games to replay them. You may replay even harem games cause you like to replay games you enjoyed. But for people who don't, having branches isn't very likely to change that. So branches kinda become a non-factor - another concept that makes it a myth. Ofc everything is case by case basis. A well done game adds more replayability with more brances, but the branching choices is the secondary ingredient behind a very engaging gameplay, which is even more harder in reading text ganes like vns

PS again: I see how my previous statement might have led to your misunderstanding of what I meant by myth. I had explained this recently & hence subconsciously just wrote that line instead of the detailed explanation :oops:
Makes sense.

Agreed, VNs like BADIK are definitely ones you want to replay. There are subtle and not-so-subtle changes to the story and it's just a great ride throughout. Still, if I'm being honest there aren't a lot of VNs that match up to that quality. For most games, I'm just pressing skip until I get to some dialogue I haven't seen before. Most of the time, the story's just too "thin". There's not enough to make me interested in reading it again. Whether it's for the animations, general atmosphere, or large story there has to be something to make me want to actually sit through it again. I don't want to do multiple runs of a VN if it feels "short". Just feels kind of pointless. It doesn't mean the game's bad by any means, I just don't want to read the same lines over and over again if the dialogue is relatively small. I say relatively because the lines of dialogue for even those games could make up a decent chunk if converted into a book or something. It sucks that that's the case but it just doesn't translate into the same length in a VN.

I think it really depends on the VN. For some, most players are going to do different playthroughs. For others, most are just going to use a mod to see everything at once or "skip" until they see something new. There's definitely a general demand for mods that let you see all branching paths in one playthrough. I mean, shit even BADIK has a mod for that. I believe most players do multiple playthroughs but it's saying something if even games like that still have players that don't want to deal with playing an update more than once.

Can't really say for sure what the aggregate is for players who don't want to replay a VN vs those who do but the presence of mods for those games definitely mean that are players who will never want to do multiple runs however big or small that group may be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Makes sense.

Agreed, VNs like BADIK are definitely ones you want to replay. There are subtle and not-so-subtle changes to the story and it's just a great ride throughout. Still, if I'm being honest there aren't a lot of VNs that match up to that quality. For most games, I'm just pressing skip until I get to some dialogue I haven't seen before. Most of the time, the story's just too "thin". There's not enough to make me interested in reading it again. Whether it's for the animations, general atmosphere, or large story there has to be something to make me want to actually sit through it again. I don't want to do multiple runs of a VN if it feels "short". Just feels kind of pointless. It doesn't mean the game's bad by any means, I just don't want to read the same lines over and over again if the dialogue is relatively small. I say relatively because the lines of dialogue for even those games could make up a decent chunk if converted into a book or something. It sucks that that's the case but it just doesn't translate into the same length in a VN.

I think it really depends on the VN. For some, most players are going to do different playthroughs. For others, most are just going to use a mod to see everything at once or "skip" until they see something new. There's definitely a general demand for mods that let you see all branching paths in one playthrough. I mean, shit even BADIK has a mod for that. I believe most players do multiple playthroughs but it's saying something if even games like that still have players that don't want to deal with playing an update more than once.

Can't really say for sure what the aggregate is for players who don't want to replay a VN vs those who do but the presence of mods for those games definitely mean that are players who will never want to do multiple runs however big or small that group may be.
i dont get the infatuation people have with badik its a subpar game with yearly updates i started it and got bored fast


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
i dont get the infatuation people have with badik its a subpar game with yearly updates i started it and got bored fast
And the free roams are insane hard even with the walkthrough. Deleted that over a year ago. If the free roams were skippable would be a decent game.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
And the free roams are insane hard even with the walkthrough. Deleted that over a year ago. If the free roams were skippable would be a decent game.
Never played the game, so what's a free roam? I hear that game talked about all the time but every time I go to its thread, I don't know... the renders look really good and I can tell the dev works hard on it... but judging from something as simple as the way the girls look... the game just seems like it leans heavily into porno story atmosphere, i.e. every woman has big tits big ass and is a super flirter, MC is an alpha male who is a magnet for every woman he comes across, and so on. Is that the case? I just like games like BoB and FiN etc. where the MC and the women are more grounded in reality mostly (there's obviously going to be some degree of porno logic in even the best games of course). I mean, I know DS also leans harrrd into "alpha male", but it does it in a very mature way that doesn't feel stupid.. also helps that it's basically a post-apocalyptic fantasy :p
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Board Buff
Sep 3, 2022
Never played the game, so what's a free roam? I hear that game talked about all the time but every time I go to its thread, I don't know... the renders look really good and I can tell the dev works hard on it... but judging from something as simple as the way the girls look... the game just seems like it leans heavily into porno story atmosphere, i.e. every woman has big tits big ass and is a super flirter, MC is an alpha male who is a magnet for every woman he comes across, and so on. Is that the case? I just like games like BoB and FiN etc. where the MC and the women are more grounded in reality mostly (there's obviously going to be some degree of porno logic in even the best games of course). I mean, I know DS also leans harrrd into "alpha male", but it does it in a very mature way that doesn't feel stupid.. also helps that it's basically a post-apocalyptic fantasy :p

Free Roam = Sandbox, they just set you out into the world and you just pick where to go and what to do without much direction.
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Feb 1, 2020
Never played the game, so what's a free roam? I hear that game talked about all the time but every time I go to its thread, I don't know... the renders look really good and I can tell the dev works hard on it... but judging from something as simple as the way the girls look... the game just seems like it leans heavily into porno story atmosphere, i.e. every woman has big tits big ass and is a super flirter, MC is an alpha male who is a magnet for every woman he comes across, and so on. Is that the case? I just like games like BoB and FiN etc. where the MC and the women are more grounded in reality mostly (there's obviously going to be some degree of porno logic in even the best games of course). I mean, I know DS also leans harrrd into "alpha male", but it does it in a very mature way that doesn't feel stupid.. also helps that it's basically a post-apocalyptic fantasy :p
Been some time, so i may be wrong, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. The story is great, the delivery is great, the gameplay (transition, pacing, etc) is great. It really feels like you are going through college, falling in love, getting invested in the problems of the characters. Unlike BoB or FiN, it's doesn't feel like a thin storyline with more important/numerous sex scenes (BoB storyline is still decently good with the bank meetings & shit, but FiN is basically "I have money & can use financial power on a conveniently improvised friend".) Basically these still feel like sex games with the amount of sex scenes compared to story building, while BaDiK is more like a VN, a story telling journey about well developed characters worth getting invested in, with sex scenes being naturally being a part of college life (think a more grounded version of the American Pie movies that took place in college)
But tbh what stands out the most is the execution: the pacing, transitions, reveals, etc feels perfect for the VN format. A great example of how to execute a story through renpy.
Ofc you might still like FiN since you said earlier your main motivation to play is the sex scenes, but FiN definitely feels like a porn delivery service with a non-existent plot when compared to BaDiK (Again nothing wrong with getting to the sex scenes fast after establishing a thin plot as context, but BaDiK is definitely more fleshed out in terms of character development & feeling real)
So I suggest you check it out.

Sorry dev for talking about other games on this thread. I'd blame others, but I guess I'm the one who brought up a lot of other games as examples :oops:
Just, seeing BaDiK described as less "where the MC and the women are more grounded in reality" compared to something like FiN was really novelo_O
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
My understanding of BoB & FiN is they're much more focused on developing a cast of characters and then letting the MC decide what he wants to do. It's very, very hard to write a complex, intricate overarching story when your MC can have a bajillion decisions and relationship statuses with each character that will affect said story, so that's not a flaw imo, just a well-designed game that knows what it is. I've played VNs before where the story, regardless of how good it is, gets in the way of playing a porn game, so I definitely think simple is the way to go here.

And yeah, BoB & FiN let you get to the action quicker; again, that's not a flaw in my book so long as it's developed well enough.. maybe I can't speak for you, but I don't like sitting with my dick in my hand for more than an hour, so it's nice when I can get some climax material roughly in that timeframe.

So, think we just have different tastes and goals in mind when it comes to porn VNs :) But thanks for the description, you're absolutely right I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I was looking for pushback on that initial judgment after all :D I guess I'll consider checking it out sometime... that's the only way I'll truly find out I guess :p


Feb 1, 2020
My understanding of BoB & FiN is they're much more focused on developing a cast of characters and then letting the MC decide what he wants to do. It's very, very hard to write a complex, intricate overarching story when your MC can have a bajillion decisions and relationship statuses with each character that will affect said story, so that's not a flaw imo, just a well-designed game that knows what it is. I've played VNs before where the story, regardless of how good it is, gets in the way of playing a porn game, so I definitely think simple is the way to go here.

And yeah, BoB & FiN let you get to the action quicker; again, that's not a flaw in my book so long as it's developed well enough.. maybe I can't speak for you, but I don't like sitting with my dick in my hand for more than an hour, so it's nice when I can get some climax material roughly in that timeframe.

So, think we just have different tastes and goals in mind when it comes to porn VNs :) But thanks for the description, you're absolutely right I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I was looking for pushback on that initial judgment after all :D I guess I'll consider checking it out sometime... that's the only way I'll truly find out I guess :p
Rather than a difference in taste, it's more like a difference in the genre. Like an oscar winning movie with sex scenes will always be better in terms of plot & character development than a porn movie but you wouldn't put that on over the porn when you wanna masturbate ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
You can watch both however, just for different goals (quick fap vs long term enjoyment). Similarly I think VNs have the potential to be either & I enjoy both genres of games.

I also don't like sitting with my dick in my hand, but there are exceptions. I remember when I 1st played FateStayNight. I just had some basic understanding of eroges & dl the game from a eroge site. I literally started playing with my dick in my hand :ROFLMAO:
But when the h-scene eventually came(the next day, in a different sitting), I was annoyed at the long sex scene since I was so invested in the plot by then.

I think I described it well when I said "Basically these still feel like sex/porn games with the amount of sex scenes compared to story building, while BaDiK is more like a VN, a story telling journey about well developed characters worth getting invested in, with sex scenes being naturally being a part of the story."

So definitely try it out, just don't start with your dick in your hand:ROFLMAO:
Sit down when you have time, like when you watch a movie or a TV show with nudity/sex scenes & enjoy the story slowly build up the characters & their relations & their problems. BaDiK is definitely not a fap game if that's your only interest in the VN medium.
I think you'll still enjoy it tho. It's really great execution of script to screen using the VN medium.
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Okay, no more BaDiK talk on the BoB thread:censored:
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Pornfather 3000

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 1, 2020
Rather than a difference in taste, it's more like a difference in the genre. Like an oscar winning movie with sex scenes will always be better in terms of plot & character development than a porn movie but you wouldn't put that on over the porn when you wanna masturbate ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
You can watch both however, just for different goals (quick fap vs long term enjoyment). Similarly I think VNs have the potential to be either & I enjoy both genres of games.

I also don't like sitting with my dick in my hand, but there are exceptions. I remember when I 1st played FateStayNight. I just had some basic understanding of eroges & dl the game from a eroge site. I literally started playing with my dick in my hand :ROFLMAO:
But when the h-scene eventually came(the next day, in a different sitting), I was annoyed at the long sex scene since I was so invested in the plot by then.

I think I described it well when I said "Basically these still feel like sex/porn games with the amount of sex scenes compared to story building, while BaDiK is more like a VN, a story telling journey about well developed characters worth getting invested in, with sex scenes being naturally being a part of the story."

So definitely try it out, just don't start with your dick in your hand:ROFLMAO:
Sit down when you have time, like when you watch a movie or a TV show with nudity/sex scenes & enjoy the story slowly build up the characters & their relations & their problems. BaDiK is definitely not a fap game if that's your only interest in the VN medium.
I think you'll still enjoy it tho. It's really great execution of script to screen using the VN medium.
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Okay, no more BaDiK talk on the BoB thread:censored:
You must say three Hail Mary's and go on BDIK thread and tell everyone if they like BDIK they should check out BoB as penitence for your sins. :)

Or at a minimum include us in your signature ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
i dont get the infatuation people have with badik its a subpar game with yearly updates i started it and got bored fast
To each their own I guess but yea the last update made me lose a lot of interest because it took so long and wasn't worth the wait. Before that update, there used to be at least 2 updates per year.

Most people like the college-theme. There are other games that have the same theme but BADIK does it the best. It may not be the best in terms if you're evaluating aspects like writing, animations, renders, sex scenes, amount of content, gameplay, branching paths, etc individually but most other games are just some broken English mess. The ones that do have better individual aspects only have one or two aspects that are better, usually renders or writing but overall BADIK is still a more complete package.

Though to be honest, it's kind of fallen off for me with the last update. Even before that, it felt like it was losing its touch. Plus DPC is an asshole so there's that. Dude made this his full-time job, makes bank off of it, has sycophants who act like he can do no wrong, and he still makes time to fuck with the game if you use a mod. Talking about bugs caused by mods. I'm over here saying "Bitch, you caused the bugs!" All while being excused for slowing development down to 1 update a year now. However, I still like the VN even though I've lost a lot of interest. After trying a lot of games on here, most devs are either like Pablo who don't have the time to do what DPC does or they're just devs who suck for various reasons. Plus most of the "regulars" on that thread are just some of the shittiest people (there are some nice ones). I think most of my "ignore list" comes from that thread. I haven't even taken a look at that thread since December.

And the free roams are insane hard even with the walkthrough. Deleted that over a year ago. If the free roams were skippable would be a decent game.
What did you find hard about it? Do you mean the navigation? Other than the navigation which is solved by just using the quick-travel buttons, the free roams seem pretty easy to me.
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Pornfather 3000

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 1, 2020
Also, my bad for talking about another game.
But ... it's cool if I'm kind of shitting on it right?
See post 2,100 and perform your penance. :devilish:

I'm kidding of course. Don't clog their thread and send a bunch of Dr. PinkCake fans here in a pissed off rage and shit posting us lol. Last thing we need. We've got like 600 likes they've got like 12MM. I have no issue with Dr. P or BDIK.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
What did you find hard about it? Do you mean the navigation? Other than the navigation which is solved by just using the quick-travel buttons, the free roams seem pretty easy to me.
Everything especially the shit that wasn't just walking around once you had to do shit on the phone and stuff during it. Even earlier where you had to find something and it wasn't obvious but it was under the bed. They should also have been skippable definitely. I don't like sandbox period. Also it was dumb having to keep going through the process when it said earlier beating up a jock automatically got you in and I did beat up a jock at least once and still had to go through the being treated like shit. Never got past the one party.
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