If this is calling itself a demo it's an insult to other game demos out there. Demo means you have a vertical slice to show. Only thing it demonstrates are embarrassing bugs. This is running on a visual novel engine that has a badly programmed rpg engine shoved in it.
First time starting up there were already problems for me. If you get an exception and traceback talking about controller 0 when you start a new game, it's the rpg engine's fault. It thinks there's a controller when you don't have any connected. Open the file in game/pink_engine/orthogonal_tiled_map.py and go to line 5207 (CTRL+G in many editors) or search for: def _get_controllers(). Replace the whole function with
def _get_controllers():
return []
This destroys controller support. Don't even try playing it with a controller anyway. Doesn't even control well with a keyboard with how laggy it is.
Yes the broken bridge going to the panda is broken in more than 1 sense. You can get out of the fight with the immortal
bird bat by escaping, holding shift and running away from it right after escaping. The game doesn't tell you but you can run with holding shift.
Don't eat or throw away coconuts before finding mads and the cave or else you can get softlocked because you need to get 5 coconuts for mads to complete the quest after you get in the cave. What else... careful when you cook, I had it delete my food items when putting them on and off the 3 slots. And after you won a fight sometimes one character will be set to 0% health, whoever killed the enemy. Had that happen with foxes and deer, but only when I'm with mads. Have fun with collecting 20 medicinal herbs to get back to 100% lol (one way to spend your irl hours to get to day 8).
I also didn't find out what completes mads bed quest, so.... ended up going to that egg nest many times because I thought I missed something there. Good way to farm claws though... which also fills up your inventory over the 50 item limit somehow. Too bad the glitch doesn't work for getting wood, but even if it worked I don't think it's enough for that panda bridge no matter what.
To show mads my love for this demo, I got him an appropriate gift:
Game has very good art otherwise. The background noises of the island are nice. The game idea is totally destroyed by the bad programming and weird game design. Why is this an rpgmaker style survival game anyway? Is there a purpose in furthering the story or was it added because it sounded cool? Maybe because it's a survival situation they thought it should have survival mechanics? I don't know, it's so weird. They should really disable collision with the pickups and change the hitbox of the trees