Well, i did ask about the bad graphics, to which i got smartass responses about the nonexistent disclaimer. Could have been that it was getting a remake, what do i know, the 1st page only had the good images. Proves my point that the early graphics are indeed bad.
Even so i had a feeling the better, advertised ones were in the latter part of the game, and it's disappointing that the bad ones weren't remade.
And if a forum isn't for asking questions and talking about the game, what is it for? Pretty much every reply i got on this game's thread was from impatient cunts whose only goal was to put me down.
Since you apparently have very little knowledge of where you are, I will try to elucidate you. Don't read me wrong, I have no intention to put you down. This is just an attempt to bring you to us.
There are a few titles in these forums, that by one reason or another, create a fan base that goes above and beyond the normal. Bare Witness is one of them. In this case, by virtue of a good story, excellent characters and a quite clear dedication to it by the Dev team. It is, obviously, not the only case, but, it is one of them.
To us, that have been following this project, it matters very little if some renders are sub par. Sincerely, I've replayed this title a few times and never even noticed anything that I could call BAD. I'm sure they exist, either by comparing to the later ones, or comparing to other works. None of that truly mattered to me, and quite probably to the majority of the fans of this title.
So, when a fan base as united and cohesive as this one, is faced with a criticism, that may very well be warranted, don't be surprised that we present a strong front of protection. You see, all through this process this Dev team talked and showed up, they took a long time to create the endings, but they did a tremendously good job of them. For that, we feel a certain loyalty and a certain caring, and the last thing we want is to see their work disparaged.
Now, you are comparing the early work to the late work of an artist that evolved, learned and improved. Is it any surprise that the later ones are a LOT better? But, honestly, does that make the older ones that bad, that you think they need to be remade? And by the way, if after that the artist evolves again, should he continue ad eternum to remake his work in a perpetual cycle? When is it time to say... Enough! ?
What you read was the communal opinion that the "Enough!" part had been reached and it is now time for new work to be done.
Did I make sense? I hope you didn't feel put down, but enlightened, so that maybe you can find in yourself the humility to say "Thank You" and manage to enjoy one of the good titles that are available here.