
Mar 5, 2020
Can someone post the Gamefix 1.8 Fix1-6.rar here i am having trouble with the bug of peeping on the girls after a fight and need to fix that ASAP!!!! Someone said that is the one to fix that, help!!!


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Can someone post the Gamefix 1.8 Fix1-6.rar here i am having trouble with the bug of peeping on the girls after a fight and need to fix that ASAP!!!! Someone said that is the one to fix that, help!!!
If you downloaded the v1.8 before (, the last fix for that version is the Game Fix version 1.8.8:

But in the op of this thread:

they have also published other later: Bastard Girls R [v1.8 Fix 1] (

and currently the last is: Bastard Girls R [v1.8 Fix 2 Public] (, that will also add some new fixes...


Mar 5, 2020
Problem is i already downloaded that and still have the same trouble always after the crocodile battle i end up in the bathroom peeping scene when i truly need to advance in the forest of korosu island to advance cornelia quest so you can see why i need that gamefix in particular, besides that is the one the discord guys said works on fixing my current trouble...


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Do know what is in the blue Bottle and where do you buy it.
The Blue Potion bottle can be purchased to Leraikha in the graveyard Tavern. And it's used to recharge Sophie's AURA bar, that she needs for her magic attack, beside from being able to attack with the swords.
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Problem is i already downloaded that and still have the same trouble always after the crocodile battle i end up in the bathroom peeping scene when i truly need to advance in the forest of korosu island to advance cornelia quest so you can see why i need that gamefix in particular, besides that is the one the discord guys said works on fixing my current trouble...
Do you have any Cheat-Mod installed in your game? Because I didn't have that problem in the fights with the crocodiles, or with the Boss in the island of Korosu. Event I played with the v1.8 ( with Game Fix version 1.8.8. And with the Bastard Girls R [v1.8 Fix 1] ( But without Cheat-Mod installed, only cheats using the console. And one of the Cheat-Mod is also a Teleport mod.
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Mar 5, 2020
No, i have checked all and still getting the same problem, after fighting the crocodile in korosu island it goes straight to bathroom peeping scene and so i can´t proceed with cornelia´s quest, in the discord somebody said the y had the same problem and that gamefix i´m asking for fixed it, so only have to wait if someone is kind enough to post it here or in the discord... gotta go...i´m sleepy as hell and it´s 5.40AM here...

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
The Blue Potion bottle can be purchased to Leraikha in the graveyard Tavern. And it's used to recharge Sophie's AURA bar, that she needs for her magic attack, beside from being able to attack with the swords.
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Thanks i did not know that. Question I bought all of the 50 Glass who do i give it too. Oh one more thing where do i get the list women from?

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
The Blue Potion bottle can be purchased to Leraikha in the graveyard Tavern. And it's used to recharge Sophie's AURA bar, that she needs for her magic attack, beside from being able to attack with the swords.
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Is the Red bottle good for killing Snake?


May 25, 2019
[QUOTE = "CAT0X0, publicación: 5162281, miembro: 1545850"]
No es necesario que empieces un nuevo juego . Usas la consola para activar estos eventos en tu juego.

Carol en esta etapa del juego, puedes encontrarla en su habitación por la mañana y por la tarde, o en el C4 de la Biblioteca. Y un evento con Carol, si no depende de otro personaje, en esta etapa de tu juego se disparará después de visitarla un cierto número de veces en su habitación de la casa, o en el C4 de la Biblioteca.

Y con el salto de trampa , lo que haces es saltar directamente al otro evento, sin antes completar los pasos anteriores. Es decir, juegue con Carol hasta que se active ese evento.

Pero solo puedes desencadenar otros eventos en la medida en que lo permita tu progreso en el juego, respetando la secuencia del resto de eventos. Para evitar romper el juego, ya que esos eventos solo se pueden activar si ya terminaste con el anterior, como parte de la secuencia de eventos o historia del juego.

Por si acaso, haz una copia de seguridad de los archivos guardados del juego, que están guardados en la carpeta Usuario de Windows (tienes que habilitar ver elementos ocultos en el Explorador de Windows):

... \ Usuarios \ XXX \ AppData \ Roaming \ RenPy \ BastardGirlsR-1555143502 \

auto - * -
* - * -

y como medida de precaución también de duplicado Parada en archivos en el juego ahorra carpeta:

... \ BastardGirlsR-1.8Fix1-pc \ juego \ salva \

Carga la última partida guardada que tengas en tu juego, abre la consola ( MAYÚS + O ) y usa un truco. Y guarda ese juego en otro cuadro sin sobrescribir el último guardado actual, en caso de que quieras volver más tarde.

Pero recuerdo que el evento de Carol ( obtener su firma ) requiere antes estos otros:

El primer intento (negativo) de MC de hablar con Carol en su habitación:

saltar CarolNoDiceN1

Segundo intento (negativo) del MC de hablar con Carol en su habitación:

saltar CarolNoDiceN2

Primera mamada de Carol al MC en el parque de la escuela:

saltar CarolMama

Segunda mamada de Carol al MC en el parque de la escuela:

saltar CarolMama2

Después, hay que esperar a que la profesora Juliette dé su primera clase de erotismo, que es sobre pole dance. Eso en mi juego está fechado un miércoles 16, el mismo día en que Kyo tomó el control de la sala de estudiantes de la Escuela.

saltar juliDanceS

Y luego, el lunes (21) de la semana, la profesora Juliette da su segunda clase de erotismo, que trata de mamadas. Donde Carol brilla porque le dio mamadas al MC antes en el School's Park. Y Kyo lo hace mal, lo que luego desencadena otro evento de sabotaje de la motocicleta de Carol para vengarse.

salto ClaseEroCarolEven

Luego, un evento de Carol y Ruby en la biblioteca:

saltar CarolEvadePov

Y finalmente el que mencionas donde el MC se disculpa con Carol por el tema de la firma.

saltar CarolTristeN

Después de eso, Carol se convierte en otra novia del MC, vistiendo el uniforme con Sophie. Y luego el evento de Kyo saboteando la motocicleta de Carol ...

Si lo desea, intente activar los trucos para ver esos eventos usando la consola. Pero no guardes el juego con eventos que terminan rompiendo la secuencia de otros, porque los anticipaste en el juego.

Primero prueba con el truco de la segunda mamada de Carol al MC en el parque de la escuela. Y sigue jugando para ver que pasa con Carol

Y luego esperar hasta que la profesora Juliette apareció en escena por primera vez.

[/ CITA]
que es el evento de carol y ruby, que me parece que me falta
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Is the Red bottle good for killing Snake?
The mini-games in most Ren'Py games are very basic. With Sophie I only use the swords, almost never the magic attack, because it can allow its opponent to counterattack, and employing the swords doesn't, if the Sophie's HP bar value is green. And the Red Potion bottle is the one needed to recharge the HP bar, if don't use the cheat to recharge it. And once you upgrade Sophie's Level, a couple of swings of her swords are enough to inflict enough damage to the opponent's HP bar, among others with the spiders or snakes.
Nov 4, 2020
Hey I have a problem, I'm stuck a the the quest that tells you to go delivery a package to the cemetry, but when I go there it tells me that he has no reason to get in there. Please help

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
The mini-games in most Ren'Py games are very basic. With Sophie I only use the swords, almost never the magic attack, because it can allow its opponent to counterattack, and employing the swords doesn't, if the Sophie's HP bar value is green. And the Red Potion bottle is the one needed to recharge the HP bar, if don't use the cheat to recharge it. And once you upgrade Sophie's Level, a couple of swings of her swords are enough to inflict enough damage to the opponent's HP bar, among others with the spiders or snakes.
Oh i don't cheat, well now i know red is used recharge HP bar. Just wondering what the green bottle is used for?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Oh i don't cheat, well now i know red is used recharge HP bar. Just wondering what the green bottle is used for?
No, but there are two free spots on that screen where for now only Sophie and Red appear. Where you can use those red (HP) and blue (AURA) potion bottles. And maybe in the future another character will have an attack that uses the green. Or I don't remember any use for the Lantern and its Batteries, or the Shovel, that you can buy in Kamila's shop. But maybe in the future some of them will be used in the quest for the Compass in the Graveyard or some other task.
Or packaged in the archive.rpa file

...\game\images\Salon estudiantil\

You have some renders with Sasha, in the school park, in the swimming pool, in her room, and even in the student hall with the girlfriend uniform on, but there are no events for her (Quest not active.), and she has very little dialogue so far in the game. Sasha's events may be triggered when Kyo loses the control of the student hall.

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
No, but there are two free spots on that screen where for now only Sophie and Red appear. Where you can use those red (HP) and blue (AURA) potion bottles. And maybe in the future another character will have an attack that uses the green. Or I don't remember any use for the Lantern and its Batteries, or the Shovel, that you can buy in Kamila's shop. But maybe in the future some of them will be used in the quest for the Compass in the Graveyard or some other task.
Or packaged in the archive.rpa file

...\game\images\Salon estudiantil\

You have some renders with Sasha, in the school park, in the swimming pool, in her room, and even in the student hall with the girlfriend uniform on, but there are no events for her (Quest not active.), and she has very little dialogue so far in the game. Sasha's events may be triggered when Kyo loses the control of the student hall.
I wish I couid see a picture of Sasha but I will see her once Kyo loses control. But I can't enter Graveyard.

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
No, but there are two free spots on that screen where for now only Sophie and Red appear. Where you can use those red (HP) and blue (AURA) potion bottles. And maybe in the future another character will have an attack that uses the green. Or I don't remember any use for the Lantern and its Batteries, or the Shovel, that you can buy in Kamila's shop. But maybe in the future some of them will be used in the quest for the Compass in the Graveyard or some other task.
Or packaged in the archive.rpa file

...\game\images\Salon estudiantil\

You have some renders with Sasha, in the school park, in the swimming pool, in her room, and even in the student hall with the girlfriend uniform on, but there are no events for her (Quest not active.), and she has very little dialogue so far in the game. Sasha's events may be triggered when Kyo loses the control of the student hall.
Should I make Kyo lose control frist so I will be able to give back to Octavia? I try to give back the glass but ahe tell me I'm working now. what should I do?

Rob 3

Apr 23, 2019
The mini-games in most Ren'Py games are very basic. With Sophie I only use the swords, almost never the magic attack, because it can allow its opponent to counterattack, and employing the swords doesn't, if the Sophie's HP bar value is green. And the Red Potion bottle is the one needed to recharge the HP bar, if don't use the cheat to recharge it. And once you upgrade Sophie's Level, a couple of swings of her swords are enough to inflict enough damage to the opponent's HP bar, among others with the spiders or snakes.
I totally forgot how to give Sophie the red bottle before the fight?
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