My code analysis has paid off. Besides reporting a number of bugs to Tim I found a 10-girl path for 172 points. I already reached this result a week ago on the september update. But I wanted to validate it on the october update. Turns out the path is fine on that as well. The path taken is on the second to last tab of attached xls.
There is one bug that I fixed locally myself to continue this run. When you use white bull on the second visit to Tanya you are thrown back to the day one path. Tim has confirmed this is a bug and has stated he will fix it for the next update. I don't know of course if his fix will be exactly the same as mine. But both will ensure you stay on the day two path when using white bull.
On the last tab of the xls is a path for 174, but that is based on a bug in the walk along the beach section. I reported that one as well to Tim, so it is unlikely to survive the next update.
View attachment 165475
Some remarks on the state of play shown in the above screen:
- Brittany, likely there will be some event for her on day 5 that brings her to completion,
- Chiyo, I missed the day 3 Randy Beach scene and already use the shop scene. So something new is required to complete her.
- Frieda, needs just 1 more point. So any point in class or during lunch plus a visit to the library will complete her.
- Halle, the next walk along the beach should do it. Unless Tim has decided you can do that only once.
- Maria, doing lifeguard duty and saving Loly seems straightforward to complete her.
So it seems likely this path can be extended on day 5 to 13 or 14 girls even without taking into account developments with other girls. Sic transit gloria José.