
Apr 23, 2018
Here is patch for this game that:
  • Removes the necessity to switch locale to Japanese to avoid format-related bugs;
  • Removes startup logo synthetic delay;
  • Makes the game slightly faster, because they didn't bother to remove debug logging;
  • Translates "Favour" on the Sleep menu items;
  • Makes Tipping mechanic not as dumb as current (tips appear only+after a good purchase instead of randomly in 0...20 seconds in any case);
It's really recommended to rename those:
  • ~魔界でメイド~悪魔と天使と勇者の秘密の喫茶店_Data\ to MaidInMakai_Data\
  • ~魔界でメイド~悪魔と天使と勇者の秘密の喫茶店.exe to MaidInMakai.exe beforehand.
So to install put the files in MaidInMakai_Data\Managed folder.
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Jul 28, 2019
The game dos not work.
1) Loading dos not work. You simply can't load saved game.
2) The game bugs out / freezes at the first customer that starts to emit hearts in his dialog bubble. And thats it, there is nothing else happens after that and you also can't do nothing.
3) And, the cherry on the top, the game is so lame that it "can't remember" that you switched the language and every new start you have to switch out from a gibberish...

Don't waste your time and traffic on this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
The game dos not work.
1) Loading dos not work. You simply can't load saved game.
2) The game bugs out / freezes at the first customer that starts to emit hearts in his dialog bubble. And thats it, there is nothing else happens after that and you also can't do nothing.
3) And, the cherry on the top, the game is so lame that it "can't remember" that you switched the language and every new start you have to switch out from a gibberish...

Don't waste your time and traffic on this.
Have you even read the post RIGHT BEFORE YOURS?
It's probably too much to ask something like "reading the last post" or whatnot, though, I fully admit...

...maybe it's the user that dos not work in this instance?


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
For me like other here before the game is buged like hell.

No change with patch or the help hints the mouse option don`t work on some choices and this is a dead end.

So the game is aso unplayable for me.


Apr 23, 2018
One more patch. This changes base food amount (automatically suggested in gray) to 20 - current amount in the cooking window after 20th game day and fixes bug where ingredient buying confirmation doesn't disappear after clicking Yes depending on some random news event.

The inactive menu choices are behind flags, whatever they are, that must be satisfied for them to be enabled and the seeming dead ends (menus that always produce "something missing" text are supposed to be endgame probably since all relevant content is unlocked by that point. So those are not bugs but just bad game architecture decisions.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2022
the game doesnt work i m stuck on the start with the hearts icon i set my locale system in jap like it said but it doesn't work any idea ? 1718572340804.png
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