The part where she get rape and corrupted, yet the game don't end or like bad end but continue. This is what i like from Alicesoft. If only Dohna Dohna like this setting too where the Female Character protagonist get rape(you let it happen)and that started corrupting them by change their look or become slut but still trying to control herself. Resist but Corrupted, Faithful but Unfaithful, Love but Cheating)
Funnily enough, that's exactly the reason I don't like games like this. I mean it's still great but it just bugs me that like 90% of the scenes don't matter. The heroine can get fucked and 'corrupted' by the bosses 10 times over then the rest of the story plays out like nothing ever happened. It's nice that it allows for multiple difference scenarios but I like having a continuity. Each boss only has like 2 scenes for each girl so they get corrupted super quick and then after the boss is gone those elements are tossed out the window. I prefer it to happen slowly over many scenes.