I wander what everyone thinks of all the girls:
Selina: One hell of an incredibly hot red head. A bit too easy, but very sexy. Family troubles up ahead. Fuck her only and nothing else. No relationship, because her mum (whether she wants to fuck you or not) is just trouble waiting to happen. Also, her wardrobe can be a walking slut case at times.
Jane: Hello MILF looking character! Very very sexy. A much more stable character. Another character you'd want as a side chick, but wouldn't want anything more with since she's much much older. Her breasts seem a bit too unrealistically big
Lisa: By far the cutest of all the girls. And very very slow, but I like her. Possibly the most gf material out of all the girls here due to her cuteness. She has some weird fashion sense with her mix in attire, but she's still young and developing. We also get a lot of bonding time with her, so maybe that's why I like her a lot? It might also be the red streaks in her hair that make her look so unique, but I wouldn't mind seeing her without it. However, I do not like my girls with piercings at all, so points deducted for that for me.
Anna: Holy hell is she hot! Much hotter than Jane and much younger. Much tighter looking. Must be handled carefully due to her most recent incident. However, after Lisa she is probably the next girlfriend material and the only thing she has over Lisa apart from being much sexier is the fact that she seems to like women and mind even be open to sharing her boss with you! Lisa is very possessive and will never give you a threesome so yeah!
Jade: I know next to nothing about her. Plus, there are far better looking girls, not saying that Jade is ugly, but all the other girls like Lisa, Anna and Jane are just better.
Marie: I have a thing for smart looking blonds with ponytails, but she's very young, nowhere near as good as Anna and we've gotten almost no interaction with her
Eva: Nice girl. Nice fuck. That's about it, apart from that. She's very much a party girl, I can't see her being good gf material yet.
Ex: She's certainly good looking, but she doesn't compare to the rest. Plus, even before we knew who she was, she has this stay away aura. In other words, she's crazy and you don't put your dick in crazy. It's just going to fuck up your life. So, stay the absolute away! Because she doesn't look like she changed since she was with the MC and she's suddenly and uninviting putting all her troubles on you. I mean, if an ex really changes, then by all means, but she clearly hasn't. You can already have Selina, Jane and either Marie or Anna as side chicks. Plus, you might be able to persuade Anna to be a side chick too. There is nothing that this ex can give you that you don't already have and having four girls on the side is more than enough for any one man to handle. In fact, it's quite possibly too much on a regular basis!
So, how do I rank them?
1. Lisa (due to how clean and happy the relationship is)
2. Anna (the fact that she just came out of a relationship and you haven't had as many romantic and bonding moments is what's really lacking here. But she easily has one of the best bods).
3. Jane/Selina
5. Marie
6. Jade
All the other girls aren't even worth considering.