I've seen this VN get recommended a few times so I tried it out. Just did the last playthrough I care to do of this one, and I gotta say... Overall I don't think this VN is anything to write home about. Story was kinda bland, MC was uninteresting and unlikeable, and dialogue was wooden. The most dramatic moment in the VN was a painfully obvious Chekhov's gun and there was no humor or comic relief. Though I did get a kick out the cringey sex banter
"Take THAT! Take THAT and THAT!" *pound pound pound*
Also, it seemed like the Dev didn't really put much effort into making the LI branches all that unique. They have different names, different careers, and different faces but that's where the differences seem to end. Other than a few superficial differences, the LIs are all the same generic girlfriend character. And it really kills it when even the dialogue is the same in each branch. In the end, I didn't settle on a "favorite girl" because
they all felt like the same damn character! I genuinely found the side girls like Emma and Nicole more interesting because at least they didn't all share the same lazy dialogue.
In the end, it didn't really feel like there was a point to doing multiple playthroughs since I'd already seen the same carbon-copy scenes before with the other LIs.