Depression Cherry

New Member
Sep 1, 2020
I guess MIME types got messed up on a recent server update of this site. I'll report it. Meantime you can right click -> Save Link As... to save the file directly to disk. You should then be able to open the file per usual with your file browser (Firefox still thinks it is a text file for some reason).
Cheers for the tech support, can use it now. Don't think it did much wonders for me honestly but I'm quite sure that's more due to my hardware if anything.

Depression Cherry

New Member
Sep 1, 2020
if you encounter error "/audio/se/325_hoshiidesulu%E2%80%A6.ogg" , make a copy of the file and rename it to "325_hoshiidesulu….ogg" , and that ll fixed it. I have both version of the game, 1 from steam (self purchased) and 1 from here and there are different files in those 2 clients
I've tried this and it doesn't work for me (3 copies: "325_hoshiidesulu%E2%80%A6", "325_hoshiidesulu...", "325_hoshiidesulu...." with one extra ellipsis dot thingy for the lols), even tried adding a '.ogg' after each file name but no luck. If anyone who got the error managed to fix it, how did you do it/what is my techboomer brain missing here?


Mar 30, 2018
I've tried this and it doesn't work for me (3 copies: "325_hoshiidesulu%E2%80%A6", "325_hoshiidesulu...", "325_hoshiidesulu...." with one extra ellipsis dot thingy for the lols), even tried adding a '.ogg' after each file name but no luck. If anyone who got the error managed to fix it, how did you do it/what is my techboomer brain missing here?
I went into debugger and changed the filename when it happened... its in one of the datafiles. I can probably make a patch to fix it.

Can't seem to reproduce this problem with the current version. I did however write a file verification script that finds and fixes missing file references. It replaced the following missing files with either blanks or the best possible match:
www/img/pictures/覆面touzokunokougeki -> touzokunokougeki
www/img/pictures/覆面touzokuの霧状媚薬 -> fukumentouzokunokirijoubiyaku
www/img/pictures/ririkku_tachie -> ririkku
www/img/pictures/ririkku_tachie(下半分) -> ririkku
www/audio/bgs/ferac -> feraC
www/audio/bgs/sounyuuchuuc -> sounyuuchuuC
www/audio/se/shaseijiboisuc -> shaseijiboisuC
www/audio/se/001 ->
www/audio/se/002 ->
www/audio/se/005 ->
www/audio/se/029 ->
www/audio/bgm/Dungeon1 ->
www/img/enemies/torideoukuc -> torideoukuC
www/audio/bgm/19 Castle excellent ->
www/audio/bgm/19 Castle excellent ->
www/audio/bgm/Dungeon2 ->
www/audio/bgm/shi-nnc -> shi-nnC
www/audio/bgm/Ship1 ->
www/audio/bgm/Field1 ->
www/audio/bgm/boukensyanoayumi ->
www/audio/bgm/kuraimichinookuhe ->
www/audio/se/doanobu0202 -> doanobu02
www/img/pictures/tachie_waku ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki2 ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki3 ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki4 ->
www/img/pictures/イラスト1 ->
www/img/pictures/イラスト2 ->
If anyone knows of better substitutions for these missing files, please let me know and I'll update the patch.

To apply the patch, simply download (7z or zip, whichever you prefer. 7z is smaller but users reported issues downloading 7z files) and extract to game folder, replacing files as needed.
Last edited:


Jun 10, 2017
Argh. Am I dumb or what? I cannot pass the second location, Idum road. I've walked every its part but I cannot pass it. Cannot open the house. WTF?! :C
The house is not relevant yet - you will return to it later, and then you will be able to enter it.
For the moment, keep going, generally to the left and down. There will be more happy goblins to encounter, exciting indigenous wildlife, a picturesque river, for the adventurous, a bridge, and a nice, friendly Orc boss with the possibilty of hard, merciless gang-rape.

Depression Cherry

New Member
Sep 1, 2020
I went into debugger and changed the filename when it happened... its in one of the datafiles. I can probably make a patch to fix it.

Can't seem to reproduce this problem with the current version. I did however write a file verification script that finds and fixes missing file references. It replaced the following missing files with either blanks or the best possible match:
www/img/pictures/覆面touzokunokougeki -> touzokunokougeki
www/img/pictures/覆面touzokuの霧状媚薬 -> fukumentouzokunokirijoubiyaku
www/img/pictures/ririkku_tachie -> ririkku
www/img/pictures/ririkku_tachie(下半分) -> ririkku
www/audio/bgs/ferac -> feraC
www/audio/bgs/sounyuuchuuc -> sounyuuchuuC
www/audio/se/shaseijiboisuc -> shaseijiboisuC
www/audio/se/001 ->
www/audio/se/002 ->
www/audio/se/005 ->
www/audio/se/029 ->
www/audio/bgm/Dungeon1 ->
www/img/enemies/torideoukuc -> torideoukuC
www/audio/bgm/19 Castle excellent ->
www/audio/bgm/19 Castle excellent ->
www/audio/bgm/Dungeon2 ->
www/audio/bgm/shi-nnc -> shi-nnC
www/audio/bgm/Ship1 ->
www/audio/bgm/Field1 ->
www/audio/bgm/boukensyanoayumi ->
www/audio/bgm/kuraimichinookuhe ->
www/audio/se/doanobu0202 -> doanobu02
www/img/pictures/tachie_waku ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki2 ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki3 ->
www/img/pictures/tekoki4 ->
www/img/pictures/イラスト1 ->
www/img/pictures/イラスト2 ->
If anyone knows of better substitutions for these missing files, please let me know and I'll update the patch.

To apply the patch, simply download (7z or zip, whichever you prefer. 7z is smaller but users reported issues downloading 7z files) and extract to game folder, replacing files as needed.
Still doesn't work I'm afraid, game really struggling to find the damn 325 audio thing more than me trying to find a lost sock that one time (and THAT was a futile struggle). If anyone else has any ideas please help, and thanks for the patch anyway.

I got the game outside of this site (not Steam) so maybe re-installing it from a link on this post may help, if there are indeed different versions? I don't know though. If nothing else I might just deal with having the error every 5 seconds to develop my patience and become a better person

It's honestly a real shame because I'm not sure how the developers managed to make such a (at least personally) interesting story-wise yet technically buggy game. I'm a techboomer and understand game development is hard (especially if there's few people involved), but at the same time I've seen other H games with solo or few developers without these kinds of issues. Plus I do want to give this a real chance as I have no life I feel the story etc. here is more solid than quite a few other H games (those that do try to care about plot).

Also I didn't imagine the end of this year would find me trying to solve tech issues on a H game but ok


Jun 10, 2017
Still doesn't work I'm afraid, game really struggling to find the damn 325 audio thing more than me trying to find a lost sock that one time (and THAT was a futile struggle). If anyone else has any ideas please help, and thanks for the patch anyway.

I got the game outside of this site (not Steam) so maybe re-installing it from a link on this post may help, if there are indeed different versions? I don't know though. If nothing else I might just deal with having the error every 5 seconds to develop my patience and become a better person

It's honestly a real shame because I'm not sure how the developers managed to make such a (at least personally) interesting story-wise yet technically buggy game. I'm a techboomer and understand game development is hard (especially if there's few people involved), but at the same time I've seen other H games with solo or few developers without these kinds of issues. Plus I do want to give this a real chance as I have no life I feel the story etc. here is more solid than quite a few other H games (those that do try to care about plot).

Also I didn't imagine the end of this year would find me trying to solve tech issues on a H game but ok
Never had that error myself, but one that sounded similar. Do you have a file named "325_欲しいですぅ….ogg" in the folder, too? It should be the same size (and audio content) as "325_hoshiidesulu….ogg", so if you do not have the former, you could try copying and pasting the latter and renaming it appropriately.

Because your problem sounds damned similar to the bug where the Masked Bandits attack (normal attack, not the aphrodisiac or special move), the game expects the properly named soundfile (in moonrunes), does not find it and pops out an error message. Every fecking ten seconds. Because, you know, you have a soundfile missing there, mate.
Did you notice?
We needed that soundfile like, three minutes ago, man, and you do not have it.
Did you hear me?
There is a SOUNDFILE missing!
Just a friendly reminder, your soundfile is still missing.
We do not need it anymore, but it is missing.
Who would I be to tell you how to run your game? I am just here to tell you: Soundfile missing!

... ;)

Fix was just that: Looking in the JSON file for the expected name, copypasting the right file, but improperly named, and renaming it to the proper Japanese name. I have no idea where your 325-file is expected (it sounds like a piece of dialogue, but God smite me down if I know where that bit should fire), so I am just guessing here, but my folder has that English transcription named and a moonrunely named 325-file (and other, similarly named files follow that two-file-pattern with English and Japanese), and you were quite specific in your original post, but did not mention the Japanese filename, so hey, maybe it helps. :)


Mar 30, 2018
Still doesn't work I'm afraid, game really struggling to find the damn 325 audio thing more than me trying to find a lost sock that one time (and THAT was a futile struggle). If anyone else has any ideas please help, and thanks for the patch anyway.
If you can provide a save just before it happens I can try troubleshooting, though as I mentioned I cannot reproduce the problem. The verification script I wrote found 325_hoshiidesulu in data files and did not throw an error because 325_hosiidesulu exists on disk. I went as afar as grabbing a save from this thread, running to the forest and spending an hour trying to force an encounter with those two hypno trolls. I added a debug print every time a sound file is played (I saw 325_hoshiidesulu being printed) and I heard the sound file being played (its a pretty distinct voice recording, hard to miss).

I got the game outside of this site (not Steam) so maybe re-installing it from a link on this post may help, if there are indeed different versions? I don't know though.
I'm pretty sure this is the problem. I re-downloaded the latest version on this thread and did not encounter the problem. Try the version from this site.

It's honestly a real shame because I'm not sure how the developers managed to make such a (at least personally) interesting story-wise yet technically buggy game. I'm a techboomer and understand game development is hard (especially if there's few people involved), but at the same time I've seen other H games with solo or few developers without these kinds of issues. Plus I do want to give this a real chance as I have no life I feel the story etc. here is more solid than quite a few other H games (those that do try to care about plot).
A large portion of the issues in this game are actually caused by unofficial translation and not by the developer. Whatever translator was used also (partially) translated the filenames of sound and image files, which is a bit odd. Not to mention the various escape characters visible in dialog text.

Never had that error myself, but one that sounded similar. Do you have a file named "325_欲しいですぅ….ogg" in the folder, too? It should be the same size (and audio content) as "325_hoshiidesulu….ogg", so if you do not have the former, you could try copying and pasting the latter and renaming it appropriately.
I think that be the touzokunokougeki audio file, but yes.

Because your problem sounds damned similar to the bug where the Masked Bandits attack (normal attack, not the aphrodisiac or special move), the game expects the properly named soundfile (in moonrunes), does not find it and pops out an error message. Every fecking ten seconds. Because, you know, you have a soundfile missing there, mate.
Some other versions of pixii and other plugins would just crash the game... The repeated error message is annoying but at least you can save somewhere and reload to fix it. Players are not supposed to see that message, ever. Its basically RPGMV trying to make sure the developer fixes the problem.


Jun 10, 2017
Some other versions of pixii and other plugins would just crash the game... The repeated error message is annoying but at least you can save somewhere and reload to fix it. Players are not supposed to see that message, ever. Its basically RPGMV trying to make sure the developer fixes the problem.
Aye, but would they, just because of a missing soundfile? If so, they can go play elsewhere. They sound mean. ;)

For the matter at hand, though, the game obviously is able to just shrug it off and continue without playing the sound, so 'tis nothing essential for functioning, a minor hiccup, and after the sound should have played, it becomes completely irrelevant whether the file is missing or not, anyway.
Would it not be enough to tell the developer / player / whomever once?
Reminds me a bit of myself, when I get bitchy, clingy and insecure. :D

Depression Cherry

New Member
Sep 1, 2020
I haven't talked to y'all since last year!

I've been busy fixing (and failing) other technical issues on my com, probably should just replace it but I'm lazy and poor.

Is BegieAde the Cyberpunk 2077 of H games???

I'm pretty sure this is the problem. I re-downloaded the latest version on this thread and did not encounter the problem. Try the version from this site.
I still haven't done this yet, will probably try tomorrow or something. Will be a great excuse for me to procrastinate anyway. If after that it still doesn't work I'll post the relevant save. Hopefully downloading from this thread solves it cus I really don't want to be the guy that keeps needing tech support here.
Do you have a file named "325_欲しいですぅ….ogg" in the folder, too? ...

Because your problem sounds damned similar to the bug where the Masked Bandits attack (normal attack, not the aphrodisiac or special move), the game expects the properly named soundfile (in moonrunes), does not find it and pops out an error message. Every fecking ten seconds. Because, you know, you have a soundfile missing there, mate.
Yes I do have the "325_欲しいですぅ….ogg" thingy too! The issue for me comes up at the Mage Reptill boss (?) fight thing (where she's forcibly undressed by magic or something) at the area after you clear the way (forest but dark), I think someone else mentioned it way earlier in this thread too.
Fix was just that: Looking in the JSON file for the expected name, copypasting the right file, but improperly named, and renaming it to the proper Japanese name. I have no idea where your 325-file is expected (it sounds like a piece of dialogue, but God smite me down if I know where that bit should fire), so I am just guessing here, but my folder has that English transcription named and a moonrunely named 325-file (and other, similarly named files follow that two-file-pattern with English and Japanese), and you were quite specific in your original post, but did not mention the Japanese filename, so hey, maybe it helps. :)
Just for future reference if needed, what JSON file are you referring to? And I'm not sure if I fully understand: is your fix to find whatever '325' bit in English & replace it with that Japanese name?

Tech support shenanigans aside, merry new year everybody!​

Depression Cherry

New Member
Sep 1, 2020
A large portion of the issues in this game are actually caused by unofficial translation and not by the developer. Whatever translator was used also (partially) translated the filenames of sound and image files, which is a bit odd. Not to mention the various escape characters visible in dialog text.
Damn I didn't actually know that. I thought it really was just the developer's fault because in the Steam bugs thread apparently there's still issues with '325' despite a patch they released, but oh well.

Maybe my friend who is both a huge fan in all things Japan & studies computer science can help them, but don't think it's worth bringing up the idea to her.


Sep 18, 2019
I'm stuck in the village. I don't know where to go after talking with village chief. Can anyone tell me where I need to go?
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