Nicely done but, 10 characters?! YIKES! You must have the 12G version of the RTX3060, that's what I have. One method to do this sort of scene is to divide up the scene. Render the couch and maybe a few of the background girls. Then render the foreground girls... or the left half of the scene, then the right half and combine them later.
On my old GTX1050TI, it only had 4G of VRAM, so even 3 characters was a challenge. I had three in a scene, and so rendered the left half with two characters, but I hid the character on the right, then I rendered the right half with just the missing character and combined them later in an editor. You can also hide body parts and scene objects to reduce the amount of VRAM needed which will help. I done a scene on my 1050 that way, I had a guy peeking in the door, just his upper body, head and one arm showing, so I hide every other part of his body before render, and of course, all scene items out of view and managed to fit it in the 4G and render it in a decent amount of time (with denoising which cuts down on render time as well). You might also want to shut off any other background apps, like a web browser etc to free up more VRAM.