
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Oh I don’t disagree with you about her character it’s just not something that facilitates conversation. In my opinion what you see is what you get because her 180 is so transparent and out of the blue you have no choice but to take it for what it is. Can’t look deeper because it’s just… there.

Like you said (and I touched on with how stupid the blackmail scenario is) she does stuff, it’s all over the place but it comes from nowhere and just… happens.

She doesn’t spark the same wild twisting debate a lot of other characters actions and motivations do.

In some ways I think it’s because DPC favours her. We get more exposition and background. She’s fleshed out at times to a greater degree than most LI.

She is what is written on the tin, even if the tin has nonsense written on it for a few episodes.

Edit: thinking about it more… often her motivations preceded her behaviour. Sage only just revealed a lot about her personality and so on from the adoption. We’ve no clue what Bella’s big secret is. Quinn is up in the air too. We see their actions and he reveals their motivations later.

Jill is generally the other way around. She telegraphs her issues with bullying with exposition. On the first date she makes it clear she had bad experiences and doesn’t date. She has an entire monologue episode before last to reveal her motivations regarding apprehension with sex seconds after she tells the MC about them.

Jill is, compared to most, an open book. We don’t have to debate why she was apprehensive about sex. She monologues her entire thought process. We don’t need to discuss why she’s anti-bullying… she tells us. Family issues, shit with her sister… all outlined basically in full the moment they come up. That’s very different to the other girls.
besides the sincerity you talk about, in my opinion the reason for Jill's mass success is that she is basically a solution and not a problem in MC's life, and this makes her incredibly reassuring (and maybe even "maternal")

even in the never too reviled, at least by me, moment of Tybalt's blackmail, she "solves" a problem of MC's in her own skin, she takes charge of a problem of MC's.

but just in general, Jill doesn't want anything from MC, doesn't need anything that isn't related to their relationship.

this aspect in the landscape of sentimental and character insecurities (which for example create the NTR nightmare in anything) i think really makes a difference


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
besides the sincerity you talk about, in my opinion the reason for Jill's mass success is that she is basically a solution and not a problem in MC's life, and this makes her incredibly reassuring (and maybe even "maternal")

even in the never too reviled, at least by me, moment of Tybalt's blackmail, she "solves" a problem of MC's in her own skin, she takes charge of a problem of MC's.

but just in general, Jill doesn't want anything from MC, doesn't need anything that isn't related to their relationship.

this aspect in the landscape of sentimental and character insecurities (which for example create the NTR nightmare in anything) i think really makes a difference
The same could be said for the Madame... :eek:


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
The same could be said for the Madame... :eek:
all non-LIs, apart from Quinn, basically do not bring problems, in fact nobody, or at least very few, hate them.

Madame brings no small amount of financial problems, she asks every time how much MC spent on Quinn + Riona...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
This is already symptomatic. The whole concept of the game is built literally around Josie and Maya, they have caused major dramas and they are at the head of many conflicts. They are literally the faces and models selling the game, but they are the least popular among all love interests. DPC needs to do a lot to make Josie or Maya at least enter the top three. I think if he separates Josie and Maya, Josie will definitely be in the top three and overtake Bella.
I don't believe there is anything he can do to fix Maya's polarity.

The people that like her character, like her because she a damsel in distress and they need to help her.

The people that don't like her, want her to become more independent and be able to solve her own issues and not rely on others as much as she does.

And if she becomes more like the second, her fans will no longer like her as much.

So Pinkcakes is kind of fucked either way, keep Maya the same and she keeps her small amount of fans and vocal haters, or change her to be more liked and she loses her fans.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I don't believe there is anything he can do to fix Maya's polarity.

The people that like her character, like her because she a damsel in distress and they need to help her.

The people that don't like her, want her to become more independent and be able to solve her own issues and not rely on others as much as she does.

And if she becomes more like the second, her fans will no longer like her as much.

So Pinkcakes is kind of fucked either way, keep Maya the same and she keeps her small amount of fans and vocal haters, or change her to be more liked and she loses her fans.
in my opinion it would be enough to remove her from the centre of the story, which is a burden and not an honour. it is the overexposure that creates these popularity problems for her (after of course the "shock" of the first season)

once the loan is behind her she will be as enjoyable a character as the others and will also free Josy. will it happen soon? i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
I don't believe there is anything he can do to fix Maya's polarity.

The people that like her character, like her because she a damsel in distress and they need to help her.

The people that don't like her, want her to become more independent and be able to solve her own issues and not rely on others as much as she does.

And if she becomes more like the second, her fans will no longer like her as much.

So Pinkcakes is kind of fucked either way, keep Maya the same and she keeps her small amount of fans and vocal haters, or change her to be more liked and she loses her fans.
Maya of the first season was liked by almost everyone and was in the top. When Josie arrived, Maya completely disappeared into their childhood love triangle. I suppose DPC would like to preserve her individuality even in the conditions of their threefold relationship, but he does not know how to do it. Apparently, the rejection of her character, built on a constant search for support and help, is so great that even those small scenes of intimacy with MC do not help. I think that we have already gone so far in history to dramatically change its character.
Maya is really a stupid and naive girl. There are many contradictions and illogicalities in her story. She is one of those about whom they say that "they often eat before thinking". Nobody likes stupid people. DPC got too involved in creating drama around her that he made a complete idiot out of her.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Oh I don’t disagree with you about her character it’s just not something that facilitates conversation. In my opinion what you see is what you get because her 180 is so transparent and out of the blue you have no choice but to take it for what it is. Can’t look deeper because it’s just… there.

Like you said (and I touched on with how stupid the blackmail scenario is) she does stuff, it’s all over the place but it comes from nowhere and just… happens.

She doesn’t spark the same wild twisting debate a lot of other characters actions and motivations do.

In some ways I think it’s because DPC favours her. We get more exposition and background. She’s fleshed out at times to a greater degree than most LI.

She is what is written on the tin, even if the tin has nonsense written on it for a few episodes.

Edit: thinking about it more… often her motivations preceded her behaviour. Sage only just revealed a lot about her personality and so on from the adoption. We’ve no clue what Bella’s big secret is. Quinn is up in the air too. We see their actions and he reveals their motivations later.

Jill is generally the other way around. She telegraphs her issues with bullying with exposition. On the first date she makes it clear she had bad experiences and doesn’t date. She has an entire monologue episode before last to reveal her motivations regarding apprehension with sex seconds after she tells the MC about them.

Jill is, compared to most, an open book. We don’t have to debate why she was apprehensive about sex. She monologues her entire thought process. We don’t need to discuss why she’s anti-bullying… she tells us. Family issues, shit with her sister… all outlined basically in full the moment they come up. That’s very different to the other girls.
I agree with you for the most part. But I don't think DPC prefers Jill. DPC himself wrote that he doesn't prefer any LI from the beginning. He enjoys seeing characters develop in the game.:unsure:

Jill is a very good example of that. Isabella gives Jill a keynote speech about what is wrong with Jill's views on people and the world. She has always been protected by Isabella. But Isabella is tired of always taking care of Jill. At least that's how I understand the garden speech before the 1 date with Tybalt. Bella doesn't want to be Jill's white knight anymore. Isabella helps Jill again and the MC also helps Jill on the 2 date (tennis). Now comes the 3 date with Tybalt. When the MC rushes to Jill's aid, Jill simply replaces her white knight Isabella with the MC and the fairy tale continues. But when the MC doesn't help her, Jill finally wakes up and stands up for herself. That's where I see the real development of Jill. Snow White wakes up and becomes a stone cold raccoon. :ROFLMAO:

That's what DPC loves. The development of all the characters.:unsure::D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
I agree with you for the most part. But I don't think DPC prefers Jill. DPC himself wrote that he doesn't prefer any LI from the beginning. He enjoys seeing characters develop in the game.:unsure:

Jill is a very good example of that. Isabella gives Jill a keynote speech about what is wrong with Jill's views on people and the world. She has always been protected by Isabella. But Isabella is tired of always taking care of Jill. At least that's how I understand the garden speech before the 1 date with Tybalt. Bella doesn't want to be Jill's white knight anymore. Isabella helps JJill again and the MC also helps Jill on the 2 date (tennis). Now comes the 3 date with Tybalt. When the MC rushes to Jill's aid, Jill simply replaces her white knight Isabella with the MC and the fairy tale continues. But when the MC doesn't help her, Jill finally wakes up and stands up for herself. That's where I see the real development of Jill. Snow White wakes up and becomes a stone cold raccoon. :ROFLMAO:

That's what DPC loves. The development of all the characters.:unsure::D
t's not like that. Jill's reaction to Tybalt's proposal contradicts her image. She is a kind, sweet and naive princess who is friendly to everyone. Don't forget that Jill has defended Tybalt several times in front of Bella and even pitied him on a tennis date. Such an outburst of aggression is more suitable for Sage than for Jill. I am sure that DPC did not want to anger the antiNTR lobby, which is why he came up with this cheap trick with an angry Jill.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
DPC can and will solve Maya's problem. After that, Maya will be popular again because Maya will be the carefree girl again when the MC met Maya. :D:cool:

Only Maya's problem is not of her own making and it is an existential problem. She tries to solve it on her own by joining the HOTs. But Maya, Josy and the MC realize that and DPC also writes that the problem is too big and they need help.:rolleyes:

Before you write again that Quinn is solving her problem on her own, which is not the case because Sage had to help Quinn too, I'll jump ahead. It also depends on how you solve a problem. The wrong and criminal way like Quinn or the right way, even if you need help.:unsure:
Maya's problem is that she's an idiot. :KEK:
She is completely unable to analyze the situation and see the consequences of her actions. DPC screwed up a lot with her and she will have to settle in the library to get smarter dramatically. MC needs to arrange with Bella for Maya to be hired.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
View attachment 1594070

I don’t know where you come up with these stuff. There’s absolutely no hint or reference in the game that Josy and Jill are related in any way (and no, them wearing the same color pants doesn’t suffice for it).:Kappa:

Same thing with the John Boy being Stephen and Jade’s son theory just because his initials are J.B, which could be interpreted as John Burke.

So far the only clues as to who might be related in the game are either Troy and Melanie or Troy and Sarah.
I have specially written "Just one example nothing more:". It is only an example without any proof or reference to a text passage.:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
DPC can and will solve Maya's problem. After that, Maya will be popular again because Maya will be the carefree girl again when the MC met Maya. :D:cool:
While certainly possible. I am curious about another possibility.

In the final scene in the apartment we have:


It could be possible that at the meeting, Stephen's world is already crumbling around him and his criminal activity is certain to be made public very soon.

This means the damage is so severe that besides possible jail time, Jade will take him to the cleaners with a big divorce settlement.

He has to do something. Therefore at the beginning of the meeting:

1) Stephen excuses himself;
2) starts a fire that is sure to start an instant conflagration;
3) leaves having already created a useful alibi (arranged by Quinn).
4) assuming the above mentioned remaining characters do not survive, Stephen plans to pin all of the criminal activity on Sage.

However, MC alerts to the sudden massive fire just in time to save one person:

Of course if Sage is picked, later it will turn out that Stephen will go to jail as Sage will be able to have a chance to discredit any involvement in the criminal activity.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
Maya of the first season was liked by almost everyone and was in the top. When Josie arrived, Maya completely disappeared into their childhood love triangle. I suppose DPC would like to preserve her individuality even in the conditions of their threefold relationship, but he does not know how to do it. Apparently, the rejection of her character, built on a constant search for support and help, is so great that even those small scenes of intimacy with MC do not help. I think that we have already gone so far in history to dramatically change its character.
Maya is really a stupid and naive girl. There are many contradictions and illogicalities in her story. She is one of those about whom they say that "they often eat before thinking". Nobody likes stupid people. DPC got too involved in creating drama around her that he made a complete idiot out of her.
There is one way DPC could fix Maya.

It's an idea that I've had for quite some time but I've been reluctant to propose it as a theory because there just isn't enough to back it up. Though it does fit the circumstances. Let's just call it a suggestion.

What if Maya isn't as stupid as we thought? What if she's just lying (no big stretch there)?

What if the situation is this, Maya's Father is the one paying for her college, he threatened to withhold that payment after he found out about Josy. Maya could refuse his help and take out a student loan but she doesn't want to. She doesn't want to burden herself. She wants the free ride. Of course if another opportunity came up, like free tuition, that would be great. She would have her tuition and Josy too. But as it is she can wait, but she can't tell Josy that would end the relationship. So she makes up the whole student loan story.

I mean it does sound like a bad lie told by a teenager.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
besides the sincerity you talk about, in my opinion the reason for Jill's mass success is that she is basically a solution and not a problem in MC's life, and this makes her incredibly reassuring (and maybe even "maternal")

even in the never too reviled, at least by me, moment of Tybalt's blackmail, she "solves" a problem of MC's in her own skin, she takes charge of a problem of MC's.

but just in general, Jill doesn't want anything from MC, doesn't need anything that isn't related to their relationship.

this aspect in the landscape of sentimental and character insecurities (which for example create the NTR nightmare in anything) i think really makes a difference
And even when she introduces “problems” they’re not even on her route or involving her. She’s relatively drama free. Closest she comes to being drama is on Bella’s route after the window reveal.

Take the Bianca introduction. She rocks up, one of Jill’s closest friends and it neatly progresses the relationship with MC. They bond and so on. Bianca’s relationship with Jill is outlined almost in full. Their precise connection, general friendship… how their families know each other… she slots into an already fleshed out background for Jill with no real ambiguity.

But somehow a scene about Jill creates drama for other characters arcs. Bianca is implied to have connections largely independent of Jill with the MC’s family. Her friends cheating is a plot point on, of all people, Quinn’s route.

Basically all the questions raised from meeting Jill’s friends are on routes she isn’t automatically involved in.

I’ll say it again… you know what you’re gonna get with Jill.
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