Wow, just wow. I know this mod update for Ep9 will be the most complete version you'll have available publicly. I just spent over two hours writing custom Python code functions for just one choice for Josy/Maya Truth or Dare event. Why? Because there was no other way to report to the player what the ramifications would be (ChoiceGuide/walkthrough) for that choice since it's all calculated AFTER the player makes that one choice. I'll give you a bit of a breakdown so you code-literate folks don't think I'm going insane:
Testing my custom code to give me an integer so I can test against it to be able to give a proper guide (this is the testing screen currently, will be proper when I'm done), note the first choice "Truth":
This is the code (truncated for ease of reading purposes in this post) as to the reason required to write the custom code for just this one choice. Notice how Pink is calculating how the relp for Josy and Maya occurrs AFTER the choice "Truth" is made:
This is but one example, only one, of why it takes time to update some of these VN's. There's no way to correctly mod this VN without it taking massive amounts of time to sort all the ~320 choice decisions out much less any other features the mod may have (and in the case of SanchoMod it's more than a few addl features).
Just thought that this might help folks understand that I'm not fucking around... I'm working my ass off to get this done, but it has to be done right. Regards.