
Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
On my new playthrough I was just trying to find new things but instead I noticed the inconsistency in what affinity you need to be so you can be with sage.At the start DPC makes it so a dik mc can only be with sage but later on you need to make chick choices to be with sage.Which I don't know is the affinity system's nonsense or just dpc trying to change sage route so we can have a solo route with sage.This makes sense because the dik route as it stands doesn't hold any future for solo paths with any Li.Maybe if Quinn and lily get a status bump to Li they can be dik Li's.
Not sure what you mean with Sage's path requiring CHICK affinity. I have gone through this play thru with DIK affinity (locked to DIK affinity) and I have Sage and Isabella (I ignored Cathy this time around) available for solo routes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
considering how you choose to reply... it reminds me of the junkies all jumpy and shit scratching their arms and saying "nahh man this is all good shit, no need to worry, you will not get addicted"!

Maya > Jill

come fight me bro
if you could fight i would, but not like this... its unfair to you and no glory for me!

It seems to me that in a couple of years or more, when the game is not even close to completion, most of the active forum participants will already have their own games.
It's already becoming less interesting to me with every month of waiting, and I'm just waiting for an interlude. But I'm already starting to raise money to upgrade my computer to create my own game.
Thank you, DPC, for that. But you've been doing the game for too long.
several have started, basically you had people with talent who did not knew how to explore it, with this game they learned how!

even if its just still renders, a good writter can get by, even if its a really shitty story a good anymator and renderer can get by!

me personally i get my kicks off of writting crazy fan fiction, like in my "scenes that should be in ep.x but probably will not!"

i do it for all of my favourite games, mainly dialogs where the caracthers feed of each other to create strong dinamics!

as for a personal pet project? I CAN NOT DRAW FOR SHIT! so no...

i could easily see myself with OFT and shazba creating a DIK+ project to enhance some game choices and add a shitload of diferent comedy scenes into this specific games, but if it would ever come to fruition 95% of the scenes would end up like a conscience eating up the caracthers from inside so dream sequences of a comedic but non sexual nature!

still it would require someone that could draw and i do not believe shazba daughter is at the level just yet!

DPC changes a lot of dialogues liines, so skipping often does not work
but it does, it helps us read the direction that DPC wants to take the game by comparing the original with where it was tweaked! so not great for the casual user byt the crazy theorist around here... like those dudes needed any more fuel!

I think I mentioned before, but if it's possible I would set up Maya with Jamie. Jamie is a nice guy, he would treat Maya well, also he is kind of a beta male, so Maya Feminist side will not be a problem for him, and Maya dad can be happy too. And I can keep Josy all for myself , and have clear conscience :devilish: . Its win-win for everyone.:cool::ROFLMAO:
NTR... dude, you wanna start a flamewar again?

If we had to choose another man for any girl I would choose Jacob for Jill she deserves that BBC
Rusty hater, why not Tommy? i would love to see a dynamic like that rolling off... in 20 years time we would see a beaten down fat balding Tommy drinking beer and cursing his life!

On my new playthrough I was just trying to find new things but instead I noticed the inconsistency in what affinity you need to be so you can be with sage.At the start DPC makes it so a dik mc can only be with sage but later on you need to make chick choices to be with sage.Which I don't know is the affinity system's nonsense or just dpc trying to change sage route so we can have a solo route with sage.This makes sense because the dik route as it stands doesn't hold any future for solo paths with any Li.Maybe if Quinn and lily get a status bump to Li they can be dik Li's.
thats because Sage story arc starts as her being sexually frustated so she wants a fuckboi but as her cravings subside and she returns back to her girly responsible self, trying to lead the HOT`s and regain her lost status due to the Chad drama, her nature of power seeking status craving reasserts itself and she wants to be the girlfriend of the hottest most important dude in college... since that dude... the president of the preps is a no go for her... she consoles herself with the MC!

Seriously, thats what makes the most sense, thats also why if Chad was to return and apologyse she would probably take him back even tough he is no longer the alpha president he still as the status and the clout to comand a troupe of apelike idiots!

if you do not pick her... her next target is probably Caleb the future Alpha president! he is like a buff more religious minded farmboy idiot MC...

Sage might deslike her family public rp stunts but she acts just the same as they do seeking power clout and status! guess family culture is hard to break!

I’m watching Deadly Class and I dunno, I’m getting BaDIK vibes all over the place.

All the girls want the main dude. There are preps, jocks etc. (typical college stuff except with killing), the Saya chick makes me think of Riona in that special render set where she’s running around fighting, characters even complain about others “being a dick”, and to top it all off, the bad dudes name is Fuckface!

Also, the school might be corrupt…
tv show? cartoons? an avn? sauce shazba WE NEED THE SAUCE!

Difference being Deadly Class is way more interesting minus all the sex scenes cause your classmates could actually kill you. The factions aren't very typical though, yeah you have preps but you also have heirs to Cartel's, the Dixie Mob, Yakuza etc... Wouldn't surprise me if DrPinkCake happened to see it or the comics and copied elements. However it may just be a coincidence though that's why I cringe so hard when I see people going after other College/School games on here to hate on them. As it's a genre that can easily draw similarities.
read above! Sauce?

Steve > Jill

Anyone that disagrees needs to get checked :Kappa:
thats a controversial statement at the worst of times much less at this moment which is the "breast of times!", yeah its a Sage joke!

He looks like a "calm and reasonable person"
yeah... remember that at clubs when drugs are around and everyone playing macho its the silent calrm and reasonable people that will fuck you up stab you shoot you kick your teeth out and push your shit in and drop you at the nearest public trash can!

calm and reasonable are the most dangerous people in the world, you never know when they will snap and go trough 20 of your buddies to murder you!
fucking psychos!

:unsure: is it ? I mean if you don't want anything from a girl, it doesn't matter if she end up with someone else. Even Sage mentioned, she not gonna wait for MC. :unsure:
and i agree with you in there, if the MC is not ready or willing to help her carry the weight of her massive knockers then she is allowed and entitled to find someone who will... help her carry the weight of a couple of massive boobies!

and yet i saw retards here screaming ntr when Rhyona and Jamie showed up coming from the bathroom into the college entrance hall and raised their arms to compliment the MC... we all know what was going on... it was just hinted... and still retards will retard so imagine if there where sex scenes or just romantic scenes beteween a LI and another dude...

except magnar because, hey its magnar!
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Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
No, I'm mad, because I'm disappointed in you :ROFLMAO:. that comment was more "cringe", than MC dancing moves :ROFLMAO:.
View attachment 1618042
I'm seriously worried about you:confused:
Naw, you just mad because someone else fucked the girl you were SIMPING about, SIMP. The whole disappointed thing is just an excuse to get away from it :Kappa:Maybe you should change your account name to ChipLecSIMP. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
Did you just call me Retarded ?! :mad: Dude, not cool.:mad:

Joke, aside. I don't know. Surely he not gonna show them Fucking , and being intimate, not just because , nobody wants to see that, but it would be waste of time, waste of Precious Development time.

But, Josy and Maya is technically an example of this. There is that girl Micha, who look like is gonna be Rusty's girl. although we can only chat with Micha. so may be not. But Rio, Camy. , Lily, Envy, they'll probably have things with others.

And who know what he has planned for Bella?! Burke really wanna bang her , and She kept her ring , so who know what is her story gonna be, and Sage as I said, say , she said she not gonna wait for MC.

And even in Action Lesson, your best friend ended up with one of the girl, if I know right?!. So I'm not really sure if he so afraid of this. or may be in these Branching style, you won't even see the other girls, unless it's necessary, like in episode 4, when I don't see Bella at all during the episode?! :unsure:
Maybe, show what happened with them in the epilogue or you encounter them around college from time to time. The last thing we need at the moment is DPC wasting his time rendering a Derek/Camila scene for example that probably no one wants to see.

I don't think the girl we chatted on Swyper was Micha at all. It was her catfishing friend the entire time, besides our homie Leon already warned us about being catfished on Swyper. Though I do think that if you don't go with Jill's route, she will end up with Rusty.

For Bella I think that James will return. It's inevitable and it's such a DPC thing to write that there's no way he's going to miss it. I think Burke has no chance in hell with Bella, she doesn't like him at all and if he bangs her then Jade really would castrate him. Though I really hope DPC doesn't write another retarded blackmail storyline in which Burke blackmails Bella about something related to MC (sounds familiar?)

Best option from now on would be really sticking to the routes. Like for example I really don't want Quinn texting MC about smoking weed somewhere when I haven't been nice to her, didn't go along with her restaurant and never had to do anything with her.


Active Member
May 8, 2017
Just wanted to let you know that you are sorely missed. And that I will write to my homie P Francis to have you canonized as soon as possible.

Never forget: King SomboSteel died for our sins. :Kappa:
thanks, dude :) i wish i was still able to share stuff here so there was more to talk about during these miserable in-between times.

though i guess we just have the filler-y Interlude thing coming up, so even the leaks wouldnt be as interesting as the main story stuff of the past. such is life


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
:unsure:. Both time ?
I know that the first Time it was the fat girl. But there was a second time :unsure:, I just never get it, because I automatically reject the fat girl :ROFLMAO:, it was obvious, but the Fat bitch try to do this a second time too ?
I can't find the screenshot at the moment, but after you out her the first time, you run into the same profile once again, but this time it's only Micha's picture. And if you chat her up, MC is like "Ada? (or whatever her name was)" and she blocks him.
  • Haha
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