Well, I've played through a substantial portion of Episode 9, and I'm sorry to say I didn't like it much.
If I'm being subjective, it was more or less everything I feared: one excuse after another to stall the relationships with the chosen LI, with a *massively* overblown party to distract us from everything else. If I'm trying to be objective things are better: there's still a lot of sharp dialog, goofy fun and (of course) sex to enjoy. But even then, I think the structure of this episode is very badly conceived. The Halloween party goes on way too long, the vaunted branching actually feels less distinct that the old paths did, and there's a real disconnect between DPC's obsession with consequences and the frankly moronic shit he makes the characters do to keep things on his preferred rails.
IMHO as Christmas gifts go, Episode 9 was the relative who spends an obscene amount of money on trendy, high-priced junk to make up for the fact they didn't pay enough attention during the year to know what you actually want. On the one hand, it's comforting to know that they really do care, but on the other hand it's hard not to be a little disturbed at how much they wasted on stuff you're never going to use.
Episode 9 didn't give me the stronger romantic connections I was looking for in the wake of the crossroads, and it certainly didn't do much to advance the plot. It did deliver a lot of sex scenes, but you sure have to slog through a lot to get them. The high water mark is probably some nice work with the side girls on the Others branch (particularly for Quinn, Riona and Zoey), but that just deepens my suspicions that Season 3 will be all about stalling the LI branches while the new girls play catch up. I'm not waiting 2-3 years for that.
We'll dive into the nitty gritty of the Episode then call it a wrap, which will obviously involve spoilers. But first, a quick note to a certain member of the audience:
So that's my take on Episode 9. IMHO it was not the episode we needed at this point. But it's pretty clear it wasn't a mistake, so we might as well accept it or move on.
tl;dr An overgrown free-roam that slows down the LIs, speeds up the side-girls, delivers plenty of spectacle and ends on yet another cliffhanger, all without actually advancing the story.
I can only agree on basically everything this man wrote, i expected way more from this episode. I really loved this sentence "He overused the free roam mechanic to the point of cruelty." because its so damn true. Literally 0 motivation to play the whole oversized free roam event for each girl maybe for one scene at the end.
i just think the underlined part is kinda funny because we waited a year IRL for just this episode, of course people want things to actually progress at a semi-reasonable rate haha. if i can keep my interest in this game, i dont look forward to having grandkids by the time its a finished story lol
he made (arguably) better content at a faster rate in the past, with less free time and less money to devote to it. that means something, if you ask me...
I will agree with what you say. We already had the interlude, that didn't contribute much to the story towards MC. Didn't move forward, didn't progress. Episode 9 was the same. had no progression. Even the "after party", that usually he adds some rooster posts and stuff, we didn't have that either, the episode just ended abruptly. The party was fun to play as was the minigame. And I like both features on being a dik. But as a VN player, the thing I like the most is the story progression and I agree with you. I got 1 year older and mc life in this update after a year only moved forward 1 day lol.
Even all the hype and cliffhanger he created with that Dinner at the burke's ended up being nothing.
Reason why there is no way I will be a subscriber paying monthly to someone in things like this. I can buy the full content of his game on steam, but paying monthly to end up getting disappointed after a year as subscriber that sucks.
OPINION, nothing more. The interlude was Meh.... i get that it introduced characters that'll play into future updates, but we could have just introduced them in episode 9 and played the "interlude" and what not as a separate prequel or something...It just delayed what people wanted.... More bella, more Josy or sage or whoever your girl is. Now we get episode 9. everyone on the website (myself included) got excited seeing there was an update....... with essentially one sex scene (and possibilities of blowjobs and such from secondary characters.) something like 5,000 pics or whatever PC said..... and like 12 of those is a sex scene. I get you're telling a story. previous stories have been awesome.... but DIK has gone off the rails a little bit and we need to get it back on track. Just explore the stories and give your fans what they want..... K.I.S.S. it.... "Keep It Simple Stupid".... you'll thank me later.
This update made me even more confused about sage .Like so shes cool with u fucking all the hots ? So i shouldnt be worried about buying the restaurant anymore ? And can i have made out with riona no problem or is she a threesomes only type ? Also that means we get closer to a hots orgy on a sage route ?
You could probably swap the keg+cup for speaker+music, which will result in no change in Jacob's needs, but you will fullfill another of Derek's wishes (2 speakers) and save some money. Note, fulfilling only 2 objectives causes a DIK to lose some happiness, so it might be better to aim for 3+ for everyone, instead of 4 for some at the cost of 2 for others.
Damn, looks like I'm in the minority who liked Episode 9.
I can't call it the best, it doesn't come close to the mind-blowing Ep.7 and 8, but it's just good. Just a different feeling, a different experience.
It looks like the DPC is experimenting with different mechanics and decided to make a giant party with 70% free roam. This episode was meant to be relaxing fun in Being a DIK canon, but DPC didn't take that there is a group that doesn't like free roams, mini-games and wants the story to continue as soon as possible.
It would be nice to do a poll on Episode 9 and see the average opinion.
It's not the content itself annoyed me .... when people waited for so long 4 an update they have certain expecations like plot advancing , characters development , etc ; and this ep falls short on both of them XD
It's not the content itself annoyed me .... when people waited for so long 4 an update they have certain expecations like plot advancing , characters development , etc ; and this ep falls short on both of them XD
1) Technical quality and attention to detail. It's easy to get spoiled, but there's so much work evident in these renders and animations that it's mind boggling that one person can produce all this content.
2) So many characters on screen! This update was dominated by large party scenes with 10 or more characters in foreground and background. This makes it extremely challenging from a computational standpoint. Updates featuring scenes with fewer characters would likely feel 'longer', because it would be so much easier to render simple scenes.
So, there was a noticeable tradeoff in development time to meet these goals and to make it 'feel' like a party. I think DPC succeeded in his goal. Whether that was worthwhile appears to be contentious among the players.
that makes sense, and i hope people dont think my criticism is leveled at the technical quality and attention to detail. i agree that on many levels, DPC is leagues ahead of most of the rest of the market for these types of games/stories.
but a lot of it (to me) comes down to the fact that this dude has enough money to literally start his own legit company and have a small workforce of people underneath him doing his bidding to his exact specifications in a timely manner. he chooses to be a one man crew and i will 1000% criticize his choice to do so when it leads to insane wait periods to what amounts to filler content regarding the backbone of this game (the narrative)
im not saying he is milking shit, he hit the jackpot and what real reason does he have to rock the boat? but adding in these truly pointless animations was a bad call. they were uneccessary bloat and should have been time spent on moving forward the story and certain key character arcs. Maya's tuition "problem" should have been handled this episode and should NOT have to be brought up yet again in the future. that is at least 1 major thing that this episode should have crossed off the list; there are many other things just lingering on each new update that need to be addressed if he is gonna keep adding more drama for the future.
DPC seems to be like a Lucas or Kojima type who does a lot better when somebody is around to keep him in check and focused on the end goal, instead of getting lost on a new detour every other time he sits down to work.
The episodes are just huge, plus a visual upgrade, which is why the waiting time has grown so much. It seems that this is a disease of all non-linear VNs - they grow in size due to the increase in the probabilities of events. Think of it as a multiverse, where every potential choice creates a new reality.
Yes, it's a problem, I agree. She has a solution, for example, more powerful hardware, I have already talked about this many times.
But no matter what happens, I remain interested in the project, despite the many dramatic things in real life that detract from it. Should a person be distracted by something positive?
I read various arguments of the dissatisfied. Someone complains that there are no sex scenes with Vixens (girls from the hostel).
Someone does not like mini-games and free-roams, someone does not like that there is not enough continuation of the story. And someone is furious about the quest room (actually it's easy).
For example, I do not like that there are few scenes from LI on Episode. Only 2-3, I would like more. But I understand that it is impossible, it would make the episode even more huge.
A very diverse and demanding audience. It's impossible to please everyone.
fair points all around. but if he cant keep his own ideas focused on the end game, each episode will be bigger and more bloated than the one before it. and the bigger and more complex each episode is, the higher chance that a larger number of people will experience something to find fault in/criticize/be upset about.
the story and characters are core to this game's popularity and success. i dont think that is debatable, tbh. and if he keeps stalling the story and limiting character arcs/interaction, then over time more and more people will be dissatisfied. nobody boots this game up ONLY for the free roams and mini-games and random animations outside of the lewd stuff. those are merely extra things and should not be such a major focus for him, IMO