This update made me even more confused about sage .Like so shes cool with u fucking all the hots ? So i shouldnt be worried about buying the restaurant anymore ? And can i have made out with riona no problem or is she a threesomes only type ? Also that means we get closer to a hots orgy on a sage route ?
Soooo, this are my thoughts (For anyone interested)
- The Update was overwhelmingly short. I would have expected to be bigger, considering the amount of time DPC took to create it. This has been, in my opinion, the weakest of all episodes in regards to length.
- The sandboxing was EXHAUSTING. It wasn't as bad at previous parties, but in this episode, this mechanic was abused.
- Vinnie is exactly how I suspected him to be. I was hoping we saw him more during the episode.
- The reunion with the Burkes? It seemed to be a HUGE deal last episode, I was expecting more content.
-In Bella's path, in kinda broke me how quick she was willing to leave Tremolo if that's what Jill wanted. Her content was good though. And once again, DPC makes us suffer on her path, we still don't have that much info about her husband.
- I felt very bad for Rusty. I wish there was a change we could hook him up with Jill (if we're not on her path) or someone else.
- Quinn solo path: Was incredibly sweet and broccoli. You can tell she appreciates it if you're not seeing someone else, she clearly cares about Tremolo.
- The implication that Rio might be a potential serious LI (She seems to reconsider after a talk with MC, and she says she's not 'rooting for his relationship to succeed'), and Heather might be available in the future gave me life.
- Derek remains the freaking best, without a doubt. What a gorgeous man.
Was thinking the same thing on the rusty part thought the same about getting jacob with the mcs ex. Seems like they really click but thats too close to ntr for alot of fans
This another anti-cheat check? Looks like it happens right after the Pink Rose girls arrive and if you're not on the Jill or Bella path. The condition is not renpy.variant("pc") and it immediately takes you to the end summary of EP9. Cheeky DPC
Well, I've played through a substantial portion of Episode 9, and I'm sorry to say I didn't like it much.
If I'm being subjective, it was more or less everything I feared: one excuse after another to stall the relationships with the chosen LI, with a *massively* overblown party to distract us from everything else. If I'm trying to be objective things are better: there's still a lot of sharp dialog, goofy fun and (of course) sex to enjoy. But even then, I think the structure of this episode is very badly conceived. The Halloween party goes on way too long, the vaunted branching actually feels less distinct that the old paths did, and there's a real disconnect between DPC's obsession with consequences and the frankly moronic shit he makes the characters do to keep things on his preferred rails.
IMHO as Christmas gifts go, Episode 9 was the relative who spends an obscene amount of money on trendy, high-priced junk to make up for the fact they didn't pay enough attention during the year to know what you actually want. On the one hand, it's comforting to know that they really do care, but on the other hand it's hard not to be a little disturbed at how much they wasted on stuff you're never going to use.
Episode 9 didn't give me the stronger romantic connections I was looking for in the wake of the crossroads, and it certainly didn't do much to advance the plot. It did deliver a lot of sex scenes, but you sure have to slog through a lot to get them. The high water mark is probably some nice work with the side girls on the Others branch (particularly for Quinn, Riona and Zoey), but that just deepens my suspicions that Season 3 will be all about stalling the LI branches while the new girls play catch up. I'm not waiting 2-3 years for that.
We'll dive into the nitty gritty of the Episode then call it a wrap, which will obviously involve spoilers. But first, a quick note to a certain member of the audience:
So that's my take on Episode 9. IMHO it was not the episode we needed at this point. But it's pretty clear it wasn't a mistake, so we might as well accept it or move on.
tl;dr An overgrown free-roam that slows down the LIs, speeds up the side-girls, delivers plenty of spectacle and ends on yet another cliffhanger, all without actually advancing the story.
This update made me even more confused about sage .Like so shes cool with u fucking all the hots ? So i shouldnt be worried about buying the restaurant anymore ? And can i have made out with riona no problem or is she a threesomes only type ? Also that means we get closer to a hots orgy on a sage route ?
I don't think Sage meant you(the MC) can fool around whenever and whatever he want, more like she will only allow you to have threesome when herself present XD , otherwise it would become little bit werid when MC stoped fooling around with other side girls(like Riona in ths ep) but in the meantime Sage doesn't care (that wouldn't make sense ,XD)
So.. Wait a minute... This episode has a title "Vixens"? And we've got three hot chicks as "faces of the episode" which tempted us from the first released render(?) and in teaser/trailer and then DPC decided to give us so much of those Vixens as :