I think it has to do with the player's personality and maybe his age as well. No matter who your favorite is, play blindly the first time and then you'll see and try the rest.
For example the first time I play I don't use guides and try to roleplay what "my 19 year old self" would do.
In my case, Bella: she is beautiful and would be the best option now but I know very well that my 19 year old self would never have dared to have a relationship with someone mature like her unless she takes the initiative.
In fact in my high school prom (I was 17) me and a couple of my friends couldn't bring ourselves to ask girls who were between 22-25 years old to dance and we danced with girls our age, that's how stupid we were, a bunch of pussys
Josy: very sweet and a wise choice.
Jill: Very well raised and doesn't seem to have any vices, my choice is her or Josy.
Maya: if she's going to cheat on me with other women that's fine, the caveman alpha male only sees enemies in other men. The problem is that Josy and Jill are prettier.
Quinn: a drug dealer, smoker and she uses the other girls as her toys, those kind of people are a big no-no in my family and it doesn't matter her upbringing as she is destroying other lives without realizing it.
Zoey: uglier than Josy and Jill but the best smile in the whole game, poor as the main character, likes rock/metal, rapes us so the MC learn the art of sex. The problem is that she abandons us and stops answering the messages for almost a year and it was even said that she had cheated on us (fake news), when she comes back it's too late if the MC is already in a relationship. Although I'm going to play a "virgin" route now that we know she's coming back in episode 9 (when I started the game two years ago I didn't know that).
Sage: okay but in my persona sex is not enough, someone who is unwilling to commit ends up being a no.
The rest: they don't seem to have so much depth in their development outside of sex, I'm sure some will do but I would have to try the route to prove it.