It'd have probably flowed better if there was more before and after the party. If you're doing one thing and in one place in a game it can to feel very limited.
If it'd been more like
- Sage's house with Maya
- Hangout doing something stupid or crazy with Derek
- Halloween Party
- Morning scene and walk of shame with consequences in episode
- Some convos with the DIKs about the party
- Derek comes to the MC about the camera end of episode.
Like that but you know better. That wouldn't have taken an excessive amount of work either.
This felt like a setup episode. Show the start of relationships, show J&M become an exclusive throuple, show the MC taking leadership with parties, introduce players to the party minigame, show Vinny, Quinn x Tommy patching things up etc. Thing about segments like that is they don't progress, they're setting things up to progress that's fine in a full game. It'll probably be fine when there's a couple of episodes either side of it but waiting months to feel like things don't move not so much.
Totally agree, the flashback method of telling the story in this episode definitely felt a little lost. The typical chronological telling of this story definitely helps with the sense of progression, hence why people didn't feel it this time around.
For me, the sudden, abrupt, unexpected, too soon ending is what caught me off guard and made me enjoy this episode less than the previous. But it's grown on me now.
But regarding the progression that a lot of people think is missing, there was actually a fair bit:
- Vinny finally showed up and had his first altercation with the mc. This has been looming for ages.
- Maya's loan situation has progressed another inch, but hopefully a Royce lawyer will be the final nail on the coffin of that arc.
- The mc has officially chosen his girl and ended it with the others, and everyone knows (unless it's Quinn, but who are we kidding, they all fucking know).
- Quinn and the mc are effectively married now.
- Heather has opened the floodgates. It's been a long time coming (had to resist the pun there).
- Sally was nice to the mc, as nice as Sally can get. It's the first time she hasn't just tried to stab him in the face. It'd be cool if their banter took another turn now, like still insulting but a hint of actual flirting.
- We have this new plot arc of the bug(s) in the DIKs mansion.
- Nicole has indicated she wants more than just sex from the mc.
- We've dealt with all the ex-LIs handling of being dumping (except Josy).
- Bianca is almost openly flirting with the mc now, and he's definitely made his intentions known.
- We've had a grand threesome with the throuple, something people have been complaining about the lack of for a while.
- Anal with Sage, the first anal scene of the LIs.
- Jill is bordering on giving the mc blowjobs now.
- We've had the very much anticipated Halloween party, and it was epic, but lost its appeal when we realised it was the entire episode.
- We got to discover Carolyn's true name.

- We found out it was Arieth who was pregnant.
If anything, the only staples that were missing from this episode were
DnG and the
Diary. So I can understand why that's got people worked up.
But if all the flashback scenes were told first, in the typical order, and then we went on to the party, maybe it would have felt a little more satisfying.
And as usual, we have
more questions coming out of the episode than going in.
My mother would have beaten me in the middle of the street if I had gone to school dressed like that. " I have a whore for a daughter," while proceeding to beat me with the wooden spoon.
My parents wouldn't have been too impressed either, but for different reasons.
Female chemistry teacher in my school:
That's pretty cool, but it might have been a bit hard to understand your lessons.