Blue Milk

Apr 27, 2021
In all seriousness, I'm quite a vocal Maya shitposter.
But I say this in all seriousness: I respect you.
I respect everyone that stays true to himself and what he likes.
I appreciate that, I really do.

The HUGE problem with Maya and Josy is without MC they are doomed.
And when MC is the ONLY THING that holds them together, and the girls are not right for each other...not a pretty sight.
The support structure she has is only through the girls MC hangs around with.
She is forced in every route now almost.
Her brother is pretty much useless in helping her.
Specially since even on others route, Josy is chasing MC still. Prepping a dagger to Maya's back.
It's ok to have some drama, but DPC forced way too much drama in that route.
And some of us are hella tired of it.
If I wanted that kind of drama, I'd watch The OC, Gossip Girls and similar shit.
See I actually don't mind all of this because, as I've said, the nice moments outweigh all this tenfold, from my perspective.

I also think the other paths are way too easy and require almost no effort to achieve them, save for a couple of choices.

With M&J, their struggles, I feel, bring a lot of depth to this relationship because irl, all relationships have issues, and how you deal with that and whether you focus on them and allow them to occupy your every thought will determine how it goes. I'd even go so far as to say that DPC puts more effort into their path than any others, possibly because he cares a lot about it himself and wants to make something that's quite deep and compelling.

I choose to focus on the good moments, the happy moments, the sweet and warm moments, and I just focus on them and their characters rather than what's going on around, which honestly doesn't occupy all the time with them. I'm not saying that if I stopped doing it and focused on all the perceived negatives I'd change my mind because I wouldn't, I love these girls too damn much at this point, just that this is how I kind of naturally approach. And in talking about this game in other places, I've actually been able to convert a few people to at least liking Maya & Josy, if not fully stanning them, by extolling the virtues of this approach to just shut off all the external stuff and just focus on them, to read what they say, to absorb the meaning in their words, to look at the expressions, etc.

I don't think it will work so well here and I'm not trying to get people to do it, but I do think people focus too much on perceived negative aspects and therefore close themselves off too much.


Aug 4, 2020
All right, I've finally played all routes of this game, and can finally give my current review...

First off, let's not kid ourselves: this is the greatest porn game ever made. Easily. That's not up for debate. Content-wise, porn-wise, story-wise, girl-wise, all of it. Summer's Gone is amazing, and if it ever gets completed, it might even compete with BaDIK, but that won't happen for a long, long, long time, if ever. Eternum rocks, and some others, but they simply can't compete with this. BaDIK is fucking huge, man. You love the characters, their stories, how they intertwine, how it'll all go down...everything.

And that's a huge fucking achievement. To a porn game get this big, and this well-known? Man, I can't even explain how insane that is. I love this game more than I love a whole lot of ps5 games I have.

With that out of the way, do I believe this game might be getting a bit too big for itself?


As Daddy Noel Deyzel says, let me explain:

I have read no reviews for chapter 9, so if I'm just repeating what others have said, I'm truly sorry!

But my dudes, if I never see the DIK mansion again, it'll be too soon. I remember my first playthrough of chapter 9, as soon as it came out, and holy fuck, man... I was getting actively anxious due to never getting out of there. I felt trapped, man. There are over 5000 renders in this chapter, but the chapter in itself is at the same time very repetitive due to some mind-numbing activities (haunted house, grab this, talk to that), and also not quite as long as it would appear? Don't get me wrong, this was stretched to it's absolute max. There was way too much party and not enough character interaction. Not enough of other evironments. Everyone is kinda in their own corner and don't have many interactions, unless it's directly with MC, and even then. It's even commented by MC, how he couldn't really spend too much time with anyone.

Also, let's be honest, there are routes that are way better than others. I did not think it possible, but whatever the hell was up with the Jill-route in chapter 9 made me have the opposite of what a boner is.

Seriously man, a banana? And I actually quite liked Jill until then, but my god... I cringed the entire chapter. Not good at all.

Sage's route felt I had no strong feelings about it, dunno if that was intentional.

Bella's route was great, and she was sexy as all fuck. What can I say, I love me some (quite possibly) evil milf, man. Next chapter will sure have some major shit going down. And I love hot women with masks,so...

Josy & Maya's was probably the sweetest route. Really, really cute and nice. My favorite of the main ones.

However, the true best was the "others." It's the one that's most true to the idea of the game. It has the most of characters interacting, the most intriguing moments, especially with Quinn, due to her not being just "so in love with you" and actually having a character-arc and motivations, and an agenda, something this game sorely lacks so far, besides whatever's happening with Bella possible psychosis.

As a side-note, Zoe was, in retropesct, kind of a wet-blanket, no? She had some good scenes, but nothing major this chapter...yet. Really proves the interlude had no major impact in the story. But maybe that will change!

It's funny, when I began playing this, I fucked up so many relationships, man...It left me pretty much with only Sage, and the others, and even Sage's probably gonna sail soon enough, due to all the hanky-panky I did with her mommy. But! When I replayed this game...I did it all over again. Because that was the truest route of them all. We don't get everything. We fuck up. We screw things. Intentionally or not. We don't always get a happy ending. I chose Quinn as my main playthrough, and I will chase her as far as these legs can carry me, until the day they can't no more.

Anyways, it's a 10/10 game. But it may be the first-ever case where it's too much of a 10/10, if that makes sense?

Now, while we wait until the next chapter, I believe it to be most important to say your own MC. Go to the gym. Train. Learn new skills. Improve on the ones you have. Go out, go party, try new things. And don't give up. Ever.



Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Maya has been Selfish many times. She often victimizes herself. There are a lot of maya personality that I observe and I don't like than just the problems she deals with. And things that I also don't discuss anymore because it is pointless.

Some people will like girls like her and others won't. We are both in opposite sides of this matter.

And I know wounded puppies, I've had people in my life just like her, that you would spend a lot of energy trying to help, sometimes giving them a direction that you would be there to support, but they wouldn't take it and that would drain the life out of you. SO what you may call not having empathy, I call not wasting time with lost causes. But ofc, DPC can decide to rewrite her in a totally different way from now on and who knows if when that happens I won't make a new route and become her white knight.
Exactly because of what you write, Blue Milk is right.

Give examples of the many times Maya was selfish that are not refutable. Go ahead.

Maya is not making herself a victim, Maya is a victim. Of Patrick and Quinn. Patrick punishes his own daughter for loving a girl and Quinn takes advantage of Maya financial situation. For her fun and that Maya should earn money for her in the restaurant as a prostitute.

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
Maya as a personality I think is quite appealing. I don't get all the hatred for her, but I'm going to posit a couple of theories as to why so many on this forum seem to dislike her.

One issue is that she is saddled with this not-quite-intelligible problem wherein she needs money to pay for tuition (though she's already in school) and to be independent. Dropping out and getting a job or something is out of the question because she wants to stay at B&R with Derek, Josy, and the MC. On the surface I get it but the details elude me or seem not as insurmountable as she feels they are. I mean, if all she has to do is deceive her father, then it seems easy enough for her to do that. But her situation's true purpose is to serve as a plot device, which is to tie one of the LIs (Maya) into Quinn's prostitution ring. Maya has to worry about it because DPC wants to have this as a foreboding issue in the game. It's not a crazy idea, as a plot device (especially for a porn game), and Maya is the unfortunate character whose fortunes can be connected to it, as contrived as it is.

When we see Maya not focused on her issue, she seems extremely likable. She loves horror movies, has a good sense of humor, enjoys a good party, dancing, and is discovering her wild side. What's not to like?

This brings me to the other theory about why I think some just don't like her, which is that she's a self-labeled feminist and wavering lesbian and the anonymity afforded us here allows some players to revel openly in their misogyny. Even if she was a happy-go-lucky girl without a care in the world, those players would hate her because...well, because they hate her.

I acknowledge that some point to her lying to the MC about her relationship with Josy as evidence that she is a horrible person, but it's clear in the game that she wanted to come clean about it, just as Josy did. She simply was scared to reveal the truth, for reasons we may not like but for reasons that in the game are quite valid for her. At worst, I would say she might not be someone you'd want to date, but hating her is unjustified.

She's not a real person, so it feels weird to say I feel sorry for her to be getting so much hate. She's not even an actress who has to deal with nutcases who can't distinguish fiction from reality when they see her at the grocery store or something, but it's hard for me not to feel a tad pissed off when people go on and on about how horrible she is. If she were a real person, the worst you could say about her is that she's young and naive.
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2020
Anyone else's favorite girl Nicole? The thing I notice in so many relationships is they start off fun and passionate, but slow down, especially after kids, and get way more mundane. Yeah all these girls are fun and adventurous now, but you never what the future holds or how these girls will change as they grow up. Nicole on the other hand is already a full on adult with a kid, but she's still wild and loves to party and manages to balance that with work and childcare. Theres no wondering about who she truly is or who she'll become or how big life milestones might change her. And to me that's wildly attractive. She's the best of both worlds. Kinky freak in the bed like Lily, but she's also more emotionally mature and looking for something deeper in addition to that. I really hope the relationship with her gets more developed in future updates.

Blue Milk

Apr 27, 2021
Secondly her father obviously loves and cares for her, although not in the best way. However, I think that if she really pressed, her father would rather tolerate her relationship with Josy than "ruin" her life. After all she also has something to threaten him with, she could have said that if he cut off her money with this contract she would go to work for Lily.
Her father is deeply religious. These people do not bend so easily from their beliefs, especially when they are so deeply rooted, so there will be surely be no reasoning with him. His "love" is deeply misplaced as it is clearly based in religious dogma and bigotry. He is trying to control her through his beliefs, and that is not love, that is simply control, and these 2 things are not the same.

Maya has no leverage over Patrick here. If she defaults on the loan, she is lumbered with the debt and thensome and Patrick will not care about putting that burden on her. So she really is caught between a rock and a hard place here, and I'm sure we'll see more of Patrick's ugly side (which is his only side) when the MC meets him again.

Josy & Maya's was probably the sweetest route. Really, really cute and nice. My favorite of the main ones.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 23, 2018
Maya as a personality I think is quite appealing. I don't get all the hatred for her, but I'm going to posit a couple of theories as to why so many on this forum seem to dislike her.

One issue is that she is saddled with this not-quite-intelligible problem wherein she needs money to pay for tuition (though she's already in school) and to be independent. Dropping out and getting a job or something is out of the question because she wants to stay at B&R with Derek, Josy, and the MC. On the surface I get it but the details elude me or seem not as insurmountable as she feels they are. I mean, if all she has to do is deceive her father, then it seems easy enough for her to do that. But her situation's true purpose is to serve as a plot device, which is to tie one of the LIs (Maya) into Quinn's prostitution ring. Maya has to worry about it because DPC wants to have this as a foreboding issue in the game. It's not a crazy idea, as a plot device (especially for a porn game), and Maya is the unfortunate character whose fortunes can be connected to it, as contrived as it is.

When we see Maya not focused on her issue, she seems extremely likable. She loves horror movies, has a good sense of humor, enjoys a good party, dancing, and is discovering her wild side. What's not to like?

This brings me to the other theory about why I think some just don't like her, which is that she's a self-labeled feminist and wavering lesbian and the anonymity afforded us here allows some players to revel openly in their misogyny. Even if she was a happy-go-lucky girl without a care in the world, those players would hate her because...well, because they hate her.

I acknowledge that some point to her lying to the MC about her relationship with Josy to evidence that she is a horrible person, but it's clear in the game that she wanted to come clean about it, just as Josy did. She simply was scared to reveal the truth, for reasons we may not like but for reasons that in the game are quite valid for her. At worst, I would say she might not be someone you'd want to date, but hating her is unjustified.

She's not a real person, so it feels weird to say I feel sorry for her to be getting so much hate. She's not even an actress who has to deal with nutcases who can't distinguish fiction from reality when they see her at the grocery store or something, but it's hard not for me to feel a tad pissed off when people go on and on about how horrible she is. If she were a real person, the worst you could say about her is that she's young and naive.
Bloody hell, Maya is so awesome that she made OWH come from his grave right to this thread.

Blue Milk

Apr 27, 2021
Maya as a personality I think is quite appealing. I don't get all the hatred for her, but I'm going to posit a couple of theories as to why so many on this forum seem to dislike her.

One issue is that she is saddled with this not-quite-intelligible problem wherein she needs money to pay for tuition (though she's already in school) and to be independent. Dropping out and getting a job or something is out of the question because she wants to stay at B&R with Derek, Josy, and the MC. On the surface I get it but the details elude me or seem not as insurmountable as she feels they are. I mean, if all she has to do is deceive her father, then it seems easy enough for her to do that. But her situation's true purpose is to serve as a plot device, which is to tie one of the LIs (Maya) into Quinn's prostitution ring. Maya has to worry about it because DPC wants to have this as a foreboding issue in the game. It's not a crazy idea, as a plot device (especially for a porn game), and Maya is the unfortunate character whose fortunes can be connected to it, as contrived as it is.

When we see Maya not focused on her issue, she seems extremely likable. She loves horror movies, has a good sense of humor, enjoys a good party, dancing, and is discovering her wild side. What's not to like?

This brings me to the other theory about why I think some just don't like her, which is that she's a self-labeled feminist and wavering lesbian and the anonymity afforded us here allows some players to revel openly in their misogyny. Even if she was a happy-go-lucky girl without a care in the world, those players would hate her because...well, because they hate her.

I acknowledge that some point to her lying to the MC about her relationship with Josy to evidence that she is a horrible person, but it's clear in the game that she wanted to come clean about it, just as Josy did. She simply was scared to reveal the truth, for reasons we may not like but for reasons that in the game are quite valid for her. At worst, I would say she might not be someone you'd want to date, but hating her is unjustified.

She's not a real person, so it feels weird to say I feel sorry for her to be getting so much hate. She's not even an actress who has to deal with nutcases who can't distinguish fiction from reality when they see her at the grocery store or something, but it's hard not for me to feel a tad pissed off when people go on and on about how horrible she is. If she were a real person, the worst you could say about her is that she's young and naive.
Very well put. I agree with pretty much everything here about why she gets so much dislike and I share your feelings about how sad it is that she receives so much.

Yes, this is just a game and these people aren't real, and they are somewhat bound by how the writer has chosen to portray them, but it is rather sad to see people hold on such vitriol for a character who is already in such a dire state. It's very much like kicking someone when they're down and to see some people revel in it is quite disheartening.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 23, 2018
Yes, this is just a game and these people aren't real, and they are somewhat bound by how the writer has chosen to portray them, but it is rather sad to see people hold on such vitriol for a character who is already in such a dire state. It's very much like kicking someone when they're down and to see some people revel in it is quite disheartening.
The avarege f95 user is pretty intolerant if a girl in a girl in a porn game do something he doesn't like


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2020
one last question.... i most rename persistent in that name i mean this one from renpy folder where are others saves?
I am not sure if I understand. What I think you mean is that you already have a transferdata file inside of the 'persistent' folder, right? That will certainly be the case if you have imported complete saves from seasons 1 and 2 to season 3 previously. Correct me if I am misunderstanding you.

In that case, if you get the transfer data from the post I linked and overwrite your own transfer data, you are going to lose your own imported games, obviously. If you want to keep them safe, which I can imagine you want to, make a backup of your own transfer data before having it overwritten by the one you have downloaded.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Legally, it was rape. The MC was tied up and Quinn put his cock in her pussy without the explicit permission of the MC. This constitutes the crime of rape. It doesn't matter how long that lasted.
No, it wasn't. It doesn't happen if the MC doesn't consent. All you have to do is pretend to cum, and it doesn't happen.

The Glorious LIME

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2019
We do have compassion and are willing to help the girls, like Riona, Nicole, Lily, Quinn etc.
(and yeah, i hope Maya commits suicide, i can't stand her)
Always a delight

See I actually don't mind all of this because, as I've said, the nice moments outweigh all this tenfold, from my perspective.

I also think the other paths are way too easy and require almost no effort to achieve them, save for a couple of choices.

With M&J, their struggles, I feel, bring a lot of depth to this relationship because irl, all relationships have issues, and how you deal with that and whether you focus on them and allow them to occupy your every thought will determine how it goes. I'd even go so far as to say that DPC puts more effort into their path than any others, possibly because he cares a lot about it himself and wants to make something that's quite deep and compelling.

I choose to focus on the good moments, the happy moments, the sweet and warm moments, and I just focus on them and their characters rather than what's going on around, which honestly doesn't occupy all the time with them. I'm not saying that if I stopped doing it and focused on all the perceived negatives I'd change my mind because I wouldn't, I love these girls too damn much at this point, just that this is how I kind of naturally approach. And in talking about this game in other places, I've actually been able to convert a few people to at least liking Maya & Josy, if not fully stanning them, by extolling the virtues of this approach to just shut off all the external stuff and just focus on them, to read what they say, to absorb the meaning in their words, to look at the expressions, etc.

I don't think it will work so well here and I'm not trying to get people to do it, but I do think people focus too much on perceived negative aspects and therefore close themselves off too much.
It's ok to have a dramatic turn of events, every medium has it.
But MJ route is just one struggle after the other.
I personally don't need so much struggles in an AVN route.
Is Maya a victim? Hell yeah. Is DPC forcing the most drama possible in the MJ route for the sake of forced drama plots in the game? Hell yeah.
But at the end of the day, she's a fictional character.
So when I pick to play other paths, even Others path;
I don't like the game shoving her drama and plot in every route there is.
Maya and her drama is inevitable like Leah(from AL) so far.
So like I said, I respect you. And do enjoy what you like.

Is it nice that we are "kicking someone when he's down"?
Nah, but give me the option to ignore her in-game, and problem solved.
But nope, MJ and Maya drama is a flagship for this game's plot.

I guarantee you that most people here who dunk on Maya would help someone like her IRL.
Don't take everything on the internet too seriously.
I personally couldn't care less for AVN characters forced drama at this point.
I play BaDIK for the comedy most of all.
But If I'm gonna be honest, the community has been better than the game lately xD
Hell, Dalli here writes more interesting stories than DPC xD

But it all comes back to the following: Are there great, sweat and kind things in that route? Yeah.
Power to you for enjoying it and having the positive outweigh the negative.
And respect for anyone that enjoys what he likes and doesn't care about what the haters say.
But for me, on a personal note, MJ was doomed to fail from the start.
I can't look past the cheating at the start of the game. Stated a few times here, due to personal reasons.
I hate cheaters and that's a NO-NO from me, even in games.
And there is nothing anyone can say that can change my mind about that.

The avarege f95 user is pretty intolerant if a girl in a girl in a porn game do something he doesn't like
I don't like quite a few things Sage, Bella and Zoey do, but they are still favs.
But I do understand what you're saying.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Legally, it was rape. The MC was tied up and Quinn put his cock in her pussy without the explicit permission of the MC. This constitutes the crime of rape. It doesn't matter how long that lasted.

What Maya did is legally sexual harassment, but it was forced by a third party (Quinn), which leads to extenuating circumstances for Maya.
No, it isn't rape, the MC did at no point stop her or even tried to do so.
There is quite literally a choice to stop her (which he does) and one to let her continue, which is means the MC is fine with what happens.
Just because you don't get explicit permission doesn't mean it is rape, if the other party is trying to stop you and you continue then it is.

Maya wasn't forced, she did what she did cause she want's free tuition, she could have said no or stoped at any point.
Maya is not making herself a victim, Maya is a victim. Of Patrick and Quinn. Patrick punishes his own daughter for loving a girl and Quinn takes advantage of Maya financial situation. For her fun and that Maya should earn money for her in the restaurant as a prostitute.
Maya is a victim of Quinn :ROFLMAO:
Please, she knew that Quinn is a bitch and lies and she put herself in the situation she is in, again she could leave at any point.
Her making poor choices and believing a ridiculous rumor does not make her a victim, she chooses this.
I have more sympathy with Quinn and her background than for Maya in this situation.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2021
I am not sure if I understand. What I think you mean is that you already have a transferdata file inside of the 'persistent' folder, right? That will certainly be the case if you have imported complete saves from seasons 1 and 2 to season 3 previously. Correct me if I am misunderstanding you.

In that case, if you get the transfer data from the post I linked and overwrite your own transfer data, you are going to lose your own imported games, obviously. If you want to keep them safe, which I can imagine you want to, make a backup of your own transfer data before having it overwritten by the one you have downloaded.
i did like u told me every step and 0 result means not workin and i dont know why, dont appear my saves with Bella, Jill, Maya and Josy, Sage, Envy
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