Quinn is bad, maybe she has motives but she remains bad. But it's a story, not real news. And Quinn is more interesting than 80% of the cast.
Yupp, she is a semi-villain in the story.
I overall agree with most of what you said.
But I'll always be amazed how fired up people can get.
I mean it's noticeable that I'm a Zoey fan, but should I be all salty if someone says that she ain't a MG, not even a SG, she has less route than the strippers and so on? Hell naw, I'd laugh it off. Because it's kind of true, lol.
I usually joke that due to the Interlude, Zoey is the only canon girl, and the rest are dicking/fetish fodder, but that is all in good fun.
But there are people that disown the Interlude and consider it non-canon. Than there is the entire Quinn the rapist outrage and all.
And I'm like: Playing a game, MC got his dick wet...noice... Hopefully MC won't get an STD, we'll see