So, I've replayed Jill's branch and here's what I want to point out.
First of all, when people say that Jill's branch is the most boring, it's true, but only partially. Jill's branch really doesn't have a lot of events and emotions like Sage's branch or Josy/Maya's branch. Jill is just different. Her main feature is the atmosphere of calmness and light romance. But DPС originally intended her branch to be like that. Jill really stands out in contrast to Sage's branch and the Others.
Secondly, I remind you that Jill is the only one to whom MC has explicitly declared his love. I think this is a feature of Jill's branch specifically, focusing on classic romance.
Third, all her actions are logical and motivated. The picnic is offensive, of course, but it is completely consistent with the logic of Jill's behavior. She's the only girl to surprise him on his birthday. If you guys have ever been in a relationship, you realize how nice it is when a girl unexpectedly arranges dates or gives you gifts. You feel wanted and loved, that the girl cares about you.
Jill's whole branch is about showing MC that he's special to her. She casually invites him out for a run, prepares a surprise birthday party, invites him to visit her friends. She takes an active interest in your life, is helpful and supportive.
Fourth, Jill's branch is not my favorite. It's probably at the very bottom of the top anyway. Despite all her pluses as a person and likely romantic partner she's too boring for me. This is entirely my personal subjective perception. I like girls with character and fire, although deep down I realize that they will mostly give me problems. To then sit in a bar and tell my friends that I had an ex, she was so wild and crazy.