I have a question that I wanted to ask a year or two ago, but it just occurred to me. Back then, I used unren bat to see what renders I left out, because it's very difficult to see them in-game, as they depend on hundreds of decisions. It can be spoilers from there, so if you haven't gone through 7. or 8. episodes, don't read any further. Of the two, I don't remember which one it's in anymore, it's been a long time since I played it. What happens is that Mc invites Josy and Maya to his room, buys them food and drink and leaves them alone, until then I think MC goes on a date with Bella. When the two girls come over to MC, I saw two kinds of renders. One shows Josy in her own sweater and the other in MC's. How do you make her wear MC's sweater then? Because I've done it both when I was on the Josy&Maya route and when I wasn't, but she was always in her own sweater.